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After his betrayal, Discord was sentenced to ten years in stone, with four parole periods a year, on holidays. He was also given a holiday to celebrate Chaos, which is his first parole period of the year. Over the course of a year, the Mane 6 and Discord will celebrate Topsy Turvy Day, the Summer Sun Celebration, Nightmare Night, and Hearth's Warming.

Established Fluttercord; I don't yet know if there are any other shippings. Spike is off learning to be an ambassador to the dragons, so he's not around at the moment.

Chapters (5)

War was something Dash thought would never happen—at least, not under the era of peace and harmony they were living in and Celestia being the current ruler? That decreased the chances even more.

All that changed on one faithful day where Celestia was overheard declaring the Pegasi beneath them and they were just petty ponies underneath her rule.

Why did she do it? Nopony had a clue.

Angered, the pegasi declared war upon Celestia, using Commander Hurricne's Contingency stating that, if there was any possibility of betrayal from the other races, they could break the treaty between them.

Dash was torn.

Fight for the rest of Equestria? Or her own blood?

She was in the Wonderbolts, she didn't have a choice...

This is a Collaboration between myself and MLP333 who is on Wattpad, not on Fimfiction but, give her a follow anyways!

All the odd numbered chapters will be written by me and the even numbered ones by MLP333

Hope you enjoy this story!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Tale of the Choosing Stone

The time has finally arrived: the four Pie sisters are about to go to the Choosing Stone to find their special ponies. However, even though they are shown to the right pony for them, love still has its difficulties to work through.

Chosen Love is a story detailing the love lives of the four Pie sisters: Limestone, Marble, Maud, and Pinkie Pie. I am warning you now that there might be a ship you don't like thrown into this story.

Sex tag is for light innuendos.

Chapters (73)

The Choosing Stone. Everypony in the Pie family has heard of it. It is a sacred tradition that shows ponies who their soulmate is.

Igneous Rock must now explain to his grown daughters every detail on how it works.

A head-canon story of the Choosing Stone; which was mentioned in S5 EP20: Hearthbreakers

Chapters (1)

There are many axioms in Equestria. "Go with the grain." "Count your blessings." "Strive to be happy with what you have."

And, though left unsaid, the most important one of all: "Know your place."

Although Flash Sentry loves Twilight, she can never know of his love. She can never return the feelings. It wouldn't be proper. After all, social order is more important than fulfilling one's own wishes.

Alternate Universe tag is due to the existence of a caste system in this story. Please keep that in mind as you read.

Thanks to Sir Rustbucket, Draconian Soul, Regidar, and Loopy Legend for editing.

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with a poem by Fiend from the Darkness!

Now with a YouTube reading by BlackIrisBalloon (and multiple voice actors)!

Now with a Korean translation by Kianoke!

Followed by What Hath Joined Together.

Rated Teen for mild violence and thematic elements.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Midnight Dance

The spin-off to The Midnight Dance. Based on the fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea. When the youngest princesses of Celestia and Sombra are invited to an island kingdom to attend a ball and to compete in a series of tests to win the right to marry the prince there. They get doubts from the other princesses there. Will they be able prove themselves as true princesses?

Chapters (32)

Twilight writes to Princess Celestia for an explanation of an insidious issue Shining Armor told her about... but she ends up finding a secret that will change her life forever.

Short and thoughtful, with just a little pinch of humor to liven things up.
Simulcast en Espaniol
Many thanks to my proofreaders and pre-readers, Kolth, Sky Warden, and Colt, all from MLP Forums.

Chapters (3)

Twilight get a letter from Celestia on a regular day, but it says that she must come to Canterlot immediately and with nopony else. Quickly, Twilight leaves Ponyville to aid Celestia in her time of need. But, when she gets there; it turns out what she raced there for, was not what she expected. As a matter of fact, she felt like just letting loose a thousand of parasprites in the castle for what Princess Celestia called her for. I mean out of all the ponies in Equestria...why is she in love with Sombra!?!

I don't know the name of the artist for the cover art...sorry:fluttercry:

Chapters (5)

Applejack and Rarity must deal with each other for an entire week as the cowpony mends after an incident. Applejack just wants to get home as fast as possible, but after spending time with the brash pony, Rarity finds herself questioning her feelings for Ponyville's prized pony.

Shipfic involving Rarity and Applejack by request. I really need to stop sending ponies to the hospital in these things.
Hopefully you enjoy it nonetheless and know that this is as dramatic as it should get for the remainder of the story.
Picture is a screencap from Look before you sleep.

Chapters (6)

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, led by a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a heart pure enough to care for a monster like him.

Music to listen to.

Cover Art by IduChan

Alternate Cover Art

More fanart by Whiteheart7

AJ Pony's review

Chapters (40)