• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Romance 377 stories
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Total Words: 9,832,502
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Love. It transcends the mightiest of barriers... and death is no exception.

Featured by the Everfree Northwest Fanfic Spotlight!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to TwiDash Getting Married

It has been 3 months Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash has been married now they are having a honeymoon at the Crystal Empire will it become good or horrible? Find out when you read this story.

Chapters (6)

Zap Apple season's in full swing on Sweet Apple Acres when a most peculiar visitor arrives - Willy Wonka, world-famous candymaker! Thinking that the apple will be the perfect ingredient for a new line of candy, Wonka tries to convince a hesitant Applejack to part with some! But with Wonka things are never quite straightforward; when interdimensional magical mechanics and a legendary tree enter into the picture, our heroes might have been safer battling Hornswogglers, Snozzwangers and rotten Vermicious Knids!

Chapters (8)

The Tree of Harmony loved her little rogue ever so much, it was such a shame she could never voice it.

Edited by ChappedPenguinLips, go tell him how much of a mouthful his name is he rocks.)

Chapters (7)

The night that Cadance discovered the ghost of King Sombra lurking in the Crystal Palace should have been the worst of her life. Her greatest enemy is now lingering in her own home... and she knows that she's going to get to the bottom of this.

There hasn't been anything going on in the palace for a long time, and the tyrant's ghost will only prove to be a problem... won't it?

Reccomended by PresentPerfect in his spoiler-filled review! There is a reading by Lotus Moon for the pre-EQD version! An entry for Jake The Army Guy's Horse Words Extravaganza, where it ended up being an honorable mention. Now has a spoiler-filled review from the Reviewer's Cafe that you can read here! Also featured on Equestria Daily! Selected as one of 40+ stories to read for 2019 Shiny + Cadance day on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (10)

Long ago, Commander Hurricane set an example that still resonates with all pegasi who fall in love with their ground bound kin. Every pegasus knows the story, the tradition is deeply engrained and held dear to their hearts.

Now, if only Twilight could curb her curiosity long enough to enjoy and appreciate just how important she is to Rainbow.

Pre-reading and editing assistance by Melon Hunter and Timaeus.

Art originally by ELZZombie

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Challenge

Rainbow Dash has been happily engaged to Princess Twilight Sparkle, the love of her life, for several months. She's taken her on Hurricane's Way and shared in the rites of pegasus courtship. Too bad she forgot to tell mom and dad before they found out by reading the paper.

But that's just fine. It gives them the perfect excuse to go visit their little Dashie and meet the mare who stole her heart and became the wind beneath her wings.

A commission for Elzzombie, who also drew the lovely artwork for it!
Preread by Timaeus.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hurricane's Way

It's no secret that pegasi have a long, proud history as the warrior tribe. Their race boasts some of ponykind's greatest military minds, fearless legions that struck fear into the hearts of any who dared oppose them with their mighty lightning lancers and thunderhead squads.

Honor, duty, and protecting their own kind were the very foundation of the old legions, a notion that holds true to this very day. The strong protect the weak, and the weak stay safe under wing, grateful for their care.

But just how do they make such a big decision? Who determines the stronger pony out of two so closely bonded?

For all those questions, there is but one answer:

The Challenge.

Preread by Cynewulf, Jondor, and Timaeus. Thanks, guys.

Cover art by FairDahlia.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Rainbow spend more time together when Twilight realises that she plans certain days of the month to spend with her other friends but hadn't made any arrangements to spend time with rainbow dash. Twilight rearranges all of her schedules to fit Rainbow Dash in for some time.

During this time she starts to derived feelings of more than friendship towards twilight but how will she deal with it? Who will she go to for answers? And how can she tell Twilight how she feels towards her?

All questions that Rainbow Dash asks herself when she reconciles with her feelings towards Twilight.

Chapters (2)

Meet Big Macintosh. The older brother of Applejack and AppleBloom. The only grandson of Granny Smith. Coltfriend of Rarity. Local apple farmer and, of course, the main character of the story!

He has it all, folks. A loving family, a beautiful marefriend, caring friends, and the best life he could ever had!

Nothing can go wrong, rihgt?

Crap, typo.

Nothing can go wrong, right?

Much better.

Chapters (5)