• Member Since 15th May, 2016


A hobbyist in digital art, strolling here to do some reading! Ask nicely and I just might draw one for you XD

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This story is a sequel to Scion of Chaos

Five years after the summer in which the three had gotten their cutie marks, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, now young mares in their own right, decide to go on a quick summer vacation, all as an attempt by Sweetie Belle to cheer up a sad friend. However, the trip turns out to be more than they had anticipated.

Set five years after Scion of Chaos and An Emerald Treasure. For the sake of context I'd recommend reading both of those first.

Special thanks to Mac349 and Plebeian for proofreading. Thanks to CMC4TW for editing/idea-mulling.

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Scion of Chaos

After returning to Ponyville from Canterlot, Sweetie Belle tries her best to find her place amongst friends and family and to remember what it feels like to be home.

This story takes place 4 days after the finale of Scion of Chaos. (I recommend reading that first, if you haven't already)
And set 5 years later is the sequel story: A Heart of Change

Thanks to Rameslack for his amazing cover art.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle is compelled to learn magic after Rarity promises to teach her the finer art of dressmaking, but only once the young filly has learned the basics of magic. However, learning magic comes with its own set of complications and bears an unforeseen gift that will change Sweetie Belle's life forever.

Here's a one-shot sequel that takes place four days after Scion of Chaos: An Emerald Treasure

And this is a Multi-chapter sequel that takes place 5 years after the events of SoC and AET: A Heart of Change

Here's a poem that's based around the character Red Timber. (Not necessary to read for the comprehension of the storyline): Red Timber

Special thanks to SameAsUsual for letting me use his art: http://sameasusual.deviantart.com/art/Ultimate-Sweetie-Belle-340226445. And to ShadowBro for adding in the title and cropping the image.

Chapters (21)

Apple Bloom wants to see her parents, the Cutie Mark Crusaders want their cutie marks, so they do the the only logical thing and try to raise the dead.

Can these three amateur necromancers pull it off without bringing back something twisted and wrong or a horde of the undead?

Tagged 'Sex' for a bumper crop of farm innuendos.

Chapters (1)

[Comedy] The Cutie Mark Crusaders have finally gone too far, and Twilight Sparkle & Friends decide it's time to teach them a lesson. But when their prank starts to take on a life of its own, they may end up being too clever for their own good.

Chapters (1)

It started out as a normal day. The crusaders had a new idea for getting cutie marks, and then Apple Bloom borrowed Applejack's hat for something without asking.

Suddenly... it was no longer a normal day.

Nietzsche, I need sleep.

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have always thrown caution to the winds when Crusading. However, their latest endeavor has left one of their number in great pain with no obvious cause.
When Apple Bloom has her injury treated, she realizes that things in her life aren't what they seem. And when she learns the truth...
Some things are hard to deal with. But the love of a family can fix a lot of problems.

Edit: New cover art by Inkheart7 on DeviantArt.

Chapters (9)

Tirek gave Twilight a choice: give up her magic, or lose her friends. Twilight chose the latter.

Now, the last of the rebellion has been brought to justice. And Twilight is their final judge, juror, and executioner.

She never expected that the Crusaders would still be alive.

Thanks to Rated Ponystar for help with this story. Wouldn't have finished it without ya.
Also, someone did a reading of it here, if you're into that sorta thing.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo is not an orphan. She has two wonderful parents who have taken care of her since she was born.

There is nothing unusual about Scootaloo's life. Although tomboyish, she is like any other pegasus (with the exception of her wings).

That is until a visiter in her dream shows her how little she actually knows about herself.

Written for the 11th **** this prompt! contest.

Chapters (2)

In a world where everypony's destiny is permanently emblazoned on their flank. Three young fillies seek the paths that belong to them. Little do they realize, the journey's destination is not always determined by the ones who walk it.

Chapters (12)