Miscellaneous 9 stories
Found 9 stories in 44ms

Total Words: 94,758
Estimated Reading: 6 hours


  • Favourites 0 stories

  • Unfinished 10 stories For stories that, sadly, will (most likely) never be finished

  • Romance 25 stories Because love is a form of friendship

  • Comedy 41 stories Laughter is the voice of the soul - Pinkie Pie

  • LGBT 28 stories Why be straight when there are so many other shapes?

  • Drama 6 stories For when you need to earn your happy ending

  • Tragedy 5 stories For if you want to cry (for some strange reason)

  • Cute 10 stories For the literary equivalent of kitten videos (and that is NOT a bad thing!)

  • Miscellaneous 9 stories For stories that don't quite fit anywhere else

  • Ponies Writing Fiction 10 stories Because I feel a weird need to collect these all in one place

  • Horror 3 stories For when you need some ghoulies to giggle at.


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

There was only one explanation. For all of it. All of the strange, erratic behavior. Her irrational fear of the sun. Her nocturnal habits of locking herself in in the dark and closing all the blinds. Wearing her sunglasses everywhere, even inside! It was time to invest in some silver, garlic, and a wooden stake.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to On the Courtship Behavior of Swamp-Dwelling Chimeras

Learning to read is rather challenging under normal circumstances, but it doesn't help when your other two heads would rather be courting or hunting. So far, though, Agatha has risen to the challenge admirably under the tutelage of Twilight Sparkle herself—or at least she did before the day she and her sisters walked into Ponyville to discover the burnt-out husk of the library tree. Worst of all, though, was that even though few of the books survived, the bastard who committed this unspeakable crime is still alive....

For now.

Artwork by Page Turner

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Apex

Finding love is hard enough under normal circumstances, but it's even more complicated when you're the tail of a chimera. As much as Irene may want a fairy-tale romance, her fantasies have so far been stymied by her sisters' rather different opinions on the matter, not to mention the limited choice of species available to chimeras (well, to chimeras who want to have children, that is). However, when the orange pony with the delicious pies gets herself cornered during a delivery, she claims to be the personal friend of a dragon... and apparently, he's single!

Artwork by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

It’s never particularly easy being at the top of the food chain, even under normal circumstances, but Eleanor’s circumstances are hardly normal: as one-third of the chimera who prowls the fire geyser swamp south of Ponyville, the tigress must deal with all of the usual stresses that come with being an apex predator, and she has to manage two bickering sisters who simply refuse to shut up and do as they’re told. However, she and her sisters face an unexpected challenge when they come across evidence that a new predator is trying to push into their territory.

(For anyone who's concerned about the gore tag, the violence in this story is of the sort that is typical of a nature documentary. If you can handle the stuff on the Discovery Channel, you shouldn't have too much trouble with this.)

Artwork by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy loves her animals.
And her animals love her.
If only she knew how much they really cared about her, and how thankful they were...

Chapters (1)

Four years ago, Shining Armor’s parents died in a horrific car accident, leaving him and his wife to take care of his little sister, Twilight Sparkle. There isn’t a thing that he wouldn’t do for her, yet there are times when it feels like there isn’t anything he can do for her. To him, the time she spent under his care has been nothing but a long string of him letting her down.

All things considered, it is understandable that she wouldn’t want to spend a day reserved for celebrating one’s parents with him.

After all, he is not Twilight’s father, and she’s not his daughter, right?

An official entry in my Harmony and Valor series.

Cover art by the talented PaulySentry.

Rated Teen for mild language.

Featured on Fimfiction somewhere between June 15 and June 16.

Now has its own TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)

After spending the night at her date's house, Cheerilee reflects on her life and meets somepony she didn't quite expect.

Featured on 7/8/2016

Chapters (1)

Additional Tags: M/M Shipping, Awkward

Canterlot's Guard is by far the most disciplined outfit in Equestria. Or at least it seems that way. If so, is that discipline worth the cost? After the royal wedding, two guards watch over the empty altar and determine an answer for themselves.

Chapters (1)

In the wake of the Canterlot Wedding, Fluttershy has to ask Twilight a very difficult question.

Now available in spanish! Spinoff stories can be found in Would It Matter If I Made This Group?

Now with a TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)