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This story is a sequel to The Challenge

Rainbow Dash has been happily engaged to Princess Twilight Sparkle, the love of her life, for several months. She's taken her on Hurricane's Way and shared in the rites of pegasus courtship. Too bad she forgot to tell mom and dad before they found out by reading the paper.

But that's just fine. It gives them the perfect excuse to go visit their little Dashie and meet the mare who stole her heart and became the wind beneath her wings.

A commission for Elzzombie, who also drew the lovely artwork for it!
Preread by Timaeus.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hurricane's Way

It's no secret that pegasi have a long, proud history as the warrior tribe. Their race boasts some of ponykind's greatest military minds, fearless legions that struck fear into the hearts of any who dared oppose them with their mighty lightning lancers and thunderhead squads.

Honor, duty, and protecting their own kind were the very foundation of the old legions, a notion that holds true to this very day. The strong protect the weak, and the weak stay safe under wing, grateful for their care.

But just how do they make such a big decision? Who determines the stronger pony out of two so closely bonded?

For all those questions, there is but one answer:

The Challenge.

Preread by Cynewulf, Jondor, and Timaeus. Thanks, guys.

Cover art by FairDahlia.

Chapters (1)

Long ago, Commander Hurricane set an example that still resonates with all pegasi who fall in love with their ground bound kin. Every pegasus knows the story, the tradition is deeply engrained and held dear to their hearts.

Now, if only Twilight could curb her curiosity long enough to enjoy and appreciate just how important she is to Rainbow.

Pre-reading and editing assistance by Melon Hunter and Timaeus.

Art originally by ELZZombie

Chapters (1)

You love a certain white unicorn and she loves you, but why does it scare you so much to commit? You've done everything together, so why is it so hard to think about marrying her? It's not like you don't want to, but just the thought is enough to send you into a panic attack. Will Rarity be able to help you overcome? Or will everything just... Fall apart?

This is one of the works I've been commissioned to do by a certain fan who wanted to see a sequel to my previous story "Freudian Slip". In this story, there's going to be twists, turns, shockers, and show stoppers. Just wait and see and prepare yourself to laugh, be afraid, cry, and d'awww. This is going to be 10 chapters long, 6000 words each. I'll try to update it regularly with the rest of my work, but things have been pretty erratic lately. Wish me luck!

Chapters (11)

(2nd Person Sensual Fic starring Doctor Sigmund "You" and Rarity)

Rarity finally admits her problem and looks for some professional help and finds it in you, Ponyville's resident psychiatrist. The more you explore her problems and her mind, you can't help but find a place for this unicorn in your heart. But is it wise to let your emotions cloud your psychiatric judgement? Just how far will you go to make her happy?

This fic turned out to be much longer than the others and has some pretty large parts in it. And that's how I started writing even longer fics, which is great, isn't it?

And a side note: Did a little crossover collab with Coffeebean and his fic "Drunken Lullabies". You should check it out, if you haven't already.


Chapters (7)

Discord has existed since the beginning of time, forced to suffer as a mere spirit called entropy. When he escaped his ethereal prison, he committed horrifying acts against the cosmos in retribution. Leading to the extinction of humanity from the lands of Equistria.

Now, after the fall of Tirek, Discord contemplates his life and what it means to be forgiven. His one chance to make up for this crime lies in the stone body of one of his victims. His body beaten and mind broken, the soldier Discord tormented before will live again. Forced to live in in a body that is not his, this man must learn to accept a new life and the lessons Equestria will teach him.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to You're Not Fine

Friendship is a give-and-take relationship. Fortunately for you, Pinkie doesn't ask for much, and she has plenty to give.
Maybe it's time to start giving back.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Divine Entertainment

Atlas, Discord and Starswirl have safely arrived in the newly founded Equestria. The ponies that came before them already built up quite a few flourishing cities, setting aside their differences and living together in harmony.

Close to one such newly founded town, Atlas built what he personally insists on calling a "secret lab" where he conducts research and experiments to gain a better understanding of runic magic. Assisted by his adopted son Discord and his scholarly friend Starswirl, they'll have to recreate this lost art if Atlas wants to be prepared for the foretold showdown between the greek gods. All while keeping an eye out for the events that are supposed to bring the true Equestria into existence.

This sequel story will focus mostly on Atlas' research into runes and the timeline that is known to him. Therefore I've decided to replace the adventure tag from the last story with slice of life, although there might still be some adventure-y chapters.

Cover Art by Navanastra, go check out his awesome stories!

Join the Discord, where you can discuss the story, but also just make new friends!

Divine Universe, the FimFic group all about the Divine Entertainment universe!

Research! Arc:
Chapter 1 - 4
9’208 Words

Travels! Arc:
Chapter 5 - 7
12'858 Words

Research 2, Research Harder! Arc:
Chapter 8 - 11
7'920 Words

The Two Sisters Arc:
Chapter 12 - 23
38'885 Words

Equestria Arc:
Chapter 24 - xxx

Chapters (29)

Max works in a bar, hidden away from the views of the highly sophisticated and posh citizens of Canterlot City. Being human doesn't help improve his bar's reputation. But one day he'll learn that, if you stay in a certain place long enough, there will be ponies curious enough to trot through the door.

The bar's motto is "To mix drinks and change lives!"

Heavily inspired by the game VA-11 HALL-A
Rated Teen because reasons
Character Tags or "Regulars" will be added as story progresses
Featured on 16/05/2017 (Wow!)

Chapters (2)

A week after moving to Ponyville, Violet Petal as already seen and experienced wonderful things such as the Elements stopping evil villains and monsters, the Castle of Friendship, and Pinkie Pie's parties. Unfortunately, she has also experienced many awful things. Including prejudices from the town's residents. For she is a Thestral, or "bat pony," to the more blunt members of society.

After one particularly bad day, she runs across a strange bipedal creature napping in the park.

Author's note: I was featured! It was for a few minutes, sure, but still!

Chapters (8)