• Member Since 26th Apr, 2013


Give me more Lyra and Bonbon shipping please.

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Dusk Shine has been in a crazy relationship with Eris ever since she decided to crash his birthday party two years ago. Their opposing nature has made every day of their love just as exciting and unorthodox as the first day it started.

Follow Dusk Shine as he tries to keep his sanity with the girl that drives him crazy in more ways than one.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Steel Soul

Sweetie Belle has discovered a secret. She's spent a few months keeping it to herself, but the nightmares she's had have convinced her it might be time to reveal it.

Sequel to Steel Soul.

Chapters (7)

Rarity's family name is in shambles, and her fortune is nonexistent. To return what her father squandered, she and her good friend Pinkie Pie turn to piracy, commandeering a magical airship and kidnapping the princess's personal student.

When Princess Celestia learns of Twilight and Applejack's abduction, she doesn't agree to pay the ransom. No, she hires the sky's greatest tactical mind, the Daring Swordspony Rainbow Dash, and her sidekick, Fluttershy. As the two groups engage in a game of cat and mouse, more dangerous threats hang on the horizon. Aztec Curses, angry gods, and a mysterious figure known only as the Derp Pirate Roberts.

Will the six Elements of Harmony be able to gather the seven pieces of eight, or will the world fall to utter chaos, and rise up as an empire of anarchy and piracy?

Now with its own TV Tropes page thanks to Cleverpun: TV Tropes

Chapters (19)

Gleaming Shield has many suitors, when she became Captain of the Royal guard she quickly become the affection of many a different noble, guardsman and commoner alike for her renowned beauty. Her recent suitor, Prince Bolero, is determined to win her heart.

But, he might have some competition…

The King of the Changelings, King Metamorphosis, is residing in Canterlot for peace talks with Prince Solaris and has become smitten with the young mare the moment he laid his eyes on her, now, these two are determined to win Gleaming Shields heart and ask her to the Grand Galloping Gala.

But who will win the fair maidens heart?

A silly rule 63 Gleaming Shield, King Metamorphosis and Prince Bolero story. Cover art by the fantastic Ss2sonic.

Inspired by the cover art and a ATLA cartoon short. Thanks to RainbowBob and bocaj518 for their help!

Chapters (1)

For Lyra, life is pretty swell. She has the best fillyfriend anyone could ask for in Bon Bon and she doesn’t need to worry about work or any complicated drama. Overall, she can live her life at her own tempo.

If only things stayed that simple.

Side story to The Life and Times of a Winning Pony and the rest of the Winningverse and approved by Chengar Qordath and Comma Kazie.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be

After the ascension of Prince Blueblood, a bevy of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies suddenly find themselves elevated to the status of royalty. Coronation after coronation has left the Equestrian government in a tizzy.

But these stories are not necessarily about that.

Background Ascension; or, The Heart of an Alicorn [Slice of Life][Comedy]: During the after-coronation party of Vinyl Scratch, Princess of Electronic Music and Epic Remixes, several recently-appointed royals find themselves pondering their new place in life… Idea suggested by RaptorCalloftheShadows.

Brother's Ascension; or, Alicorn Sales-Ponies Nonpareil [Comedy]: While prowling Equestria for new towns in which to sell their wares, Flim and Flam Flimflam find themselves in the dark, mysterious, and not-at-all spooky town of Hollow Shades. There, they stumble upon a chance to create something never before considered: Zap Apple cider.

Backstory Ascension; or, Apple Alicorns are Anonymous [Slice of Life]: As Applejack works the fields, an uncomfortable thought comes up. With the seeming ease that some ponies come by their ascensions, why hasn't Granny Smith become an alicorn yet?

Beauty's Ascension; or, An Alicorn Love Story [Romance][Slice of Life]: After Soarin ascends to alicornhood, he finds himself a might stressed out. With a little "prompting" from his superiors, he decides to take an extended vacation to Ponyville. As it turns out, there's somepony there he'd like to meet.

Bogus Ascension; or, Alicorns Don't Count for Much Nowadays [Comedy][Slice of Life]: A week after Lightning Dust ascends to alicornhood, Rainbow Dash still struggles with doing something awesome enough to make that mystical cut. The prismatic pegasus of Ponyville finds herself wallowing in a specific form of jealousy, one that will drive her on to better things. At least, that's the idea. Requested by Seether00.

Badguy Ascension; or, An Alicorn's Crime of Fashion [Comedy]: King Sombra just ascended. Whoops. Requested by Admiral Ackbar

Blank Flank Ascension; or, A Very Alicorn Hearth's Warming Eve [Slice of Life][Sad]: A blank-flank has ascended. Who is this filly? How did she ascend? And just what in the hay is going on with the Equestrian Budget?

Blueblood's Ascension Series:
Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be
Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince
Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams
Background Ascension; or, Alicorns are "in" This Season (Side Stories)

Recommended Reading Order:
1. Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be
2. Background Ascension; or, the Heart of an Alicorn
3. Brother's Ascension; or, Alicorn Sales-Ponies Nonpareil
4. Backstory Ascension; or, Apple Alicorns are Anonymous
5. Beauty's Ascension; or, An Alicorn Love Story
6. Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince
7. Bogus Ascension; or, Alicorns Don't Count for Much Nowadays
8. Badguy Ascension; or, An Alicorn's Crime of Fashion
9. Blank Flank Ascension; or, A Very Alicorn Hearth's Warming Eve
10. Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams

Chapters (7)

When Prince Blueblood crafts a new magical spell, he is transported to a mystical plane of existence. There, he is informed that he is to become a full-fledged alicorn prince.

He takes it rather well, all things being considered.

Equestria as a whole takes it a small bit less enthusiastically.

Blueblood's Ascension Series:
Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be
Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince
Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams
Background Ascension; or, Alicorns are "in" This Season (Side Stories)

Recommended Reading Order:
1. Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be
2. Background Ascension; or, the Heart of an Alicorn
3. Brother's Ascension; or, Alicorn Sales-Ponies Nonpareil
4. Backstory Ascension; or, Apple Alicorns are Anonymous
5. Beauty's Ascension; or, An Alicorn Love Story
6. Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince
7. Bogus Ascension; or, Alicorns Don't Count for Much Nowadays
8. Badguy Ascension; or, An Alicorn's Crime of Fashion
9. Blank Flank Ascension; or, A Very Alicorn Hearth's Warming Eve
10. Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams

Chapters (8)

Things couldn't possibly get any worse for Rainbow Dash. Her job is falling apart, she's convinced that she's made her friends hate her, and even her dream of some day joining the Wonderbolts is in peril. While things are looking pretty bleak for Ponyville's coolest pegasus, her best friend and kinda-sorta fillyfriend Pinkie Pie is determined to whatever it takes to help her, and she's not going to quit until she can put a smile back on Rainbow Dash's face.

This is a side-story of "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony" which occurs after the events of Chapter Ten of that story.

Chapters (1)

Blossomforth is fresh out of college and ready to take on the world. Sure, moving to Ponyville to get a job on the weather team is going to be a bit of an adjustment, but it's nothing she can't handle. Besides, Rainbow Dash seems like a fine boss. Everything is looking good for our favorite watermelon-maned pegasus.

Then she meets a pony named Cloud Kicker.

Part of the Winningverse

Chapters (1)

Cloud Kicker might just have the wildest life of any pony in Equestria. Marvel at the insanity that is her life, and laugh at the suffering of her poor beleaguered best friend, Blossomforth. And maybe, just maybe, there's more to her than just the lovable sex maniac everypony thinks she is.

This is a semi-sequel to "The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash." Not really a proper sequel, since it's focused on Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth instead of Rainbow and Pinkie, but it's in the same continuity. So I guess that makes it a follow-up-side-quel story. Or something. You don't need to have read "The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash" to read or enjoy this, but you ought to read it anyway, just because.

TvTropes Page

The central story of the Winningverse.

We got a tag for Cloud Kicker, but Blossomforth still deserves one too.

Chapters (28)