• Member Since 4th Jan, 2012


Ok maybe you're right, but has anyone seen Discord and Star Swirl in the same room together?

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This story is a sequel to Memoirs of a Royal Guard

From the outside looking in, life has never been better for Silent Knight. He is the first pony in a long line of Royal Guard ancestry to earn a commission, he has a loving mare by his side, and he bears the kingdom’s highest honor for bravely risking it all to protect Princess Luna. The future shines bright with potential, but the shadows of the past lurk at every twist and turn that lies ahead.

Guilt, anger, and regret are constantly at war in the depths of Silent Knight’s mind. Despite his best efforts to enjoy the life he has, he finds himself trapped in the past, reliving the moment when his unit was ambushed and his ponies were killed. He refuses to show any weakness, instead hiding everything behind a tough face to protect himself and those he loves. But his true feelings—and what he plans to do with them—shackle everything he holds dear with chains forged in secret.

Secrets of a Royal Guard is a comedy series with romantic, dramatic, and adventure elements. It features an original character cast and their interactions with the princesses they protect. It is recommended that readers be familiar with Memoirs of a Royal Guard.

Quill & Blade Universe

Chapters (56)

This story is a sequel to Upheaval: Reckoning

Equestria's fragments have reunited, and the power of sunlight shines once more within Celestia. With the remnants of the Old Kingdom destroyed, the Abyssal Throne sent away, the threat of Gravitas defeated, and Black Rose no more, Equestria now faces the encroaching darkness of Oceanus and his rebels.

But the stage is not yet fully set. Twilight Sparkle and her friends must gather what means they may before the battle is joined.

Cover art provided by Captain Nibbles

Chapters (27)

Thunderlane is a stallion's stallion, and he knows it. Unfortunately, this has created a lot of unstable relationships with the ponies he knows, and he keeps falling in and out of relationships because no pony he knows can meet his standards. He's about to break up with his current marefriend for reasons he's not even sure of, and is hesistant about getting into a relationship with another.

But Thunderlane's life is about to take an unusual twist. A signing event in Ponyville's new library leads him to meet with one of his favorite authors. But life is not so clearly marked out like the pages in Thunderlane's favorite books, and he's about to find out this strange stallion has a few tricks up his sleeves, tricks that will shake Thunderlane's foundations and quite possibly reveal a thing or two about himself he wasn't previously aware of.

That is, if Thunderlane can realize what he's doing to him.

Chapters (1)

Rumble's constantly told he's a cute colt, from most mares and even a few other colts. But, for the most part it's been that. Maybe it's been a passing comment, or maybe someone tried to pay him a compliment. And, for the most part, Rumble hasn't minded.

However, when his brother Thunderlane calls Flitter and Cloudchaser over one night to foalsit, Rumble begins to suspect something may be wrong, especially when the two adult pegasi mares begin going beyond just calling him cute. When mares across Ponyville start fawning over the colt, Rumble decides he simply needs the help of a unicorn to stop a strange form of innate pony magic not usually found in pegasi.

Featured on 1/3/2015.
REVIVED on 4/5/2016.

Apparently featured on TVTropes.org MLP:FiM Shipfic Recommendations page.

Flitter x Thunderlane / Rumble x Cloudchaser will be involved; no sex.

[Cover art from MrPoniator and found here in gif form.]

Chapters (14)

No one makes it through life unchallenged. For every person there comes a time when the world hurts them, betrays them, or calls on them for something great. It is in those dire moments that six mares will learn just what they are made of.

Sometimes the best medicine isn't for the body. It is for the soul.

[Second place finisher in the March Writeoff competition.]

Chapters (6)

Everypony has a story. Some tell of heroic feats and grand adventure. Others tell of villainy against the forces of Harmony. The story of an average guard, however, is one of obscurity. They live in the background, unnoticed but ever-present.

Silent Knight assumed his tale would be like that of his father's: join the Royal Guard and serve Equestria. He would be just another helmet and spear, part of the rank and file. And that was all he ever wanted.

However, when Captain Shining Armor asked for volunteers to form a House Guard for the recently returned Princess Luna, it was Silent's hooves that stepped forwards to set his new life in motion.

Chapters (56)

Bringing a lost empire into the modern age is stressful enough, but for a pair of young lovers, the weight can be difficult to bear. Fortunately, their love is stronger than ever. Their vows to one another the solid foundation of their marriage. There is nothing he wouldn't do to protect her from harm, nothing he wouldn't do to show his love. But, whether he is Captain of the Guard or Prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor is her stallion, first and foremost. Her beloved. For the one who captured her heart, Princess Cadence will protect him from that which would harm his spirit—whether he knows it or not.

Editing and prereading done by The Albinocorn, Bad_Seed_72, Foals Errand, Meridian Prime, and Zodiacspear

Artwork originally done by Silfoe/RoyalSketchbook and used with permission.

Chapters (26)

Tirek is gone and so is the library, but Twilight Sparkle can't stop thinking about them. Is she playing the part she wants to play? Are her desires all the same as her mentor's? Has ascension truly helped her to spread the magic of friendship? To answer these questions she must turn to her friends, her mentor, and a more uncertain source: her heart.

A/N: This is an alternate version of events after the Season 4 finale, returning after a two-year hiatus. The beautiful new cover picture is courtesy of AquaGalaxy. Dedicated to palaikai and BrownEyedBagel for their support, plus RealityCheck, Jawjoe and StrangeReasoning for inspiration; and finally Black Hoof, without whom I may never have continued the story.)

Chapters (3)

(Warning to new readers, the comments are chock full of spoilers.)

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Rainbow Dash's dad, Blue Streak, has been lonely and sad ever since Firefly passed away. Rainbow has tried her best to cheer him up, but to no avail. On her latest visit, she finds out that her dad has been seeing someone and is now happier than ever. She couldn't be happier for him, until she found out who it was.

Editing and idea provided by: Bronystories.
Writing (mostly) done by me. Special thanks to him for being awesome.

Chapters (10)