• Member Since 27th Apr, 2013

Dustin Lange

The smallest changes can make the biggest difference.

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Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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The Friendship Games are over. Crystal Prep has failed to trounce CHS, Cinch's manipulation of her best student is out in the open, as is the fact that the principal's actions nearly led to the fabric of the universe being torn apart.

Before Cinch can begin dealing with the aftermath, a certain someone invites her for a visit into a land of magic and friendship.

Special thanks to Vikonaut for his incredible patience and thoroughness in his proofreading, and to 7th Outpost for the initial criticism that opened my eyes to the fact that the story required heavy revising.

13.11.2015: Second day straight! Thanks everyone!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Lyra's Human

Several years after the events of Lyra's Human, Derpy Hooves decides that she's lonely, and wants to meet a human for herself. Together, Derpy and the human have crazy adventures across worlds as both learn what it means to be true friends.

Story image courtesy Shadow Squirrel

Chapters (168)

One horrible day in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie finds out that there are no more candy canes in the whole town. The culprit? Someone she never expected.

Chapters (1)

It's Celestia and Luna's birthdays! They decide this is the perfect time and place to play Truth-Or-Dare, culminating in Luna daring Celestia to pogo-stick down Canterlot's main street. What could possibly go wrong?

This is a collaboration between Dream Seeker and Pixel_Spark. We hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Not many ponies know that the ever-quiet, nervous, and gentle Fluttershy smokes marijuana as a way to keep her anxiety in check.

Twilight certainly didn't. But now she does.

Content: Recreational marijuana usage

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis has won.

With her magic now far more powerful than even Celestia's, nopony can stop her complete conquest of Equestria.

Well, maybe nopony can stop her, but one man can.


Reading by CaptainBron3y!

Chapters (1)

Just a bit of fun in a one-shot based around the Blue tank engine and his suprise arrival in the world of MLP. For example; does the famouse hoof of frienship extend to bewitched inanimate objects? What do you do if an 0-6-0 steam shunter magically turns up on your doorstep? Can you even find coal so far from Sodor?

Chapters (1)

Sunset is about to drop her new mixtape, The Bacon B**** Chronicles.

Chapters (2)

Everypony in Ponyville goes to attend a DJ Pon-3 concert, but instead Not Eminem shows up and begins rapping spaghetti related rhymes causing mass hysteria, ear damage, and casualties. Can the main 6 possible stop this danger? No, probably not...

Are your keens weak and arms heavy? Well don't vomit on your sweater, cause it's mom's spaghetti.

I know this story is terrible, I wrote it in a couple hours after making some 'mom's spaghetti' jokes with my friends. Please don't hate me for completely wasting your time.

Chapters (1)

In the days after her ascension, every newspaper in Equestria is talking about how Princess Celestia transformed Twilight Sparkle into an alicorn princess.

There's just one problem – Twilight knows that's not what happened.

Why does Celestia let them believe something that isn't true? After all, it isn't like knowing could hurt anypony, right?

Chapters (1)