• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Life was pretty routine for Spike: Wake up, eat some food, keep Twilight and Starlight in check, go back to bed. It was a simple life, if not a bit predictable.

All that changes when Celestia calls on him to defeat an evil force that threatens to tear Equestria to pieces. What's more, the only way to defeat this force is to travel over a thousand years into the past and prevent it from existing in the first place.

Things just got a bit more complicated for the dragon.

Check the theme song performed for this fic: If Only I Had Time by Among the Herd!

Edited by Soaring and Jack of a Few Trades
Preread by: Ice Star

Artwork commissioned by Alumx

Chapters (11)

After Sunset is blasted by the Elements of Harmony and left in the human world again, she struggles with the consequences of her actions. But even if everybody hates her, there are five girls willing to help her redeem herself.

Meanwhile, a certain blue-skinned magician is more than interested in Sunset's knowledge of true magic.

Edition and Proofreading:
Parchment Pen
Special thanks to crowscrowcrow.

FEATURED 09-12-15 Thank you so much!

Chapters (31)

Ryan O'Connor arrived in Equestria a couple years back when Twilight was checking up on Sunset Shimmer. Instead of looking through the mirror of Sunset's world, Twilight looked through another and saw Ryan was about to be buried in an avalanche during a rescue mission. Without even thinking, Twilight pulled him to safety but the way home was blocked and left Ryan stranded in Equestria. To Twilight's surprise, Ryan was pretty cool with it and decided to enjoy his stay and the company of his adorkable savior.

Just a little something that came to mind before and since I'm reading a lot of Twilight Sparkle stories I'd thought I should write this down for you guys. And the cover image was great inspiration as well.
It's basically in medias res and history will occasionally be told in flashbacks and referenced in dialogue.
It's mainly going to be romance, fluff and general sillyness. :twilightsmile:

Hope you enjoy! :moustache:

Aaaand we got featured May 12th 2019 :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (6)

Doomie, like most of his brothers, hasn't eaten in a while.
So, when a random pink pony asks for him to "do her"
and intercourse love is the tastiest kind of love out there,
and the pony herself looks pretty pretty:
How could he refuse?

Author's diary: DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAR diary. There is not enough Doomie pie fanfics out there....That is all.

Chapters (14)

This story takes place after the events of the episode "Keep calm and flutter on."

After Discord's reformation, he decides to have a bet with Princess Celestia. Wanting to see her chaotic side, a bet was made between the two. For one whole week, Celestia will agree to become a draconequus, to see if she can control the powers of chaos itself. Celestia agrees on the condition that should she win, she gets to transform Discord into whatever she wants for a week in turn. However, Celestia has many secret desires and it doesn't take long for her to start abusing her new chaotic magic...

Editor: The Fan without a Face

Cover artist: hikariviny

Chapters (13)

Update: The story is edited into a proper read without many of the horrors I originally put into it. Enjoy the ride!

Deciding he could be given another chance, Luna and Celestia come to an agreement to release the Chaotic God from his rocky imprisonment, locking his powers with a powerful spell. Magicless and with a chance at redemption, Discord's ways seem less chaotic than ever.

He does cause a lot of chaos though, to the faithful student of Celestia, who had eagerly taken over the task of watching over and teaching Discord by giving him a home under her own roof, in the process hoping to learn more about his species, powers and motives but surprisingly learning much more about both himself and her head... Which puts her in pretty amusing situations most of the time.

An adventure of a silly one sided (???) love and a look into the heart of Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (27)

Twilight has settled into her new castle, which now feels like a home thanks to her friends. The only problem is she's still not sleeping and still finding excuses to keep herself busy. The last few weeks had been particularly stressful. She thought that once everything calmed down her life would get back to normal, but something that happened affected her more deeply than she thought.

Rainbow Dash can tell something is wrong. She wants to know if she can help.

Editing by Formerly Committed and JetstreamGW.

Also available in Dramatic Reading form! Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Chapters (3)

Effective communication is important in any friendship.

Unfortunately for Twilight, Tempest Shadow and Pharynx communicate almost exclusively in overwhelming force.

Chapters (5)

Stories of someone coming back from the dead are a staple in every culture. For most, they are little more than fairy tales and rumours, passed down over generations. Any truth to them lost to the ages.

For Rainbow Dash, they're her only lead. Her only chance to see her friend again. They lead her to a strange mare who knows things she shouldn't, setting Rainbow Dash on a journey through a world no living pony was ever meant to see. She will stop at nothing to bring Twilight Sparkle home.

Editing generously provided by: Corax Morn and 112mag211

Chapters (14)

Cadance starts a paid dating service, doubling as a firm for both marriage and divorce law, and hires a 'reformed' Chrysalis as an intern.

Nopony's relationship is safe, least of all her own.

Chapters (1)