• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

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Flim and Applejack are a young, happily married couple with a beautiful daughter named Apple Cider. Applejack, now with another child on the way, was living a great and peaceful life with her husband and her little girl.

However, with the 25th anniversary of her parents' death drawing near, she begins to start feeling very uneasy. When her husband, Flim, gets a letter from his little sister telling him that she's ill, AJ begins to fear for the worse the moment she's told that he's going on the week the anniversary falls on.

She begs him not to go but he tells her that nothing will happen to him and if anything happens while he's away, he'll come back at once.

What started as a beautiful thing.... can end in tragedy....

Cover art made by Marking

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has a secret. She has developed an obsession with heavy metal music. However, Fluttershy can't let her friends know that a nice, timid pony such as herself loves such aggressive music, no matter what the costs. It simply isn't lady-like.

Chapters (1)

Discord's last significant attempt at a relationship ended with him being petrified for 1000 years. He's understandably hesitant about trying again.

Having an unknown source of love-magic start drawing every female in Equestria toward him is pretty much the last thing he wanted...

Pre-read by many members of the Fluttercord group (a major spoiler in itself), with awesome input from: MrsHolmes, Woolly, Lemonade Shimmer 1127, OneFluzzyPuppy, MissyAngel, GarfieldThePony

Featured on FimFiction 21Nov.2015-25Nov.2015 :heart:
Featured on Equestria Daily 20Dec.2015 :pinkiegasp:
Also featured in a Royal Guard spotlight :coolphoto:
Now with a full-cast dramatic reading by Ribon Chan! :moustache:

Chapters (1)

Iron Will is dying.
Weakening as each day passes, Iron Will struggles to cope with his fast-approaching end. Fortunately, an old friend has come to ease his passing.


Chapters (1)

When the Elements of Harmony fail to stop the incredible destructive force of yet another foe, will a particular pink earth pony find her inner strength to stand up and fight for her friends' lives (and for the whole Equestria for that matter)?


Tagged Crossover for the heavy Dragon Ball Z reference (and a smaller one of Naruto). No characters from either anime/manga appear in Equestria, as I strongly believe that ponies should resolve their problems on their own. ;)

Rated Teen just to be on the safe side (it's a Dragon Ball style fight, after all :P ).


Cover picture (that inspired this story heavily) by UC77.

Chapters (2)

It's been a week since the Royal Wedding, and Twilight and her friends are back in Ponyville, safe and sound. However, ever since they returned from Canterlot, all of Twilight's friends have gone through large bouts of guilt over ignoring her warnings. But of all her friends, Twilight is most concerned about Spike, who keeps waking up in the middle of the night with severe panic attacks.

Despite all her best efforts, Twilight hasn't been able to get her assistant to talk about his dreams, or make him feel better about himself since that day. But after another restless night, Twilight has had enough, and refuses to let him go until he talks about his dream.

However, when Spike finally confesses his recurring nightmare, he talks about what could've happened if Twilight never saved the wedding. And what she discovers, is much worse than she could've ever imagined.

I want to thank CYOA_Anon on 4Chan for helping proofread this. The original pic was made by sherwoodwhisper on Deviantart here.

Chapters (1)

Everypony at the Ponyville Schoolhouse was excited for Show and Tell, but nopony seemed more eager to show something for it than Scootaloo. When she brought her item up to the front, it was a Daring Do story written by her mentor Rainbow Dash. And since it was still in the works, the filly wanted her class to get a sneak peek at one of the chapters.

Of course, maybe Scootaloo should've asked Rainbow Dash for permission first.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer, the protege of Princess Twilight, originally planned to wear her mentor's old Mare-Do-Well costume to a Nightmare Night party. A near-disaster that evening drove her to keep it, taking up the role of Equestria's newest hero.

Takes place after Season 4 in an alternate timeline where the Equestria Girls series and The Cutie Map, and as a result the map episodes of Season 5, never happened.

My first attempt at fan fiction. Any constructive feedback is appreciated!

Special thanks to my proofreader (Chapters 22 & 23), professorsawyer!

Chapters (25)

Diamond Tiara always knew that someday she'd be invited to dine with the Princess at the Royal Palace. She didn't think it would happen like this.

But she's going to sit there and be polite and smile and not be bothered by all the ways this is all wrong. Because that's what good fillies do, and Diamond Tiara is a good filly now.


Cover art by iisaw.
Preread by SIGAWESOME.

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Featured on the Royal Canterlot Library.


Chapters (3)

Attics can hold many things: lost heirlooms and hidden fortunes, or sometimes even fond memories. While doing some spring cleaning, Rainbow Dash and Rarity stumble across one such memory in the form of a picture taken many years ago. Together, they recall the magic night the picture was taken, and how it brought them to where they are now.

Cover image provided by Ruirik

Chapters (1)