• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Lunar Princess 912 stories
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Estimated Reading: 17 weeks



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Twilight's coronation was just recently, and nothing has gone wrong since. But alas, it could not last. King Sombra returns, and this time Equestria will not be rid of him so easily. Twilight finds herself in the caves beneath Canterlot, where she will learn secrets that are best left undiscovered.

Chapters (8)

For one thousand years, Nightmare Moon wandered the moon, seeking perfection.

She found only dust.

Now on Equestria Daily!

Now in Russian! ...Twice!

Entry for The Writeoff Association's first writeoff: Lonely Happiness.
Special thanks to Cassius Littner and SpaceCommie for their proofreading/editing assistance.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, Celestia and Luna are transported into a strange alternate Equestria, the Land of Always Summer, where the day lasts forever and a terrible queen rules with an iron hoof.

Feel free to check out or add to the story's TV Tropes page.

Chapters (19)

A long lost tome found again by Twilight Sparkle.
An upcoming event that drives Celestia's advisers insane.
Strange sounds from the Everfree forest which poor Fluttershy just can't handle on her own.

When Celestia calls a meeting between all princesses, it's clear something big is going on.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sandwiches

Celestia is somewhat out of practice with the whole "warrior princess" thing. Luna agrees.

Part of the Moamerverse.

Chapters (3)

It's been just a little over two hundred years after the death of Princess Twilight's closest friends. Not only were they the other Elements of Harmony who saved Equestria, but they were some of the closest groups of friends a pony could find. For some, coping with a loved one's death can be an easy and manageable feat; For Twilight however, it is impossible to cope with. Now grudges have grown, festering against certain ponies because of it. No one, not even Spike has been capable of cheering her up. Getting her to her senses, getting her to even smile has proved to be an insurmountable task. Now the only question on most ponies’ minds is: Will Princess Twilight be capable of getting over their deaths or will she sink into a pit of despair and forever be lost in a maze of depressed, and if so, what possible harm could this cause herself and others...?

Chapters (5)

Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker.

They are the embodiments of the darkness that exists in the hearts of the two head princesses of Equestria. But what if that darkness was brought out intentionally, for a good reason? What if that bond created something even stronger?

Well that's what inspired this story.

(Contains an intentionally overpowered character, violence, and the destruction of a gigantic asteroid. Expect a series of short stories to spawn off of this)

Chapters (5)

When the CMC are pulled into one of Luna's personal dreams, she reveals to them something that had lain dormant for a thousand years. As the Moon Princess battles with her inner demons, three young fillies search for the best way to repay her kindness.

Special thanks to NickNack, who helped me write this, and without whom I would never have released on time.
Cover art by Viwrastupr

Chapters (2)

A machine made for war awakes in a new world. Stuck in surroundings which puzzle it; can it, or will it be able to become something more than what it is?

Crossover with Keith Laumers Bolo-verse
Other tags include : Slice of Life, Possible Romance believe it or not! And a bit of humor.
Please beware of any spoilers in comments as well :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (159)

Celestia and Luna were born as unassuming foals in troubled times. But already marked for greatness, the simple earth ponies stand to face a world set against them, full of danger, fear, and sadness. A world they will change forever.

A sweeping epic taking place before Equestria was made, where Celestia and Luna must rise from normal foals to become the Princesses we know them as, beset from all sides by monsters, other ponies, and even the forces that govern nature. Their tale is as tragic as it is triumphant.

Currently on hiatus. For more info, go here.

(Cover and internal art by Madmax)
(Editing credit predominantly Lightside Luc)

Chapters (1)