• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

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This story is a sequel to Sunset Serenade

Sunset Shimmer isn't having the best Christmas this year. True, her friends are coming to spend Christmas Eve dinner with her, bringing loads of gifts with them, but one thing is preventing her from enjoying the idea: she's yet to find a present for her girlfriend Rarity. After a failed shopping trip the day before Christmas Eve Sunset goes to bed bitter about the holiday.

And then a Christmas Spirit appeared. Now Sunset is forced to take a journey to her past, her present, and her future to see what she needs to see. And maybe she can take what she learns and make the holiday one worth remembering.

Sequel to A Generous Soul and Sunset Serenade. Neither are really needed to understand the story.

Cover art by SunsetCrady.

Chapters (1)

Warning: Rated "T" and tagged "Dark" for swearing and malevolent thoughts.

The story now has a YouTube reading, provided by mindlessgonzo and TheInvertedShadow! Check it out and give them some cookies!

Now on TVTropes!

Anyone at Crystal Prep who knew Twilight Sparkle would never assume that this shy bookworm with top grades in all subjects could hold something evil within.

Thus, when said bookworm turned into Midnight Sparkle under the influence of the magic she released, everyone present was shocked to see their classmate become a callous and ruthless she-demon.

Nobody could understand: why? Twilight wasn't evil... was she?

Failing to understand the reasons behind that horrific transformation, Rainbooms and Shadowbolts decided to ask the newest CHS student herself about that. Initially reluctant, Twilight agrees, revealing the side of her that no one had suspected to exist...

Chapters (1)

Lyra is about to donate blood for the first time.

She’s absolutely terrified.

This story contains spoilers for Devotion. The Sex tag is present because unerotic questions about sexual contact are part of the blood donation process.

Chapters (1)

The Doctor finds something to do while Derpy is asleep.

Note: Was looking through the list of Genres. Thought I should write a truly [Random] story.

Cover art by askclockwisewhooves on Tumblr.

Chapters (1)

Big Macintosh has been in a relationship with his marefriend, Rainbow Dash, for a few months now, and the two are very close with one another. Mac knows that Rainbow does like to have space every once in a while, but when after almost an entire week goes by without any word from his marefriend, he begins to get worried.

Heading over to her house, Big Macintosh finds Rainbow terribly sick, and he knows that he has to be by her side until she gets better again.

Chapters (1)

Getting rejected by Sunset seems like a pretty good reason for Twilight to hole herself up in her room for three days. But when Rarity comes asking for help to develop a website for Carousel Boutique, Twilight can't ignore a friend.

Both of them may find they have something to learn about rejection, how to deal with it, and if a friendship really can become something more intimate.

An entry in Monochromatic's "Interwoven Colors" contest.
Cover art by Novel-Idea.

Chapters (1)

As a filly living in Canterlot Castle, Twilight Sparkle either wakes up from a scary nightmare, as well as missing her family, or a thunderstorm, Princess Celestia comforts her. Just because she was her mentor didn't mean she couldn't offer a motherly touch.

Chapters (1)

In the morning, Shining Armor helps our favourite orange pegasus shave his beard hours before an inspection drill.

Note: This takes place before Shining Armor and Princess Cadance married. Shining is still stationed in Canterlot.

Shining Armor and Flash Sentry have a close enough relationship in this story to talk informally to each other.

THIS IS NOT A ROMANCE STORY, just a close friends or family thing.

Cover Art (Temporary) by some guy on DeviantArt called Jacky-Bunny.

Chapters (1)

Wallflower Blush and Sunset Shimmer play a virtual reality game (designed by Twilight Sparkle, of course). Airborne swashbuckling ensues. But journeying across a virtual world can still bring forth very real emotions.

Written for Oroboro's Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest: Journeys.
Cover art by Nauth on DeviantArt. For some reason nobody's ever drawn Wallflower Blush as a pirate...
Prereading and editorial suggestions by my lovely wife!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy hears it. She hears it all the time.

Ponies always talk about Discord--they whisper about him, even when she and her friend are around them. Ugly, they say. They find him ugly! They think he's a beast!

It makes Fluttershy's heart ache. She's afraid their words are hurting Discord--that he may think he's ugly too, because of what they say.

So when she holds an event for pets in need of adoption, and the gossip starts again, can Fluttershy stand up for him?

And what in the world does Discord mean by "You'll figure it out"?!?

Cover by TheTalentlessPony

Chapters (1)