• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

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Almost everypony has a soul mate, one they are destined to live with and love for all their days. They give their body, heart, and soul to each other. Rarely do soul mates ever change, but occasionally there is the twist of fate that happens.

During their escape from the crystal caverns, a lose rock manages to almost impale Twilight before Cadence pushes her out of the way and takes the blow. Seeing her foal sitter dying, Twilight uses all her magic to save Princess Cadence with a very dangerous spell. It is not without a consequence as she, unknowingly, gives her own life energy to Cadence, tearing up the soul bond between her brother and her foal sitter. Instead, it makes a new one: one between the two of them.

With Shining Armor’s own bond broken, it attaches itself to the closest being it can: Queen Chrysalis.

A fic I was given permission to write from Rated Ponystar

Featured 28/7/2014. A Booya! Then again 31/3/2015. What?:pinkiegasp::yay:

cover art a combination of pics from here and here.

Chapters (9)

Chrysalis expected a few things to come out of her failed invasion. New enemies, cuts, bruises. But she really wasn't expecting to be expecting. Worst yet, the father of her unborn isn't a he, but a she who just so happens to be the Princess of Equestria.

Cover art by Lopoddity here
Nothing to do with her verse and next gen, picture just somewhat fit

Chapters (11)

I've been best friends with Twilight since I was young, but since she's ascended, I've been left with a lot to think about. How will this change things between us?

Thanks to T for commissioning this story.

Chapters (1)

Lyra and Bon Bon love each other, but they have a ... somewhat unusual relationship. One of them is a secret agent. One of them is a changeling.

And the third one is a perfectly normal pony, about to have her life turned upside down.

This may result in some questionable relationship decisions.

Third-place winner of FamousLastWords' "A Two-Faced Charade" competition!
"This story [is] a ride … chaotic, crazy, wild, an emotional rollercoaster." –FamousLastWords

Reviewed by Hopeling! "Now this is an odd, interesting and touching one. ... Go read it, you won’t regret it."

Thanks to Titanium Dragon and BlazzingInferno for prereading suggestions. Cover art by mostlyponyart (whose blog seems to have vanished).

Chapters (1)

WARNING: Slow-burn romance!

Tempest Shadow would be the first pony to tell you she's not worthy of friendship. All she deserves after a life spent helping the Storm King conquer and pillage is four walls, bars, and solitude. But she's getting a new life in Ponyville anyway, at the side of Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.

Tempest Shadow isn't a friendship kind of pony. She's not a party kind of pony. She's not a happy kind of pony in the least. So what could there possibly be for her in Ponyville? More than she thinks, as it turns out. Come join her as she discovers what she's truly meant to do, what she's truly worth, and who she's truly meant to be with. Her life is going to change far more than she ever would have expected.

A serial that will update as individual stories are completed. Incomplete until the whole thing is finished, but the reader is urged to keep up with uploads. Individual stories may also be comedies or adventures. Warning tags may be added as necessary. Find more stories here!

Cover art by Firimil!

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Sleeping Arrangements

It's one thing to have a bodyguard as beautiful as she is deadly. It's another thing entirely to be hopelessly in love with her.

Part of the Bodyguard!AU Series, based on Earthsong9405's AU where Twilight is the bodyguard to a "Princess/Queen Rarity". Prior knowledge of the AU is not necessary to read the story, but some knowledge helps.

Chapters (2)

On a calm and snowy night, just a few days before Hearth's Warming, Spike decides to check up on Twilight to see if she's doing okay.

Twilight has been through much hardship recently, but thankfully, over the past year she's gotten much better since. However, with fears still lingering in Spike's mind, he wants to be absolutely certain that Twilight's improved well-being stays that way.

And he'll do it by doing what he does best at. By being right by her side. There for her. Always.

Teen Rating: A moment of strong language.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this. You're criticism is much appreciated :pinkiehappy:
ARTWORK by: Seabridge Drive THANK YOU!

Chapters (1)

Life is pretty good for Twilight. Equestria is at peace and her relationship with Celestia makes every day a little brighter. Yet when she begins having strange, vivid dreams about a future where Celestia has been replaced by a mysterious Queen, Twilight can't help but wonder what those dreams mean for her own actual future.

Written for the 12th Twilestia contest.

Edited by the ever-excellent Jordanis.

Technically this is a sequel to Never Meaning to Send, Chocolate Fluff, and Stepping Off, but just in that they share the same setting, not that any of those are required reading to enjoy this.

Cover image by MagnaLuna

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Six Characters in Search of a Point

Rarity, formerly an artistic and well spoken pony of high class, is currently a medicated mush on her fainting couch. Twilight Sparkle pays her a visit to make sure she's alright.

It gets weird.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Why me?

It's been a hair over a year, and Twilight and Tempest's relationship is as strong as ever. Tonight, Tempest has something special planned. She has the perfect location picked out, she got Luna to agree to a special nighttime display, and she even has a ring. All that's left is for Twilight to say that one magic word.

Chapters (1)