LGBT 28 stories
  • LGBT 28 stories Why be straight when there are so many other shapes?
    Created by Ponecone
    - June, 2016
Found 27 stories in 37ms

Total Words: 730,155
Estimated Reading: 2 days


  • Favourites 0 stories

  • Unfinished 10 stories For stories that, sadly, will (most likely) never be finished

  • Romance 25 stories Because love is a form of friendship

  • Comedy 41 stories Laughter is the voice of the soul - Pinkie Pie

  • LGBT 28 stories Why be straight when there are so many other shapes?

  • Drama 6 stories For when you need to earn your happy ending

  • Tragedy 5 stories For if you want to cry (for some strange reason)

  • Cute 10 stories For the literary equivalent of kitten videos (and that is NOT a bad thing!)

  • Miscellaneous 9 stories For stories that don't quite fit anywhere else

  • Ponies Writing Fiction 10 stories Because I feel a weird need to collect these all in one place

  • Horror 3 stories For when you need some ghoulies to giggle at.


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Rarity is the most beautiful mare in all of ponyivlle, the most feminine Element of Harmony and the sweetest, most wonderful being, Spike has ever laid eyes on.
But she has a secret. A secret that she has to share with him tonight.
What if Spike finds out soemthing he would have never expected?

Rarity (male) and Spike (male) one-shot scene, based on a forum dialogue, I had a short while ago.

Chapters (2)

Evening Rose is a survivor.

She endured a fall from Canterlot mountain after being attacked by her father. She barely survived the attack by Granite that left her hospitalized. She even faced a copy of herself in the midst of a changeling invasion she helped cause. Her life has not been easy, but each experience helped her come to terms with herself and the life she has.

She's finally happy with her life, and all she wants to do is leave the past behind and enjoy the normalcy she's earned. However, changes are happening in Equestria and she's caught in the middle, despite her wishes against getting involved.

But what can one do when destiny knocks?

This story follows the events of Dysphoria, Arc 1: Introductions, Arc 2: Ponyville, and Arc 3: Canterlot.

This Arc is finished but the story continues in Dysphoria, Arc 5: Equestria

Chapters (9)

This follows the events of Dysphoria, Arc 1: Introductions and Dysphoria, Arc 2: Ponyville.

Evening Rose has been released from the hospital and is struggling to recover. Her physical injuries have healed, but the emotional scars have yet to fade. However, as she struggles to come to terms with her recent assault and the changes it heralded, strange happenings begin to occur in Canterlot.

Someone has returned that shouldn't have, and Rose is forced to go back and face the things she's left behind. There are things she doesn't understand, but the answers she looks for may lead her to more questions, and to danger.

After all, seldom are things what they appear to be.

This Arc is finished but the story continues!
Check out the rest in:

Dysphoria, Arc 4: Summer Breeze

Chapters (13)

This story follows the events of Dysphoria, Arc 1: Introductions serving as both a sequel and an independent story.

With the mystery of her past revealed to the Mane 6, Evening Rose adjusts to living her life in Ponyville.

Struggles arise as she makes new friends and adjusts to the town under the weight of her secret.
Will they come to accept her? Will she accept herself?

This Arc is finished but the story continues!
Check out the rest in:

Dysphoria, Arc 3: Canterlot
Dysphoria, Arc 4: Summer Breeze

Chapters (9)

This is a story of a pony that arrives in Ponyville, broken and dying, before being rescued by Applejack.

He ran far to get here, and he's not sure if he's being followed, so hiding in Ponyville seems like his best bet.

However, his secrets build up and his insecurity rises.

How long can he keep secrets from the new friends he's made, and what will happen to those friends when his secret gets out.

This Arc is finished but the story continues!
Check out the rest in:

Dysphoria, Arc 2: Ponyville
Dysphoria, Arc 3: Canterlot
Dysphoria, Arc 4: Summer Breeze

Chapters (11)

Not quite a mare, but unhappy being a colt. It's a hard position for a young pony to be in. Would be easier if judgement weren't in every look, hate in every scowl. For Glitter Shell, even her friends and family aren't giving her the support she needs. So, she goes to find some in her personal hero.

Based on the blog Ask Glitter Shell. Give it a chance; I doubt you'll regret it.

Featured on Equestria Daily on August 12th, 2013; thank all of you for the support! Though please remember to support trans people in real life. This story is a very tame snapshot of what they have to go through for most of their lives.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hate you, Love you

Time has passed since her trip to Canterlot,
and at last Rarity is feeling more like herself again.

But when a chance encounter leads her to discover that there's more to the homophobia she witnessed in Canterlot, she must make the decision between continuing to hide,
or fighting for what she believes in.

But... can she admit to the world what she is?

Chapters (2)

She was easily the most beautiful pony I had ever seen.
Her tastes in entertainment and music and literature perfectly matched my own.
She made me laugh, she made me smile.
She was perfect.

I loved her for it,
and hated her for it.

But most of all, I hated myself

Continued in The Right To Love

Chapters (1)

Caramel helps Thunderlane accept his sexuality... Granted not in the way that usually happens, but the same rules apply!

A first draft of this was written for the Write-Off Association.

Chapters (1)