• Member Since 27th Apr, 2016


Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.

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Estimated Reading: 43 weeks



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Applejack always needs time during the Hearth's Warming season to be alone with her thoughts. But this time, one of her friends decides to figure out just what is making her upset.

Thanks to Semaj for proofreading.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has made a shocking discovery about one of her friends, one that could spell disaster for all of Ponyville, or even all of Equestria.

But it probably won't.

Chapters (1)

While the Antidote did helped Twilight feel better from her Spring fever, it caused a side effect transforming her to a baby. Her friends decide to have Zecora make another antidote but it leaves Spike in a situation to keep Twilight occupied. Especially he never took care of babies before.

Thanks to Psalty123 for editing this one shot.

Chapters (1)

Now that the Pony of Shadows has been defeated, everything seems just fine for Equestria, and Twilight is more than happy to move on from it. However, Princess Celestia has some rather choice words for her about just how the Pony of Shadows was released in the first place...

Takes place shortly after the events of "Shadow Play."

Chapters (1)

Everypony gets stressed sometimes. Everypony has something that helps them relax. The Main 6 are no different! .....Except what helps each of them relax is a little....unconventional.

Even so, friends don’t judge friends!

(Light ABDL themes!)

Chapters (2)

The tale of Celestia and Luna's most notable quarrel always makes for fantastic material to write about. In this one, I really tried to capture the relationship of the two sisters and the betrayal both of them really felt from one another during this debacle. But I also wanted to give a turn of events that can bring about potential (and possibly unexplored) feelings.

Cover by the lovely and talented Zalakir

Chapters (1)

When Fluttershy falls in the mud, Rarity gives her a bath, with Fluttershy too shy to take her outfit off. She finds the bath enjoyable, and eventually the other Equestria Girls get similar baths from each other as well.

Contains: Soap/washing (fully clothed, no nudity or anything), and mud, but it's all tame enough that I gave it an E-rating, like my other wam stories. So, I would like to ask you to keep all comments to this story as clean as the girls are once the baths are finished.

Might still be lower quality, and a lot of you might find the whole concept either weird or boring.

Chapters (3)

Light ABBL themes, reader discretion is strongly advised. Gallus' childhood had never been the best. him being an orphan didn't make things much better. Meanwhile, Silverstream has been feeling motherly as of late. When the opportunity to repay Gallus for helping her, Silverstream decides to give him a taste of what a childhood should be like. With her as the mommy, and him as the (big) baby.

Co-writer: SuperPinkBrony12

Chapters (2)

If the cover isn't enough of a dead giveaway, there are ponies in diapers in this fic. There will also be some elements of wetting and age-play involved. I hope you aren't offended by this.

Applejack is invited by Rarity to a special youth club for ponies to forget about their troubles and their stress.

However, once Applejack is about to join the group inside, she realizes there's an emphasis on the word 'Youth' in this youth club.

This fic was inspired by Twilight And Rarity Go To The Spa, by TheConflictedWriter. Be sure to check him out as well when you have the time.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to If You Came to Conquer

Princess Nightmare Moon had tried to keep it secret. She had suppressed her power, feigned ignorance, played the outdated fool at every opportunity. She should have known that something like this would happen. A threat that would reveal her, whether she played dumb or not.

If she had to reveal herself, then at least she could protect Equestria in the process. She nocked the arrow. The bow felt so flimsy, but she could not risk him absorbing a spell. She laced magic across the arrow and the string and the air, enough to make it fly faster and aim smoother. She sighted him easily; Tirek was a large target. Now he only had to turn around. An arrow to the spine would kill him simply and instantly, no matter how much magic he had absorbed.

Once he was dead, the hard part would come: explaining herself to Celestia.

Prereading thanks; Meta Four, Blank!, Yami Vizzini, and especially Craine

Russian translation by Doof
Chinese Translation by Dreams Set Free

Comments contain spoilers.

Chapters (7)