• Member Since 27th Apr, 2013

Dustin Lange

The smallest changes can make the biggest difference.

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Now that Twilight has ascended to princesshood, she is privy to certain national secrets that were denied to her when she was simply Celestia's student. She is about to find out, among other things, that Neigh-sa is a big lie, that nopony but Luna has ever been to the moon, and that the world of Equestria is not at all what she has been taught all her life.

Chapters (2)

While exploring the multiverse, Princess Celestia stumbles on the true nature of Twilight Sparkle's existence... and the most ridiculously, hilariously dark timeline imaginable.

Will Twilight's sanity hold together long enough for her to learn what Celestia has discovered? Or will the Darkest Timeline corrupt what was thought to be incorruptible?


Happy Halloween 2015, everybody!

Cover art is an edit by the always impeccable Swirling Line of one of my very favorite reaction images.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Night has quickly become Luna's most favorite holiday, but after last year's disastrous dinner party, Celestia has forbidden her from playing pranks on the guests.

Unfortunately for her sister, Luna loves this night far too much to give up her pranks, and if she can't prank the guests, then she'll just have to make do with the hostess.

Chapters (1)

Octavia returns home only to find a polite and kind Vinyl Scratch. She then knows something is wrong.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has no idea what Rarity's problem is. Dash isn't messy. She just isn't super-neat like her prissy unicorn girlfriend. Rarity's the one with the problem here, clearly.

Cover art by IEatedAUnicorn

Chapters (1)

After the events of the first Apple/Pie Hearth's Warming celebration, two ponies wish to spend a little time getting to know each other better.

Chapters (1)

Ever since visiting the Pie farm, Big Macintosh has had rocks on his mind.

The latest episode just kind of demanded that I write this.

Thanks to Jordanis for the swift and grammatical editing!

Chapters (1)

A request from L_Wolf.

Applebloom has always been a curios and rather intelligent filly. Scootaloo has finally learned how to fly, but Applebloom has her concerns. She decides to use the Griffin Chaser, but she might have chosen the wrong teacher. Join Rainbow Dash as she attempts to teach an earth pony to fly a helicopter.
NOTE: I do not own the cover art. I believe it was made by an artist called Ambris. It will be removed if requested.

Chapters (1)

It has been three years since the nightmare forces unleashed their second attack upon Equestria and, as a result of a truce made between them and the princesses, they now have their own country ruled by Nightmarity, their queen. One day, Coco Pommel comes across Nightmarity in Manehattan. Expecting to be attacked, Nightmarity ends up--protecting her?

Cover art by Fluttershy750

Chapters (1)

Rainbow has a fever. Unfortunately for her, the cure is not simply 'more cowbell'. It's up to Twilight and Rarity to figure out a cure, and bring their friend back from the brink of birdom.

Chapters (1)