• Member Since 27th Apr, 2016


Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.

Read It Later 5615 stories
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Total Words: 108,965,491
Estimated Reading: 43 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Rainbow Dash is tested by the appearence of an ultimate predator.

Chapters (1)

The chase had been going on for an hour for Apple County Police Officers Spitfire and Soarin, and the chase has ended with them joining King County police officers in setting up a barricade on Highway 18 to stop not only the robbers from Canterlot, but other armed suspects from Linden County.

Hopefully they'll end this without any bloodshed.

Chapters (1)

During a convention in Baltimare, A.K. Yearling - or Daring Do - comes to a realization during a book signing - one about herself and the books she writes.

Podcast Feature

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds herself desperately seeking Uranus.

Because we all need to let our inner twelve year-old loose every once in a while. Posted in response to a challenge by MythrilMoth and all blame goes to him.

Chapters (1)

The Equestrian Unicorn Society is meeting one night, and things appear to be going well. That is, until an old member shows up and things start to go downhill...

Chapters (1)

While Twilight tries to read, Trixie practices her performance skills. What do you mean there's a difference between "performing" and "lying?"

Chapters (1)

Twilight is invited to become a member of the Minds, an elite intellectual organisation. But when Trixie crashes the ceremony with an army of changelings, Twilight is forced to take drastic action. Will she succeed and live free? Or will she have to... twi harder?

- Written for the League Of Extraordinary Gentlecolts MYSTERY ficswap, and originally posted by AestheticB for MYSTERIOUS reasons. Of MYSTERY.

Winner of the Storybook Vision Looks Fine Award

Chapters (1)

As Twilight comes across another new book, she notices that there was a spell that had a peculiar outcome: nothing! She cant believe that this is true and wants to try it out. However, she needs someone to test it on...more specifically an irritated dragon, wanting to go to sleep.

Edit: This story has been Featured! Woo!

Chapters (4)