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Fluttershy, afraid of how her friends would react to learning of her relationship with Discord, must make a decision. Unfortunately, neither will be happy with the result.

He just wishes she'd stay with him....

Chapters (1)

While watching Screwball one day, Fluttershy is told that Screwball had never had a birthday party before due to her only family being Discord and also due to his imprisonment. Feeling sorry for the chaotic little pony, Fluttershy decides that she'll help Screwball celebrate her birthday in any way she wants to...

The thing is, Screwball's idea of partying may just be a little over Fluttershy's head.

editor& help with the story-Browneyedbagle

(My Birthday8/30)

Chapters (1)

After the events of the Friendship Games, things with the Shadowbolts didn't just end there... Romance has bloomed between students from Crystal Prep and Canterlot High...

The competitive and athletic Rainbow Blitz finds an unusual competitor that challenges him to a race: Indigo Zap. He takes the challenge from the athletic Shadowbolt, but there's a little more to that...

(Canterlot High students are 63'd, Crystal Prep will be still girls.)

Chapters (1)

Their secret affair was always forbidden, yet at the same time, they were meant to be. Such a horrible paradox. This is the story of the beginning and the end of Princess Celestia's tragically perfect love life.

Comic spoilers btw
also don't ask how this happened 'cause i have no idea

Chapters (1)

When Cadence gets into an accident she has to wear a cast around her neck. As the days go by her wings do not do so well and an itch has developed on her wings, making it unbearable for her. Shining Armor, seeing her plight, then offers his aid in helping her, even though he himself is a novice as to how to properly Preen.

Warning: Incoming dawws, feels, hnnngs, and some lol's

Achieved 1000 views! Awesome!

Artwork does not belong to me. Artwork belongs to DM29. He is a fantastic artist and he is very talented so do go check him out.

Much thanks to be given to all my editors who helped me this story.

Proofreading was done by Maxima mea Culpa. I have much thanks to him for the details on sections for many of the scenes in the story.

Editing was done by Rares for getting in the little small areas that were missed and overlooked.

Pre-reading was done by Drakkith. The very author who made a story that inspired me to create this story. I have so much to thank him for all of the talent in helping shaping and guiding the story to where it is. Much thanks should go to him for the final work.

Be sure to check them all out because they are all awesome.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, who has finally achieved her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt, is about to be deployed for her first tour of active duty, but before heading, she takes some time to say goodbye to her close friends and loved ones, including spending a very intimate moment with a certain little pegasus filly who has looked up to her and adored her for so long. After all, who knows how long it will be before they see each other again...

I don't own MLP: FIM.

Click Here for Live Reading Seriously, they did a fantastic job with this.

Chapters (1)

Spitfire visits her dying father three days before her Wonderbolts Flying Club tryout. She expects to be in and out quickly, but the outcome is something far greater than she could have ever imagined. Roses, feathers, and cancer. It's funny how things come to be.

Rated Teen.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Loveliest of Trees (Old)

After the musical showcase and Fall Formal, Twilight has to contemplate returning back to Equestria. Her time in this world has been fun. Finding Coppermane's human counterpart, watching him and Fluttershy fall in love all over again, and spending time with her friends has been amazing, but she has duties back home, and she can't stay here forever.

There's just one problem. One thing is keeping her here. Her relationship with Flash Sentry.

Chapters (1)

The de Hoofilland Constellation is the world's largest passenger airliner, capable of carrying 1200 passengers and crew halfway around the world. Since its launch, it has become an icon in the world of civil aviation and a major status symbol for Equestria - until one of them mysteriously falls out of the sky, leaving only a sole survivor. Horrified by the plane's sudden failure and the horrendous loss of life, Princess Celestia and Sultan Solaris of Saddle Arabia open up a joint inquiry into the loss of the ill-fated leviathan, with Twilight Sparkle leading the investigation. Will they be able to find the cause? Will the Constellations' image remain tarnished forever? And will the survivor live to tell the tale?

Contains references to real-life aviation disasters. Reader discretion is advised when reading this story.

The crashes featured here are largely based on the calamitous in-flight break-up of the real-life de Havilland Comets, the most notorious of which was the loss of BOAC Flight 781 for London. This story is dedicated to the victims' memories.

Chapters (17)

Twilight misses her happy life. She hopes that Spike, her number one assitant, will be praying for her. Her best friend, Flash Sentry comforts her. Flash secretly is in love with Twilight, but Twilight is in love with a unicorn named Comet Tail.

Chapters (2)