• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

The Best of the Best 229 stories
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Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Pinkie gets a book on how to ship her two best friends Twilight and Rainbow Dash and because they are so cute together, Pinkie decides to ships them using her new found book The TwiDash For Dummies.

Chapters (1)

Twilight stalks and harasses a nine year old filly...but it's in the past, so it's totally legal.

Now with Reading by CaptainBron3y

Chapters (1)

[ ] Single
[ ] Taken
[X] Mentally dating a fictional character

Sweetie Belle has never been one to fall head over heels for a colt, even though she's the sister of the biggest flirt in town. She doesn't ship her favorite characters from games or shows, and she can't stand the ponies online who go so far as to say they're married to them. So why is she finding herself attracted to a stallion that isn't even real?

Teen for raging hormones, fictiophilia, arousal, masturbation references, guilt, touchy subjects, and real life.

Chapters (1)

It's been a rough five months working for Suri Polomare. At first Coco thought she was just a bit demanding, but once Fashion Week came around her boss reveals how nasty she really is. When she hears about Suri's awful scheme to steal the trophy from Rarity, Coco snaps.

She snaps hard.

Now with a Youtube reading by TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade

Second Youtube reading by Visualpony Thenarrator

Chapters (1)

Lightning Dust has been in a bit of a rut ever since getting kicked out of the Wonderbolt Academy. Day after day, she's been sticking to a strict exercise regimen under the guidance of Cloudsdale's premier personal trainer, Haymaker. Her hope is that she'll unlock her true potential and show Haymaker how awesome she is, thus prompting him to use his connections to get her back into the Wonderbolts. No matter how many times Haymaker tells her it's impossible, Lightning simply refuses to listen.

Then one fateful night, Lightning Dust's training is interrupted by the appearance of her greatest idol, Wind Rider. It turns out he too has difficulty accepting reality, and he has his own, more nefarious schemes to get himself back in the game. Haymaker sees this as his last chance to save Lightning Dust from walking Wind Rider's path. And if that means rubbing salt in a few wounds and shattering a few dreams, then so be it.

Cover art provided by the amazingly talented Cyrano.

Chapters (1)

After the events of the first Apple/Pie Hearth's Warming celebration, two ponies wish to spend a little time getting to know each other better.

Chapters (1)

Equestria: A place of safety, friendship, and love. It has faced and defeated many threats: Changelings, dragons, windigoes, tyrannical Unicorn dictators, and a particularly mischievous draconequus. But now Equestria faces its greatest threat ever: a gigantic tornado filled with killer sharks.

With time running out, Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and all of Equestria must unite to battle the aquatic menace. But will the magic of friendship be enough to save the land from sharks whose hunger cannot be stopped?

Huzzah! We were mentioned by Entertainment Weekly!

Chapters (12)

What happens when you get caught red-handed drinking out of a milk carton at your friend's house by her older brother? Sunset Shimmer is about to find out.

Chapters (1)

At a dinner party, Twilight sees Celestia being insulted by one of the guests. She launches into action, defending her Princess's and lover's honor. But Celestia doesn't appreciate it.

Chapters (1)

One day Trixie shows up at Twilight's door. She has decided to atone for her misdeeds through an ancient Unicorn tradition-becoming Twilight's slave.

Chapters (1)