• Member Since 27th Apr, 2016


Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.

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Snails doesn't have much goin for him. Poor kid is unpopular and unappreciated. Young and dumb, he gives up his soul for a hot piece of Diamond...

Chapters (1)

Diamond Dancer, ten-year-old filly, Royal Night's Errant, holder of the world's highest-flying record, and Star Seeker extraordinaire, writes a letter to her mother. Which would be much easier if she knew where she was.

Chapters (1)

A Gogmazios is awoken for its one purpose in life: to avoid its horrible hunger by eating everything. The crystal tree looks to sate his appetite well. The Royal Guard, plus the girls, try to stop his attempt, but it's only Fluttershy that's able to see beneath the surface of everything.

But can her kindness stop the wicked beast?

Commission for Viper Pit!

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Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon has won. The endless night belongs now to her. Everypony is asleep, trapped inside her dreamscape. Here, and only here, will her favorite prisoners face their flaws—and perhaps reveal something about NM to herself.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight was a young filly, she was given a small, aggressive dragon.

Contains: Blood in and violence some chapters

Chapters (29)

In a nation full of fake news, you have to be careful who you trust. With us, you don't have to worry about that. Unlike ENC and ENN, we are reliable, unbiased and only report the truth.

Chapters (11)

While performing cloud duty on a quiet night, Flitter takes time out to reflect on the less-than-exemplary behaviour she's shown in the past.

Chapters (1)

Music was always a part of Coloratura's life, a deep passion permeating her very identity and driving everything she does. For years it was silenced, buried under great wealth and even greater fame by a meaningless character she was forced to play.

For the first time in ages, Coloratura hears that passion once more.

Chapters (1)

When the portal opens between Equestria and the human world, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer are reunited, only for Twilight to find out something about her she did not know: Sunset is older than Twilight thought.

Much older.

Featured 9/3/2017

Chapters (1)

Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger have been dating for a while, and the natural next step for them is for Sky Stinger to meet his girlfriend's parents. Despite Vapor Trail's warnings, their introductory dinner starts out on the wrong hoof and eventually leads to a question Sky Stinger must struggle with — does he deserve to be by Vapor Trail's side?

Chapters (1)