Romance 25 stories
  • Romance 25 stories Because love is a form of friendship
    Created by Ponecone
    - June, 2016
Found 18 stories in 49ms

Total Words: 878,559
Estimated Reading: 2 days


  • Favourites 0 stories

  • Unfinished 10 stories For stories that, sadly, will (most likely) never be finished

  • Romance 25 stories Because love is a form of friendship

  • Comedy 41 stories Laughter is the voice of the soul - Pinkie Pie

  • LGBT 28 stories Why be straight when there are so many other shapes?

  • Drama 6 stories For when you need to earn your happy ending

  • Tragedy 5 stories For if you want to cry (for some strange reason)

  • Cute 10 stories For the literary equivalent of kitten videos (and that is NOT a bad thing!)

  • Miscellaneous 9 stories For stories that don't quite fit anywhere else

  • Ponies Writing Fiction 10 stories Because I feel a weird need to collect these all in one place

  • Horror 3 stories For when you need some ghoulies to giggle at.


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Pinkie Pie preemptively apologizes to Twilight: she's going to ruin their friendship.

Twilight agrees.

Pinkie suits her better as a girlfriend anyway.

Chapters (1)

Spending the holidays with your girlfriend's parents is never easy.

Especially when they think you’re a magical gangster hell-bent on corrupting their daughter.

A Valentine's Day fic... sorta. :raritywink:

Pre-read by Themaskedferret. Thanks to FloydienSlip for help with the title.
Cover art by little-tweenframes.

Chapters (1)

It can be troubling at times, when you like nice quiet evenings, and your marefriends have a much different idea of fun. But then, being out of your comfort zone is what brought you together.

Written as a part of a group polyamory challenge for the Intelligent Shipping Discussion Group.

Chapters (1)

Weeks have past since Tirek had been defeated. Life in Ponyville is back to normality, and Discord couldn't be happier, especially given the fact that all of his friends had forgiven his betrayal.

However, lately he's noticed that Fluttershy doesn't act like herself. She's constantly tired, a bit moody, and overall just not-Fluttershy. She claims to be fine, but Discord is done hearing that excuse.

And he will find out what's wrong. He has to...

.:Couple Portrayed:.
DiscordXFluttershy ( DiscoShy / FlutterCord )

Chapters (4)

Trying to keep something a secret from somepony is hard, especially if that somepony is your marefriend.

One of my (slightly too long) Flarity stories for the Flarity Group Collab; and we would love if more people participated.


Chapters (1)

Celestia had always thought she'd reached the pinnacle of fear when she fought against some of Equestria's greatest enemies.

As it turns out, however, nothing compares to explaining to Twilight's parents that she's in a relationship with their daughter.

Chapters (4)


Dusk is all set to enjoy a good book and some tea on a stormy day when a visitor knocks on his door and turns an otherwise peaceful day into a mystery.

(A belated gift/request that I finally finished. Sorry about the wait. Hope you like it, man.)

Chapters (1)

It's Hearts and Hooves Day, and Big Macintosh has been forced into a rather fancy getup that... truth be told doesn't fit him in the slightest. While waiting for his lover, Caramel, to come to the bar they're having dinner at, he runs into Troy and Canvas, Ponyville's seemingly most popular couple. They have a small talk regarding Mac's feelings on just how genuine the holiday feels, and more importantly how it doesn't feel like him and Caramel.

Bit of a crossover and a surprise for TheVClaw this valentines day.

Cover art a commission from a friend awhile back (VividSyntax) by BNG.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Brushed Away 2: By Hoof and Claw

As the Hearth's Warming Season comes to Equestria, Troy and Canvas decide to spend the holiday in each other's company. Of course, among all the presents the two have for each other, one specific gift might add something very special to their home...

I want to give a huge thanks to Brasta Septim for making this audio recording of my story. You're awesome!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Brushed Away

Despite being one of the few Gryphons living in the land of Equestria, Troius Clawston couldn't be happier with how his life has been. Along with having good friends and a stable job in Weather Patrol, Troy is happiest about his life for one reason: Canvas, the Earth Pony artist that he saved and befriended, who grew to become so much more.
However, before the two can begin their lives together, Troy has to overcome a new challenge in his life. Something he never thought he would have to face until now...

Telling his family.

Because of strong Gryphon values which look down on alternative relationships, how will Troy's family react when they discover he's not only with someone of a different species, but of the same gender? As traditions clash with taboos, how will the Gryphon handle telling his brothers and parents, while still staying with the stallion he cares about? Can he keep everyone together, or will family bonds break under pressure?

The cover art was made by High-Roller2108, and I want to thank Bad_Seed_72,Shadow Hawk, and Zyrian for proofreading this.

Chapters (43)