• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Lunar Princess 912 stories
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Total Words: 43,511,171
Estimated Reading: 17 weeks



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Luna's life had been a long and fulfilling one. She had cherished to good and weathered the bad. She had basked in triumph and submitted to defeat.

There had also been a choice she and her sister had made long ago. It had been something dictated by necessity and done for the good of everypony. It had been a painful choice, both for them and for somepony else they hold dear.

With the last sand in her hourglass drizzling down, Luna becomes aware that the time has come for an apology, for forgiveness, or at least, for closure

Thanks to Filler, MonoKeras and Fenton for the pre-reading and editing.

Now with Dramatic Reading by the awesome Razor Reviews

Chapters (1)

Don't get me wrong being a unicorn is cool. You get to do a bunch of different kinds of magic. But why for the love of all that is holy why am I this guy. It wouldn't be so bad except I have two princess's that keep gushing over me saying things like how they missed their favorite teacher, and worst of all there's a certain lavender-colored alicorn that has a fangasm every time she sees me. Well, that part ain't so bad and she is kind of cute. Never the less I am here in Equestria and I'm a pony even though I look like him I might as well make the best of it.

Oh hell who am I kidding somebody just shoot me!!!!

As you guessed this story takes place after season 4

Chapters (10)

Now Rated Teen because I kind of kill them on a regular basis, but they're immortal so they get better.

The continuing story of those in Canterlot Castle and the surrounding areas. With four immature gods running about, is anybody going to survive? Probably. However, with each day, the madness in Equestria grows and sadly I don't think anyone actually cares anymore.

It's time for Equestria's Crazies; a tale of love, of tasers, comedy and finally me, tormenting as many ponies as possible before I get bored.

[Head's up, this story is an Episodic series. Each chapter is it's own contained "Story" but really it's just whatever I want to happen on that particular day.]


Chapters (43)

Two weeks before the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration, Moondancer discovers a forgotten spell scrawled across the pages of an ancient book. Casting it threatens to turns her world upside down: faced with glimpses of an Equestria contradicted by historians, she must use all of her intellect to piece together the mystery surrounding Mage Meadowbrook, Princess Celestia, and the mare with the mane of stars—before the project destroys everything she's worked for.

It's a good thing she can rely on Twilight Sparkle for help.

Written under the influence of the London Ensemble's rendition of "Requiem for a Dream – Lux Aeterna." Not a crossover.

Spanish Translation from Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Mare that eats The Monsters

(This story is a direct sequel to The Mare that eats The Monsters, and reading that story is highly recomended to understand what's happening in this one.)

The horrors of that one night are still fresh in the minds of everypony in Equestria, even now, two months later. Hundreds of ponies were mercilessly slaughtered and Princess Celestia was killed by Luminous Horizon, her duties falling to her younger sister. Despite how confident she had seemed that her sacrifice would not be in vain, things have only gotten worse since then. The sun's light is begining to fade, casting the world into an unsettling eldritch abyss.

With the sinister omen of the sun's waning light looming over all of Equestria and the hunger of the fiends ever growing, Moonrise Drifter now pursues Luminous Horzion, eager for answers and vengance.

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to The Fiend that heralds Dark Skies

(This story is the sequel to The Fiend that heralds Dark Skies, which itself is a sequel to The Mare that eats The Monsters. Reading the first 2 stories is STRONGLY recomended to understand anything in this one.)

Twenty years ago, Princesses Luna and Twilight Sparkle were turned to stone and hidden away from Equestria by an old monster, once a pony, named Luminous Horizon. His intent was to release them when Equestria was nothing more than dust and rubble as retribution for the pains he suffered at Luna's hooves. They will be released before then, however, thanks to the efforts of Palmwood, Wonderboom and Moonrise Drifter. Together, they intend to set the imprisoned princesses free and bring an end to the unyielding darkness over the world.

This third and final story in the series will see the thousand year conflict end; for better or for worse.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Change

There are many changeling hives spread throughout a large portion of the world. Wherever love energy is going to be found the changelings will pursue it.

But now, one by one, they are disappearing.

Many hives located at the very outer edges of changeling inhabited lands are vanishing without a trace, Twilight Sparkle's family history has returned to haunt them all as something is hunting the changelings down. But how? And for what purpose? And more importantly, what does this mean for Queen Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the changeling race?

Edited by RC2101_Copey.
Cover Art was designed by Jesuka.
TVtropes Page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/ChangeQueenOfTheHive
Physical copy: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/806366/change-queen-of-the-hive-physical-copy

(Featured on the first day, 6/11/2016. Awesome!)

Chapters (70)

After a decade apart, Luna and Twilight meet again for a night of strong drinks and remembrance. Once upon a time loneliness was something they could chose. Now, in an empty world, it's a steady companion for both of them. And sometimes it can lead one astray, even when one knows it might be a bad idea.

Thanks to the Four Hooves and a Pen collective, where this story was born.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has no experience in dealing with doctrines nor demons. In fact, she doesn't have any knowledge of their existence. When she is thrust head first into a steadily building catastrophe, she will have to put her life on hold in an attempt to do her civic duty.

Discord, however, has a history with these creatures, being almost as ancient as them, but after three and a half thousand years encased in stone, he is feeling a little stiff. He also doesn't want to be stiffed, knowing that one of the ponies who incarcerated him in the first place will not release him lightly; not without an ace in her mane. Especially not Luna, she disliked him especially.

Luna knows a great deal of the past: Centuries of research and innumerous amounts of time spent delving into magics that no unicorn could hope to perform has allowed her that luxury.

The princess realises that those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it. She also wonders which of her companions will be the most difficult to control. The only thing she knows for certain is that her sister cannot catch wind of the situation arising, nor of her plans to suppress it.

If Celestia found out, Equestria would never survive.


"It has been theorised that this great land once had another ruler, one that shaped and molded it into the place we now know. One far older than our fair princesses and those who came before them, one that breathed our ancestors to life. Of course, no amount of theological discussion can lead to any concrete evidence, and the teleological debates regarding the extrinsic value of our own land and technology is inconclusive also. Epistomologically, we must assume that there is no greater power than the entities which we are aware of, until it is shown otherwise."

Swirl, Star. The Extrinsic Elements of Metaphysics: A Compendium of Theory and Conjecture. Canterlot, Royal Canterlot Library, 2988 ND. 3rd edition.

Chapters (8)