• Member Since 27th Apr, 2016


Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.

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Celestia said it herself, that Twilight Sparkle is no longer her student. While wandering around in the city of Canterlot one day, Her Highness stumbles upon Trixie's local stage show. To Her Highness, there seemed to be much potential behind the mere performer's act, and soon found it hard to resist taking Trixie under her wing.

Would Trixie even be up to the challenge?

Slightly edited by NemoSpecific.

Chapters (20)

Starlight Glimmer waited patiently to be judged for her actions. She had just put the entire world of Equestria at risk. What sort of punishment would befall her?

Chapters (1)

Luna has just been defeated as Nightmare Moon, and is settling in nicely at the Canterlot Palace as a filly. Celestia, however, hasn't gotten used to all of the crazy things the young Luna can come up with when still in this adorable form. One day, she gets this wild idea that the moon is somehow made of cheese. At first, it seemed harmless enough to allow Luna to think this. Although, then she starts talking about how Celestia's sun is made of custard.

Celestia throws dignity out the window, and attempts to correct her much littler sister on this error. After all, how could the sun possibly be made of custard?

Chapters (2)

When Princess Celestia faces a harsh choice to execute an innocent and virtually harmless changeling, will she be able to go through with the notion of taking the filly's life, or will sympathy overtake her moral alignment?

*In this story, the changelings are based off of Season 2, so it's as if they've never given love freely. Sept 4th, 2017

Chapters (9)

Telling scary stories in the woods at night around a roaring fire is a timeless camping tradition, and Applebloom knows one that will really scare her friends' tails off.

She should have been careful of what she wished for.

Pre-read by B_25

Chapters (1)

How could one love another if they could only live by evil? It has been over five-hundred years since the first, and much to her surprise, Chrysalis, queen of the changelings, has given birth to another changeling; the first changeling to have ever been born straight from the queen in such a long time span. Yet this one is not like the others. No, this one is much more different. How can a queen who feasts off love care for such a delicate creature?

(New!) Image credit goes to: ZymonasYH

Chapters (20)

Who would have thought a pony and a changeling could have children together. I certainly wouldn't have. This is Shining Armor, and I'm in a weird situation. Chrysalis has shown up to my home and dropped a kid off stating that it was our son.

What will Cadance think? How am I going to raise a changeling child? Why does Chrysalis keep coming into my life, and why am I finding it harder to keep her away? Hopefully answers can be found with as little problems as possible. Oh who the Tartarus am I kidding, my seed is a changeling! There's bound to be a problem along the way.

Story inspired by Bakki's excellent fanart.

Cover done by Droll3. Thanks Droll3, and go check his work out

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to A Cold Day in Canterlot

Two weeks have past since Hearth warming Eve, and now Shadow Strike and Long shot are in a full on relationship. Now the Sniper and the incognito changeling sword slinger are heading to Manehatten for a little R&R. Leaving Pupa in the Hooves of Joe, Long Shot is determined to make this a trip to remember... Even if Shadow is less than thrilled about the big city.

Chapters (6)

Queen Larvirus is a stubborn changeling, as is typical of the rulers of the northern hive, a collection of brutes and warmongers. So when a plague robs her and her hive of their fertility, she refuses to join the new united hive and submit to queen Locestris, a long dead ancestor of queen Chrysalis, to seek help for her diseased hive. Fortunately, a benefactor comes with a bargain "Be cured and become my instruments of war, or have your hive rot away."

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Five nights at Sombra's

Little Dinky is a survivor. She's battled heart transplants, anti-magic syndrome and even pony-bola. But now, somepony else is on the chopping block. (Takes place about a year and a half before Five Night's at Sombra's)

Cover art taken from Persona 3

Chapters (1)