• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

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Rainbow has known Fluttershy for a long time, almost longer than she can remember remembering things at all. Lately, though... things have been weird. Not like... super weird, but weird.

It's like... Shy is still Shy, but cooler? Not quite. It's complicated. Rainbow wasn't actually planning to do anything about it, though. Not until Applejack stuck her nose into Rainbow's business.

Still, maybe it will be okay. She just has to talk to Shy, right?

Chapters (1)

It's taken months to get to this moment. Months of planning, testing, and tearing her mane out. This is one time she can't afford to fail.

Today is the day. It's cold, her nose is runny, and she's scared out of her wits, but she's finally going to do it. She's finally going to tell the Princess how she feels.

Chapters (1)

As a princess, Cadence is used to the slog that accompanies any fundraiser. It's not fun for anypony, but it is important. When it becomes clear that Twilight doesn't have the same issues, Cadence feels like she can enjoy herself a little.

Although that doesn't mean that she can't help some ponies out in her own little way.

Light. Fluffy. Shippy. And hopefully a little funny as well. Enjoy.

Chapters (1)

When I saw that letter to Mount Aris, I knew I just had to deliver it immediately! It wasn't an emergency letter or anything, I'd just been wanting to go there ever since its restoration.

First-person narrative from Gabby's POV. Contains light shipping.

🥉Third place winner of the May Pairing Contest.🥉

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to make a flag that would be dedicated in creating the image of their club. After working on it for most of the night they sleep in the barn, exhaustion overcoming them. When Applejack finds them inside that very morning she see's a sight that she never thought she see.

Warning: Cuteness to ensue.

I don't own the art work. It belongs to Geomancing. He has really nice artwork.

Special Thanks goes to my editors Sunnypack, Sweets82 and Dudeguyone for the help. And most appreciation goes to Cerulean Voice for the Proofreading. Without these people this story wouldn't be possible. So go check them out!

Chapters (1)

Proofread by Rated Ponystar

Gallus, after helping out with Professor Applejack, has discovered a jug of fermented cider. He decides to share this beverage among his friends to ease up the boredom of their study group. The students, however, drink up a little too much of the stuff then they intended.

Chapters (1)

Applejack tries to write a love letter. She mostly fails. A TwiJack story, set somewhere in early Season 4.

Chapters (1)

Celestia, Principal of Canterlot High, is a respected member of the community. Anytime a student needed help, she would take the time out of her busy schedule to lend a hand. When a student comes in with a personal dilemma, how would she handle it?

Edited by The Force

Chapters (1)

”I think this is best for both of us,” Twilight had said, with the kind of smile that betrayed no joy in what she was saying, ”I think this is what we both want, too.”

It was what she wanted. They'd needed to break up. It wasn't working.

At least, that's what she told herself. Every day for a month, every night when her bed felt too big, too empty.

It was what she wanted.

It had been mutual.

Chapters (2)

Ocellus has been decorating her dormroom as of late, and has heard of a Flea Market where she can pick up the bookcase she needs to complete her set. She's sure she'll get a good deal, but her friend Gallus is not so convinced.

Ocellus is about to learn one of the facts of life...

When haggling, Bring a Griffon.

EDIT: And hey! Thanks to SPANIARD KIWI for translating this fic into Spanish. You can find that translation here.

EDIT 2: Okay! Thanks to Disharmony Tree for translating this fic into Chinese! You can find that translation here!

Chapters (1)