• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

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Set in the continuity of Tailor of the Crown, though if you haven't read it, all you need to know is that Rarity took a job to work as a tailor in Canterlot Castle.

Avoiding social entanglements at Canterlot galas can be quite a tricky business for Rarity.

Luckily, Rarity has a very beautiful alicorn princess to help with that.

amazing cover art by apricalico!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has a fear of Endings. She hates them with a passion. Thus she is stuck with a problem. Graduation is coming up and she has no idea what to do next. Her friends are going to college, and she doesn't want High School to end. She can't face it. She needs a way out...

And with Graduation soon approaching, she looks back. Back to before...
She realizes just how much she left behind when she went through the portal.
Her Family, Her Parents....Her Friends

She needs to go back. Thus, she packs up, and goes back to Equestria

But what she finds when she gets there, isn't what she had intended.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle may have to deal with a lot of issues, but inside her, another drama plays out with her internal organs. Her spleen has fallen in love with her gallbladder, and even though their romance can never be, he pines after her every day. Maybe, with a little help from his friend, the liver, he can gain some closure. But at what cost to Twilight?

WARNING: Contains internal organ romance. Seriously. That's what this is. I'm not kidding.

Written as a commission for Majin Syeekoh who has the most insane, mad, and messed up ideas. And I am so so grateful.

Chapters (1)

A young woman catches the eye of a stunning vampiress and finds herself transfixed, longing for the undying embrace of Twilight Sparkle, the former Regent of the Night.

Inspired by a conversation between Monochromatic and myself ages ago.

Preread by Meridian Prime.

Cover art (added late because I'm a scrub >.>) by GlancoJusticar.

Chapters (5)

Thorax tried to think of how to make Spike Love him, and Starlight offers him some advice, all she has to tell him is "Spike isn't gay" This Tell's Thorax all he need's, the problem isn't him, the problem is that he is a Him, so he set's off to change that and Win Spike's heart.

I am 100% Making this story because I found this picture while surfing the web and found it Adorable in every way.
Warning, this story does have Genderbending.

Chapters (4)

Twilight seeks out Sombra's horn after his defeat to study it but quickly finds herself studying with him once she finds the horn. Despite Sombra safely residing inside his own horn, Twilight learns that he is slowly dying.

How will Twilight behave once she learned of Sombra's fate?

The original cover art was done by a friend of mine, Ablaze Emblemier.

The redone cover art was drawn and colored by, Elu.

Thank you both Ablaze and Elu.

This story is a submission to the Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord writing contest.

Chapters (1)

During a climatic battle, a panicked magical blast from Twilight results in Chrysalis receiving a crippling wound. Twilight dedicates herself to Chrysalis' recovery and, hopefully, redemption.

As Twilight will soon learn, Chrysalis' frozen heart is one that won't easily be melted.

Won 1st place in the"Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord" contest. Rated for suggestive content.

Special thanks to Midnight Quill and Peerimagination for help with editing/being my lifeline and Setokaiva for pre-reading assistance.

10/3 - Updated tag based on feedback.

Chapters (5)

Octavia's lived the high life for years. Practice after practice paid off and she's risen through the ranks. Now, she works for the Royal Orchestra itself, toiling every day to produce perfection. Untouchable, practiced, impeccable...lonely.

Vinyl couldn't be any lower. Out of home, out of work, and nowhere to go but to a cold grave. Cast out and left to fend for herself, Vinyl has nothing, not even a friend to call her own.

The two cross paths.

A love story that many have known, and yet different. Both come in broken, beaten down people, their only hope each other.

Chapters (21)

As the newest Princess in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle discovers that there are new experiences to be had. As she learns about her new body, she discovers a certain element shared by pegasus ponies. Wings.

With the help of Princess Luna, she embarks on a noble quest to discover what a wingboner truly is, and just what kind of information it relays to other ponies.
This story is a cute, silly TwiLuna one shot. Set just after Twilight's ascension at the end of season 3.
Be prepared for wingboners, silliness and plenty of Tuna.

Special thanks to super3rainbow1 for all his help in the creation of this silly fic.
Artwork by Amarynceus, creator of many amazing Tuna artworks.

Chapters (1)

5 mares confess their feelings to Twilight and now she faces a tough decision on which mare she wants to court her. The problem, 3 are princesses, 1 is her friend, and the other is a wonderbolt. For Twilight, this will be the toughest decision of her life.


I have had this idea in my head for a while and I wanted to share it. You get to say who she picks, all you have to do is leave a comment on which of the 5 mares you want Twilight to pick, and tell me why. The mare with the most votes will be the one that Twilight picks.

Wasn't able to put Rainbow dash's tag but she is in the story. And no Shining Armour does not exist in this story.


Chapters (5)