• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

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This story is a sequel to In the Eye of the Storm

A half-remembered dream leads Twilight Sparkle to test a new "window" spell by looking at an alternate Equestria. What she sees there will lead her and her friend Princess Luna into adventures they had never imagined possible. A season one fic.
As featured on Equestria Daily.

This is technically a sequel to In the Eye of the Storm as it's using the same versions of Twilight and Luna, but you can absolutely read this story without having read that first.

I began writing this story during season 1. I've updated some things to reflect canon changes in season 2, however at that point I decided that having to constantly go back and change things every time something new happened on the show just wasn't going to work, so the story ignores most of season 2, and everything from season 3 onward.

This story owes much of its quality to Jordanis, who is practically the co-author at this point.

Chapters (14)

Two royal sisters. Two reasons for wanting cake. Only one slice left. It's gonna get out of control, and somepony's gonna be disappointed....

Chapters (1)

No one alive today can say where she came from; simply that she has always been there.

And yet, few ponies have had a greater impact on Princess Celestia's life than Raven, her most faithful aide.

Inspired by and based off of a headcanon put forth by Heir-of-Rick, though perhaps a bit less insidious than what he had in mind. He very kindly provided an alternate version of his image for me to use as my cover image! Text added by me.

All comments and criticism very welcome!

Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library! Go there to read the interview for some behind-the-scenes info on this story!

Translations: Chinese, Spanish!

Chapters (10)

Flurry Heart is older now, and as such, has begun to realize the immense pressure it takes to become a proper Princess. So, after careful deliberation, she decides there's only one thing left to do.

Run away.

Until a certain Princess comes to speak with her, that is.

Artwork by Flourret. Found by Ice Star.

Chapters (1)

In the distant future of Equestria, Luna is recalled to Canterlot against her will to participate in a court case that will decide the future for sentient machines.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Off The Edge Of The Map

When Twilight is sent with Luna on a diplomatic mission to Draconia, they quickly find themselves somewhere that doesn't appear on any map, and Luna is lost in more than one way...

Thanks to RBDash47 of Pony Fiction Archive for formatting it for submission.
Title image by Valcron

Tremendous thanks to Illya Leonov and Scribbler for the Audiobook version.
Now with a Spanssh translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Apoteosis-2-3-857110089

Chapters (8)

One thousand years after Celestia banished her sister and crowned herself Empress, six mares are caught up in a swirl of intrigue and disaster. Each of them must decide who and what they stand for, because Luna is returning, and she is not Nightmare Moon.

Chapters (11)

To commemorate the imprisoning of Discord one year ago, the first annual Celebration of Harmony is starting off with a grand party in Canterlot, something Twilight Sparkle has been looking forward to after many sleepless nights plagued by nightmares. After a chance glance at the party, Twilight and Princess Luna rekindle their friendship sparked on Nightmare Night. Meanwhile, Princess Celestia grows worried over the state of her kingdom, her sister disappearing at odd times, and the seal placed on Discord. Are the princess's worries well founded or is her sister's oddly secretive behavior taking a toll on her nerves? Twilight gets caught between the sun and moon as both royal ponies reveal that there is much that history has forgotten about the nature of the alicorns and even the draconequus.

AU for not taking into account Season 3 canon.

Amazing cover art by Sai, check the image source for more of his great work!

Chapters (42)

When a second chance arises, do you jump on the fleeting moment changing your fate forever, or do you let it pass?

For Ada, help called from Equestria leads her on a collision with a daemon of old, broken, defeated, and banished. Swiping the opportunity, she chooses to leave behind her old life in favor of trying to redeem a lost soul, who once tried to force the world into an eternal slumber. Ada must help Nightmare Moon in a journey to prevent evil from prevailing once more, and do so while facing prosecution from the world itself.

Art belongs to aurarrius from Deviant art.

Those who contributed to this story: RandomHamster33, Echo_Off, Terabye West, and JadeDusk.

10/27/19 Status: This story has been cancelled due to me having lost motivation in trying to fix the overall plot for it. I might decide in starting from the ground up to create a better story line for it that fits the bill to show improvement in my writing.

Chapters (7)

Celestia is unable to stop the two evil royal sisters, Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon knocking her out before she could destroy them. However, Daybreaker is stronger than Nightmare Moon, so Luna's evil counterpart is at a large disadvantage for the first half of the battle.
Soon, though, Nightmare Moon finds a way to increase her power, and her strength becomes equal to Daybreaker’s.
As the evil sisters battle, Celestia lays unconscious on the castle floors, Luna and Starlight trying to wake her up.

Chapters (2)