• Member Since 27th Apr, 2016


Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.

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This story is a sequel to Missed Stop, Monstrous Meeting

You are a unicorn stallion who has just arrived on the Haywaiian Isles by airship to gather some research for your next book. As you step off the ramp, a few pounds lighter after the wobbly ride, you meet your tour guide and begin your exploration across the islands.

While the diamond dog by the name of Holly might be your tour guide, there are other interesting characters that await you here in Haywaii. Some of which can be pretty intimidating. Enjoy your stay.

Note: It needs to be noted that I do consider the story: Somewhere, Beyond the Sea, by Lupine Infernis to be canon with this story/universe, so if you don't wish to spoil that story for yourself, please go ahead and read it and come back here. You will understand why. :raritywink:

Of course, if you don't want to, then you don't have to. It is merely a suggestion.

My good friend, Quillian Inkheart, was a big help when it came to working on the Haywaiian setting. In addition to his advice he also preread and edited the story for me.:pinkiehappy:

The story was proofread by: ShadowblazeCR.

The cover art was created by: Pigeonsmall, who did a really awesome job with the artwork.

Here is a link to an image of the main shark mare of the story: Jagged Nibble. Drawn by Grim_Grin and colored in GIMP by yours truly.

As you can see, FiMFiction needs more shark pony stories and I am more than happy to oblige.:raritywink:

Chapters (5)

The entire Mane 6 find themselves in a harsh no ponies land filled with dinosaurs after a transition to the human world via Canterlots' magic mirror goes astray.

With the unicorns having their magic weakened for some reason and a heavier air, making it harder for the pegasus in the group to fly, the ponies will have to find a way through the treacherous Land Before Time.

On their way they meet a young adult apatosaurus by the name of Littlefoot. He is currently scared by events that caused him to abandon his friends and his herd to survive the wildlands alone. Littlefoot barely has time to ask the ponies what the symbols on their flanks are before he is engulfed in a bright light and recives a cutie mark of his own, a white star that doesn't say Twilight Sparkle, the leader of the pony group, anything.

Will Littlefoot be able to help the ponies get back to Equestria again? - Will the ponies be able to help Littlefoot discover the purpose of his cutie mark? - May the destinies of the prehistoric creature and the ponies be entwined? - Or may there be a chain of events in motion that none of the parties expected? The great circle of life may have the answer.

They also meet a lot of dangers. In a harsh world where food is scarce predators need to feed to.

Note 02-05-2019: About to add more chapter soon. In the meantime I will take time to rewrite some other chapters, add more character expressions and make the text more readeble. Also, before anyone points out the countless holes that I'm sure it will create: No. I have not seen the LBT TV show. My story is soely based on the films.

Chapters (22)

I don't love Spike! He's weak, small, sensitive and unlike any dragon I've met! I like him as a friend, of course—he lets me... feel things and express things and a whole lot of other things. Just... can he win this fight to become my fake partner?

Coverart by Whitediamonds.

Chapters (1)

Gummy is a secretly a very thoughtful creature, and he has been from the very beginning. He may not get into very many adventures of his own, but he has a very outgoing owner who is eager to share hers and those of her friends! It seems that Gummy's thoughts on these stories don't match the lessons that everyone else learns from them either.

Chapters (9)

Someone recently did an SCP file for Lyra. I was inspired to post this bit of sillyness which has been on my computer since 2012, so apologies for now non-canon elements.

Chapters (1)

Do you know why Pinkie never talks about her sisters? Because she's scared of them. I know what you're thinking, "Pinkie, scared? Why not Giggle at them to make them go away!" Because, how are you supposed to giggle away family?

Artwork so generously made by Reitanna-Seishin and I thank Her (or Him) for also generously let me use this picture. Minkie's first appearance. TAKE IT AND GO!
Oh the euphoria drives me so...

Chapters (3)

A crossover with the SCP Foundation - Technically could be read without prior knowledge, but it is just a click away. Why not check it?

Twilight struggles through a slice of Pinkie's mind in the form of a manuscript of her authorship, featuring their lives and adventures through a very different and slightly terrifying perspective.

To what depths will Twilight be forced to plough through? And what is an SCP, and why does being a Brony make you one?

Chapters (1)


They call me mad.

Perhaps I am mad. If I am, does knowing that fact decrease my madness or enforce it? I don’t know anymore. Regardless of that, it constitutes little in the grand scheme of things. My dame once told me that the mind is what it believes. If I believe I am mad, than I am already lost. What I am matters little. What I believe is what matters greatly.

Edited by: Softy8088, Genesis1212
Prereader: Skeeter the Lurker, Reader Review

Chapters (1)

"Perhaps she will lead the remnants of our kind out of the Burning... But I do not dare believe it, Doctor. Our world has already been murdered. All of this is just the final gasp of breath... before the end."

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy's skills in flying are sketchy at best, but when Spitfire and Soarin chance by a monster attack in town, it is apparent that the timid little mare has been hiding some impressive talent, skills good enough to warrant recruitment into the Wonderbolts. There's just the issue of the house-eating monster between them and her.

Edited by: pabrony83
Commissioned by: Spamotron

Chapters (1)