• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Romance 377 stories
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Total Words: 9,832,502
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Celestia loves Twilight, and she’s not afraid to show it. Or rather, she would show it, but she can’t. Twilight isn’t ready yet. She’s scared to tell anyone about their relationship. Celestia doesn't mind waiting. She’s a patient mare.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy watched her grow, she watched her learn, she watched her chase her dreams and eventually watched her catch them. Now Rainbow has everything she ever dreamed of, everything could ever want out of her life.

However watching Rainbow achieve her goals has left Fluttershy in want, desperately needing something that she isn't even sure that her old friend even has to offer, love.

For years the two had gone their separate ways, however the chance to see her old friend again means Fluttershy has one more chance to speak from her heart. Will it make a difference though?

Inspired by the artwork of AlanD-nyan

Chapters (1)

Winner of Tchernobog's AppleDashLight Contest.

Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash could never have been said to be ordinary ponies. So it really shouldn't be all too surprising that they've managed to lead unconventional love lives as well. Love lives that they might have neglected to tell their friends about.

But they’re not worried; the magic of friendship has taught them well, and they are confident the bonds they've formed with their fellow ponies will result in nothing but heartfelt congratulations and acceptance when they make their relationship official.

They are stupidly, stupidly mistaken.

Cover art by the magnificent Conicer.

Edit: Was featured from 4/6/2014 to 4/9/2014. Thank you to everyone who read, commented, or supplied feedback.

Chapters (1)

For years, Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis have been at each other's throats. Both have experienced victory over the other, and both have experienced defeat. Out of all the creatures in Equestria, none despise each other the way the pony Princess and changeling Queen do. They seemed destined to remain locked in battle forever, or at least until one is finally dead at the hooves of the other. The cruel insults, the vicious loathing, and the powerful spells that have passed back and forth between them at each meeting have become the stuff of legend.

Imagine Twilight's surprise when she finds out changelings consider this dating.

And now they're married.


Sequel: Pony Courtship Rituals


Some beautiful fanart of the end of chapter three was done by Dmann892; you can see it here.

More awesome fanart, this time from chapter one.

Now with a TvTropes page (obligatory TvTropes warning goes here).

If you want a Russian translation, you can find it here.

There is now a reading of the story on Youtube, which starts here.

Chapters (8)

In the heat of the moment, a poor choice of words is all the difference between pragmatism and spite. Especially when spoken out of anger.

Three weeks without a word to her girlfriend has nagged at the back of Applejack's mind. But she's not in the wrong, she's sure of it.

She was only trying to look out for Rainbow's future.

Preread by Jondor.
Vector posted by SlayerBVC on Derpibooru.

Entry for the AppleDash Contest. Soak it in, Tcherno. You absolute heathen.

Chapters (1)

Rarity thought that taking a temporary job as Canterlot Castle's royal seamstress would be easy. She was prepared for the glitz, the glam, the all-nighters, the intricate art of dealing with nobles, and even the string of suitors vying for her heart.

Admittedly, she hadn't counted on Princess Celestia being one of them.

Collection of drabbles and ficlets set in a RariLestia AU created by Misago and me.

Chapters (2)

When Rarity gives Twilight a present, the alicorn learns that simple gestures often hold greater meaning.

Chapters (1)

In Luna's day, lovers wooed one another with splendorous poetry, beautiful songs, fancy dinners, and flowery niceties. But to gain the affection of an unconventional mare, she's taken steps for an unconventional confession.

Preread by Timaeus.

Art by Neuro Pone.

Chapters (1)

One blush and now what?

Rainbow Dash has been part of the Wonderbolts for a while now and suddenly in the showers one day develops a crush, the pony she crushes on has the same feelings for her as well. Spitfire and Fleetfoot notice the two looking eye to eye for to long and try to help both of them when going through this experience. Will it be a success or will it just be a big problem? (Also it does a a bit of Rarity in there which is main part).

Cover work by me

Chapters (7)

"I've thrown some pretty super parties in my time, but this one must be off the charts, cause two of my besties are finally trying to hook up! Wait, no, four of them are! Oh my gosh, they're all trying to hook up! ...Maybe this isn't the best party ever after all."

A fun and entertaining party at the Castle of Friendship takes a turn for the awkward (and strange). Rushed, predictable, and very forward romance ensues.

Chapters (1)