• Member Since 27th Apr, 2016


Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.

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Spike was utterly devastated. He failed miserably, once again, to impress Rarity with the gift. So on the brink of desperation, he sang a song, where he tried to simply apologize for not being able to do something right for a wonderful friend. Rarity showed him her gratitude with a sweet kiss, which was more than he could dream of. But what if such a simple gesture as an improvised song could mean more than he anticipated ? After the party Spike, recollecting his thoughts and trying to figure out the answer to the mysterious mess in the party room , finds something as simple and yet so meaningful as his very own song. Will it lead to the resolution or confusion ?

My first attempt at one-shot. Sparity shipping included. Sorry, not so sorry ;)

Though story focuses mainly on Spike and Rarity, thus making them main characters, the other characters present on the party will appear (Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Dash, Shining Armor, Cadence, Discord and Flurry Heart.) Most of them is tagged accordingly. And I suppose I should also tag it Mystery but...choices :((Read: lack of tags).

Rated T cause of minor suggestive fragments and...because it is always better to rate slightly higher for safety reasons. But as you will see nothing besides those few lines.

Enjoy the story

Chapters (3)

When Big Mac returns from yet another, blissfull date with Sugar Belle, Discord and Spike cannot help but feel a little jealous. So they plan the ideal setups for them to win the hearts of the mares they love. They are sure that the plan will work cause this time, they are working together and will support each other. But will they overcome their differences to work together ? One thing for sure, this will not be boring.

Meanwhile, the Mane 6 has no idea what is going on but they will surely have much attention...And not only from their admirers but from someone who has some unfinished buisness with them...

Also, from the lack of Tags, generes : Drama, Dark and Random and characters such as: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Limestone, Marble and Maud Pie are included.

I do not own any art of the cover, the only doing of mine is putting them together to create this collage
Credits go to the amazing artists:

Highest row on the left : Sparity by Pia-sama , shared and discovered thanks to Fluttershy265 (BFF: Derpy)
Highest row in the middle: Blame my Sister by Andy Price
Highest row on the right: Spike kissed by Rarity and Sweetie Belle by Daniel-sg
Middle row on the left: Pie sisters by LuminousDazzle
Middle row in the middle: credit to the artist (it will be credit properly as soon as I find the author)
Middle row on the right: The Mean Six Wallpaper by SailorTrekkie92
Bottom row on the left: #443277 by Olegsavoskin
Bottom row on the right: #922475 by Minagraine

The image of the Elements of Harmony, as well as the entire My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic franchise and associated characters, belong to Hasbro.

Chapters (17)

The current Dragon Lord, has passed away. With him, the love, hope and care that he had given to the remaining population of Dragons. As it stands, Dragons are near extinction and with the greatest of them buried, it is now up to his son to replace him.
But does he have what it takes to be Dragon Lord, or will he fail and doom his race to extinction? What will his choice be?

This was meant to be for the Written for the April 2019 Incest is Wincest Contest! but I read the rules to late.

Chapters (1)

Not even a day later, Fluttershy finds herself affected by the suns rays, as she is once again transformed into a Vampire Fruit bat. With the sun light burning even the smallest part of her body, Fluttershy is alone and she can't go get help. With this situation, who can help her?

(No proof check has been done, this was just to try to get me back on my feet after months of not writing. I will fix the next one but for now, sorry and glad to be back to writing.)

Chapters (1)

Nature has its ugly side. Something that any living thing can tell you. A Solar Flare is coming to Equss, one that Celestia might not be able to stop. As the world gets ready for a Armageddon, will it be Twilight who finds a way to survive, or will this truly be the end of everything?

A one shot inspired years ago with documentaries and Apocalyptic movies.

Chapters (1)

Twilight looks at the differences between her and her counterparts through the crystal mirror. A view at where her life would have been at the choices she would have made.

A one-shot story

Chapters (1)

Twilight's battle against Starlight seems endless. No matter how hard she tries, she can't get the edge on her foe unless she ramps up her power output. But that could seriously hurt Starlight. And Twilight won't hurt Starlight, there must be good in her somewhere that can be redeemed! A look into a certain future changes that opinion.

Chapters (1)

An alternative ending to the season 5 finale.

Starlight Glimmer destroys the time scroll that allows Twilight to return to Cloudsdale. With the sonic rainboom stopped, her plan has succeeded, and this time, Twilight can't come back to try and stop her again. She thinks it's over, but when Twilight pulls her into the present, Starlight finally sees what her actions have done.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Friend For Life

Equestria's human ally, Nathan, has always been a friend of the ponies. Always.

However, when Twilight discovers that he had been using a spell she used to interact with him on Earth for a 'Personal Purpose' behind her back, she started questioning what he was up to.

When she caught on the fact he has been attracted by another world- A cartoon world, like hers, she devised a plan to retrieve his passion for them and his friendship, in the fear of losing him to someone else.

A new rival- Dubbed the Cures of all hearts of their land.

Crossover inspired by a new franchise I've fallen in love with- Pretty Cure, known as Glitter Force in America.

EDIT on June 12th: Added new pics to show the Heartcatch Precure in their civilian and Precure form! Due to the stupid add picture function only allowing me to add pictures with URLs, I could not find the best pics of the characters (Quality problems, no solo-only pics), so I hope you can forgive me for giving up. Still, enjoy!

Chapters (2)

Twilight's gone. In her battle through time, she died, a victim of an alternate timeline. Starlight is defeated, but at what cost?

Spike's lost the pony that's always loved him, the one who acted as a mother, sister, teacher, and best friend. Now he's in pain... but he's not alone. Because Twilight's friends have vowed not to let him become an orphan. In place of one mother, five will now raise him.

AU in regards to The Cutie Re-Mark and Crusaders of the Lost Mark

Basic idea by Rated Ponystar

Chapters (7)