• Member Since 15th May, 2016


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Rainbow Dash flies east.

Chapters (200)

A little crush escalates quickly for Scootaloo. She quickly learns she has fallen head over hooves in love with one of her closest friends. But what will her friends think? Especially Sweetie Belle.

Note: This story contains some racy scenes but nothing too explicit.
This is my first fanfic. I'd appreciate any feedback, tips or advice.

Chapters (5)

Discord is free (somehow) but this time he returned peacefully to his stone imprisonment after 16 hours, but why? and what has he done that he considers it as his last Magnum Opus?
When the Mane Six return to Ponyville they find it being attached by a group of three monster-mares, or are these new creatures something more.

New readers can start with the chapter Doom Patrol #1.

Transformed by Discord the trio know as the Cutie Mark Crusaders were turned into three monster mares, now using their new found powers to help ponies as Equestria's strangest heroes. By their own the're Appleling, Sweetie Bot and Energyloo but together they are... The Doom Patrol.

First chapter finally edited by VunderGuy.
Second chapter mercifully edited by Frazone.
Chapters six and seven edited by Diamond Dust.

Disclaimer: as you can see, there is already two other fics about the Doom Patrol in this page, both based on Grant Morrison's AWESOME run on the series. But I decided to make a different idea, using as a guide the Blessed whit suck/Cursed with awesome principle.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Like Shattered Glass

When you take the blame, you'll take the pain. Scootaloo took the blame.

Rated for scenes of abuse and mild language.


UPDATED 12/22/2014.

Chapters (12)

There's nothing worse than feeling alone during the holidays, something that Scootaloo is all to familiar with. She knows that she has no family to celebrate with, save for a mother so drunk off cider she doesn't realize her daughter's heartbreak.

This is the filly's reality- the harsh card fate has dealt her. But this Hearth's Warming Eve, as she treks home through the brisk air all by herself, a certain rainbow-maned pegasus will show her the true meaning of family.

Cover image by Mickeymonster on DA: Mickeymonster/

Edited by DJ GarV the Expert

Chapters (1)

A crash seemingly robs Rainbow Dash of her memory, but that doesn't stop her from saving Scootaloo or spending a magical afternoon with the filly. But is everything what it seems?

Chapters (2)

Scootaloo has been diagnosed with a disease that constantly eats away at her wing bones, thus they never grow. With a possible cure and a limited time, Sweetie Belle will stop at nothing to assure her friend can fly.

But can Scootaloo deal with the possible sacrifice that must be made in order to live her dream?

A true friend will stop at nothing to help others achieve their dreams, even going so far as to lose their own dreams.

Or their own life.

Chapters (3)

3 years have passed, and Mother's Day is making its way to Ponyville. By now, the Mane Six have their own families, and are spending time with them as well. Even Apple Bloom spends time with Granny Smith, since her mother was not present at the moment, and Sweetie Belle was staying over at her mom and dad's house for the weekend. Everyone is happy.
All except for Scootaloo. With everyone talking and having fun with their families and mothers, it gets her thinking about her own family, and she wonders why they left her so long ago.

This is inspired by yum soda's "Alone"! Credit goes to her!
Also, the "Alternate Universe" tag is there because this is set 3 years into the future (as you probably have already guessed). Let me know if it's not needed, cuz I'm not sure myself. xD

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have been tasked with their greatest challenge yet - cook dinner for themselves and Rarity, wholly unsupervised! Can they rise to the occasion and take their first tentative steps towards adulthood without accidentally causing some form of catastrophe?

History teaches us the answer is "no".

Finalist for The Writeoff Association short story competition, "Look, I Can Explain..."

Cover art courtesy of Apex Photography

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo's been absent all weekend. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom grow increasingly anxious. Something's happened to her. Something awful.

But then again, maybe some things are better left unanswered.

Chapters (5)