• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

The Best of the Best 229 stories
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Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



  • Featured 23555 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Sunset Shimmer has recently been reformed from her disaster during the Fall Formal. In her desire to direct her ambition for something worthwhile, she wants to learn an instrument.

Well....She heard one guitar....


(Warning: contains a lot of classic rock)

Chapters (1)

Finally with a cutie mark and out of school, Scootaloo runs her own shop where she can fix anything as a master mechanic. She lives a simple life, simple but fulfilling. Yet, something is missing... but the mare doesn't want to admit that what's missing is really important.

But someone else can help open her heart.

Huge thanks to Contodaslasganas for editing and Mayhew Cullen for pre reading.

Chapters (4)

One thousand years ago, a guard serving under Luna's branch is devastated after witnessing her banishment to the moon. A year later, he finally comes out to express his emotions.

Chapters (1)

The day after she swears off her petty, villainous ways, Starlight Glimmer is finally ready for her very first friendship lesson! To mark this grand occasion, Twilight decides a walk through town is in order to let her new student make some friends the right way.

It turns out that Starlight Glimmer is exceedingly bad at making friends the right way.

Many thanks to Syeekoh and Kamikakushi for taking a big one and prereading this for me.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Velvet loves her daughter with all her heart; she outshines her in every way, is the prized student of Princess Celestia, and will no doubt go on to have an impact on Equestria the likes of which has never been seen before and never will be again. But despite Twilight Velvet's pride and love for Twilight Sparkle, somber thoughts weigh heavily on her mind when her daughter comes to visit.

Why does Velvet feel so inadequate? Why can't she be to her daughter what Princess Celestia is to her? What is the measure of a mother?

Set prior to Season 1. Celestia doesn't physically appear but is mentioned extensively.

Chapters (1)

Every morning, Princess Celestia wakes up in terrible pain, and every morning, she chooses to endure it. Until one blissful day grants her the blessing of feeling normal.

Few things in her life have ever frightened her so much.

6th-place winner in the /fic/ write-off "Look, I Can Explain..."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Reading by Skijaramaz

Now translated into Russian.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chocolate Talk

One warm summer night on the castle balcony, Twilight Sparkle must ask Princess Celestia a very important question; the pony she trusts with all her heart. Surely the thick book from the past can't be true.

Dedicated to Nordryd, an amazing friend

Edited by chillbook1 and zdaysavior

Review by Titanium Dragon

Reading Chocolate Talk is not required to understand this story.

Chapters (1)

Annoyed that the nobles keep taking up all of princess Celestia's time filly Twilight vents the only way she knows how. By writing an essay! However she wrote this essay on the blank bottom of the scroll containing the speech Princess Celestia was to read to her little ponies. And once the speech ends, Celestia doesn't stop. Much to the horror of some of the nobles in the crowd.

Proof read by Cobalt Comet

Edited by Dark Chocolate

This story now has a Youtube reading.

Chapters (1)

My name is Aedan and I'm your average run-of-the-mill guy from Missouri. I served in the Marine Corps for about four years, now I've been out for a year and I'm making a living on the edge of St. Louis. It's not the best of conditions for a guy like me to have to deal with, but I adapt and overcome. Then one Saturday morning on my daily jog I ran into something (well in truth she ran into me) I'd never thought possible. She calls herself 'Princess Luna'. She's alone and confused, but most of all, she wants to go home. And guess who the poor guy is that decided to help her.

rated Teen for talking like a Marine and some... 'Adult' situations...

Chapters (25)

Daniel Habbuck, UN ambassador to Equestria, hates his job.

Sure it pays well, but it's hardly worth having to put up with flank-kissing politicians and the stomach twisting anxiety of knowing that he represents all of humanity.
One night, after a particularly tense meeting leaves him wound up, Daniel is desperate for somepony to talk to. With his friends either busy or too far away, he hires a batpony prostitute, just so he can have some company.

As he soon learns, there's much more to this streetwalker than meets the eye...

Rated T for sexual references, but no clop.

Special thanks to WingmanRed, Georg, and Kraken Hatchling for proofreading and editing

EDIT: Special, special thanks to Comrade Pony for the suggestions
EDIT: Deleted cover art.

Chapters (1)