• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

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Chrysalis and Celestia discover they are soulmates the second time they meet.

Soulmate-identifying marks.


Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. She has amazing friends, a royal title, a school, a castle, everything a mare could ever want in her life. She was perfect.

Trixie Lulamoon, a normal unicorn, no title, an amateur magician, and not very well liked by others. She spends most of her time alone in her wagon, lost in thoughts or hiding from ponies who hated her.

What happens when they finally decide to tell their friends about their relationship and sexualities?

Chapters (1)

It took Cadance four meetings to ask for Shining Armor's name and only one to tell him not to fall for her. It took Shining Armor one meeting to realise Cadance was very likely insane and four for him to decide that he was okay with it.

Note: The characters are OOC. My interpretations are of them in their younger years, around their early twenties, perhaps when they are both in University or College.

Cover by guywhodoesart.

Chapters (1)

In the wake of Twilight’s escape from her kingdom, Nightmare Moon sentences Rarity, her palace steward, to a terrible fate: bound in gold and priceless gems, she’s to be thrown into an ancient dragon prison to be messily devoured.

Except the prison isn’t what it seems, nor is its sole occupant. Rarity just might find her life instead of losing it, and alter the course of Equestrian history in process.

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (18)

Being a Princess of Equestria is a hard and lonely job. Princess Cadance knows this firsthoof, and if it wasn't for her faithful husband Shining Armor, she would be grumpy too!

Still, she can't just sit by and watch her beloved aunts waste away in loneliness and anger! Maybe that old mirror hidden in her castle holds a solution...

Cover Art by TJPones

EDIT: Featured like 20 mins after posting (lol nice) on 6/3/19.

EDIT: #1 just a few hours after posting! Glad you all are liking it :3

Chapters (1)

It took Twilight a long time to build up the courage to ask Applejack out, but she finally did it. What she hadn't prepared for was the two of them triggering an Attunement, an incredibly rare magical reaction that unicorn fillies call 'True Love's Kiss.'

And the date was going so well, too.

(Takes place in late season 7, after Once Upon a Zeppelin but before Shadow Play)

Editing by Formerly Committed and JetstreamGW.

Chapters (3)

Twilight has a dream. It's more of a nightmare. Due to her own interference, she watches as one by one her friends pair off, leaving her alone. She wakes in a panic. The dream feels too real.
Seeking guidance from Zecora, she sets off a chain of events in real life where her dream predictions start to come true. It makes her question everything.
Is her fate as an alicorn princess, to end up alone, or is something more in store for her future?

There is some romance/shipping and a little closeness, but nothing explicit. Not yet, anyway. If it changes in future chapters, I will upgrade the rating.

Chapters (2)

When Trixie wakes up in Celestia's bed she's stunned and finds out she's spilled her guts to Celestia the previous night. Apparently Celestia assumed something that Trixie hadn't and that leads to some troubles.

Entry into: May Pairing Contest

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo is failing school, and her life has been turned upside down. Compromising pictures she took of herself in a very vulnerable state were stolen from her bag, revealing a secret she's kept hidden from the world. Pictures no one was meant to see other than the young mare she cares for the most. When it's revealed that an old friend wants to help her, Scootaloo doesn't know what to think or feel.

Chapters (1)

With Celestia and Luna having finally retired and passed on the throne to Twilight, the weight of Equestria has fallen on Twilight's back, and without her friends there by her side, doubts and fears haunt her, leaving her restless and anxious.

But maybe all she needs is a friend to be there with her and tell her it will be alright.

Chapters (1)