• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

One-Shots 1452 stories
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Total Words: 5,570,326
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Juniper Montage, once a gofer but now just a theater usher, bemoans how her time in the movie world is over.

However, a little dream of her past reminds her of a somewhat archaic form of filmmaking.

One that might just allow her to be part of the movie world after all, if only for short videos.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do has never turned away from a challenge. But when she finds herself trapped beneath an ancient temple with a haunted artifact, she may end up wishing she'd stayed home instead.

First place story in the Equestria Daily 2013 Nightmare Night Contest!

Chapters (2)

There are a lot of relics, artifacts, and other ancient items of power strewn throughout the world. I should know; I've found safe homes for a lot of them, and even destroyed a few. A good rule of hoof is that the older it is, the more powerful it is. Not because it's old, but because it's survived that long, either because of its own toughness or the defenses its creators put around it.

The Weapon of the Ancients predates written language. Ahuizotl wants it for himself. I can't let that happen.

(Fourth place entry in the April 2015 Writeoff Competition. Prompt: Great Expectations.)

Chapters (1)

During a boring meeting, Cadance entertained herself by watching the seemingly-innocent-but-not-really gestures passing between Luna and Pharynx. Did I mention Luna's in heat? No? Well, she is.

Note: Nothing graphic happens, but it follows the princess of love's perspective so that should be a warning on its own.

Chapters (1)

The Pegasi at the Weather Factory have scheduled a freezing squall to overcome the Wonderbolts' Base the entire weekend. Their captain, Spitfire, sets out to find where in the compound her teammate and old friend Soarin' has decided to hole up for the cold weekend.

A soft sequel (same universe but no plot connection) to my story Hearth's Warming (Spit)Fire.

Cover art by @FreeFlight08 on Twitter.

Chapters (1)

What do you do when somepony breaks into your house only to kiss you and leave?

Chapters (1)

Choices. We all make choices in life. Most of these are simple: what to wear, what to eat, when to sleep. Rainbow Dash was given a choice, and she chose….

That choice has haunted her every day. Finally, she’s decided to try and make amends, to say she’s sorry. She does this not because she expects forgiveness, but because every fiber in her body needs her to. For how can one move on without first apologizing to those they’ve wronged?

Chapters (1)

Ever since Rainbow Dash introduced Sunset to the human world’s version of the Daring Do series she has been an active member of the fan community. After spending countless hours in the Daring Do fansite’s Eris server, she’s made many friends, but there is only one that she feels a real connection with. The user who goes by the name “Gr0ss1y Incandescent”. Turns out this same User she’s been crushing happens to be her counterpart.

Punk Rock Prom Queen Presents a tale of self-love taken to its hilariously logical conclusion.

Featured on 2/1/18

My entry into Aragon's Comedy (is serious business) Contest under the prompt we learned something narcissistic.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle may never be able to live it down, even if she's immortal.
She writes shipping stories as a stress relief tool, and there are all sorts of ships that she's had sail off to the horizon over the years.
Unfortunately, Spike just had to come in and sneeze on the pile of scrolls that she had written...and they were sent to the addressed parties.
It's going to be a long, long day...
Inspired by Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder and John Ringo. Seriously.

Chapters (1)

In the distant past, Grogar created thousands upon thousands of monsters and set them loose to ravage the Equestrian countryside, sowing fear and terror in their wake. It was a magnificent time of anarchy like none seen before or since. When he was driven underground, Grogar could no longer control them, but what of it? As he bided his time, consolidated his power, the monsters were still loose, doing exactly what he made them to do.

Except, much to his chagrin, some monsters were reformed. This includes a certain draconequus.

And said draconequus is so happy to see his dad again.

Chapters (1)