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Scootaloo is a young pegasus mare. She often watches Rainbow Dash, when the blue pegasus flies in the skies above her. And when she sees this simple act, her heart always grows heavy in her chest. Because she knows, that for her this simple act can never come true.

AN: This is my third monologue. An inspiration was the comic Some Dreams by frostykat 13.

Chapters (1)

All Scootaloo wanted was a family that cared for her, not one that treats her like trash. Her parents bring her down every day, and ridicule her for the smallest mistakes. The only one that seems to care is her big sister, but not even Rainbow Dash can help her out of this predicament. Desperate for an escape from her torment, Scootaloo ends up lost in the Everfree Forest. One fateful encounter will bring two creatures from an entirely different world into Scootaloo's life, their arrival will either put her on the path to true happiness or even greater troubles....

(I had to add Romance later on because of the ship I created.)

Chapters (43)

Scootaloo always thougreat that Rainbow Dash was the coolest pony in Equestria. That she was so tough that she would never cry,
That she would never have cracks in her armour.
Rainbow Dash is her big sister, her role model.
But big girls cry when their hearts are breaking.

Cover art by: Electronic Flair


Chapters (1)

Scootaloo seems to be really down lately, Rainbow Dash knows it. She saw the little filly force a smile every time she sees her friends. The filly didn't even feel hyperactive like she always was during her training sessions. Of course, as an awesome coach, Rainbow Dash comforts her adoptive sister.

Psst, this was a submission to a contest a fellow user made... (Link)

Oh, and I don't have a coverart.

Chapters (1)

(Set during Sleepless in Ponyville)
The Cutie Mark Crusaders are planning a camping with their big sisters, or in the case of Scootaloo, the big sister figure she wished she had. However, before that can happen, there is something else Rainbow Dash has to do first, meet Scootaloo's mom.

Chapters (1)

"Hey Thorax?"

"Yeah, Spike?"

"Remember when you said you remember being different from the other changelings the day you were hatched?"


"Well, I asked Twilight about it and... Well, apparently nopony really remembers that far back in their lives."

Thorax flinched.

When Thorax made the plan to move to the Crystal Empire, he didn't think it would be so easy as it was. Then again, nothing ever goes according to plan. Thorax learns this the hard way. Having just convinced the rulers of the Crystal Empire, his first friend pops the question he did not want to hear.

Now, his story is quickly falling apart and his mind must work overtime to maintain his recent clemency.

After all, he's not a regular changeling. The ponies believe it too, just for different reasons.

Rated Teen for Language

Chapters (1)

During Twilight's visit of the Crystal Empire, she stumbles upon Flash Sentry, who is struggling to work on a piece of literature he wants to donate to the local library. As Twilight uses the opportunity to help Flash develop his story, another kind of development begins taking place.

Based on a true story.

Special thanks to Setokaiva for proofreading.

Chapters (1)

The history books say that Commander Hurricane and his lieutenants Lightning Streak and Ice Wing successfully brought the Pegasi nation into a firm alliance with the other races, establishing a new country under the Royals in Equestria. Yet, time tends to forget the darker details of history. Not everypony was happy to see the mighty and miltant Pegasi subdued under the 'beneficial' union with the other races. The ensuing internal struggle would fade into Pegasi myth, a secret long thought laid to rest...

Thousands of years have passed. Equestria has been at peace under the Diarchy of Celestia and Luna. Nopony recalls the forgotten history of the Pegasi. It is all about to change. Storms from the past are on the horizon, an ancient vengeance set to transform Equestria. Only three unsuspecting pegasi stand destined to turn back the storm; to discover the forgotten Legacy of the Pegasi.

Proofread by SeerGun

Chapters (30)

Hello Equestrian;

Applejack, Spike, and Pinkie Pie. When the Ninth Fantasy began, they were lost to Equestria, when it needed them most, blessing Gaia with their aid. This is their story. The friends they made, the enemies they fought, the trials they endured, the tears they shed. A story, beginning with a humble journey to return home, escalating into an epic struggle to save two worlds from an ancient ritual. A story about, naturally, friendship, and the strength born of it that they all relied on, in their harrowing adventure to save all that they could from Unity, and the Chaos born within.

A Final Fantasy IX crossover, Gaia Side.

Cover Art done by Cloureed. Thanks! You're Awesome!!
Final Fantasy IX belongs to Sony and Square Enix, you should totally buy the game.

Chapters (43)