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"Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn."

Mere months after the events of "A Canterlot Wedding," the memories of cold shoulders and dismissals remain fresh in Twilight Sparkle's mind, which causes her to question her ability to face the next task that Princess Celestia bestows upon her.

Alone, she must find a way to protect an entire empire. She's afraid and unprepared, but when a mysterious stallion lends a hoof to her success, she soon discovers a friendship that threatens to blossom into something much greater.

(6/9/2016): Made it to the "Featured" page again! You're so awesome, guys!

(( "Of Magic and Masquerades" is the first story in the Crucibles of Harmony series. It is an alternate take on "The Crystal Empire," with some alternate events from Season 3 and minor Twilight/Sombra shipping. ))

Chapters (26)

Scootaloo wasn't quite sure what she expected when she found a letter from her "secret admirer" asking to meet her after school, but it wasn't an invitation to the school dance. Nor was it spending Hearts and Hooves Day with Silver Spoon.

Prereading and editing by Formerly Committed, Jondor, and Timaeus.

Special thanks to bats and Formerly Committed for giving me the prompt this came from.

Art originally by Cuppae

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Change

There are many changeling hives spread throughout a large portion of the world. Wherever love energy is going to be found the changelings will pursue it.

But now, one by one, they are disappearing.

Many hives located at the very outer edges of changeling inhabited lands are vanishing without a trace, Twilight Sparkle's family history has returned to haunt them all as something is hunting the changelings down. But how? And for what purpose? And more importantly, what does this mean for Queen Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the changeling race?

Edited by RC2101_Copey.
Cover Art was designed by Jesuka.
TVtropes Page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/ChangeQueenOfTheHive
Physical copy: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/806366/change-queen-of-the-hive-physical-copy

(Featured on the first day, 6/11/2016. Awesome!)

Chapters (70)

As the leader of the Changelings, it's important to Thorax that he has allies within Equestria.

And which better place than the Crystal Empire itself? Where he was first accepted and allowed to roam freely within the land.

All he'd like is for his subjects to be able to rely on the Crystal Empire for friendship and love.

Unfortunately for him, his meeting with Princess Flurry Heart on the matter quickly spins into something a lot less professional then he had initially expected.

Author Notes:
Taken place several years after the current show-time. When Princess Flurry Heart is old enough to handle the bigger meetings regarding the Empire.
Please disregard obvious disbelief suspensions when reading. This story was not written from the show's point of view, meaning there will be minor plot adjustments made for the purpose of the storyline.

Cover art by NorthernLights8.

Chapters (1)

A mother will do a lot for her child, even give them up if it meant them having a safer life growing up, despite the obvious pain that comes for the parent.

That pain is something Queen Chrysalis has gone through for eighteen years, but now the time is upon them, and she wants her daughter back. Even if that means invading Canterlot during a royal wedding.

Edited by RC2101_Copey
New cover art was created by the talented Jesuka
Now has a TVtropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Change
Go watch the reading by Skijaramaz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecqtu_Djrw4

(Featured on 18/10/2015, the first day! Thank you!)

Change is now a printed book, information here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/732008/i-got-a-thing-change-is-now-a-physical-book

Chapters (64)

The Changeling Hive is rigid, its ranks and rules unbending. There is one law that stands above all others; the Hive speaks with one voice.

But two changelings dare to speak with their own voices. They dare to defy the Hive in the most incredible way possible.

They crave freedom. Whatever comes next, live or die, they will do it as free changelings.

Chapters (30)

There is a hidden village deep within the untamed forest surrounding Neighagara Falls. Should one ever journey to this village, those who live there will welcome them for a simple price: love.

When the village accepts a new family from Cloudsdale, a not-quite-altruistic pair of changeling siblings offer a young filly friendship and a chance to find her place in the strange village she hopes to call home.

New cover art done by Arcticwaters.

Chapters (52)

Changeling 8480/D wanted to become something more in life, and this is his story, his tale of ascension to power greater than any one changeling.

Starting a MLP DnD game with some friends and I was told to make a backstory for my character. I chose Sigma because I like the name, and he is a changeling warlock. Uploading here for funzies.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle And the Very Confusing Day

There were a few loose ends after Discord, who had turned into Eris, had gone into season and turned the entire world upside down in order to create enough chaos for favourable draconequus breeding conditions. Celestia had released the Flutterbeast upon Eris, restoring order and gender normality all over the globe.

Except not everypony and everybody changed back. Males who became mares and became pregnant, stayed mares, Eris' final parting gift of confusion and chaos in the world.

Both of the sexes are now so much more aware of each other's needs following the events of the Great Swap, and Eris' chaos had the unintentional side effect of creating a new level of harmony in the world, as suddenly everypony and everybody now had first hoof (or firsthand) experience in being the opposite sex.

Eris going into season also created the ideal conditions for the apocalypse.

Edit: Featured on Sunday, April 20th, 2014! Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!

Chapters (9)

“Location. Unknown planet. Objective. Survival of the Swarm.” I am Abathur, or at least I have his body, brain, abilities and a part of his mind and memory. My real name is James or short Jim. Yea I know, not really the most creative name but you can chose you friends but you can't chose your family. Well you all know how this goes, I go to a convention and meet a guy who has a lot of fun messing with people and the universe. He must be a real asshole to think this is fun. Yeah and this is my story. And the story of the Swarm and its future allies.

Something is controlling Equestria, out of the shadows, not there, but history shows its power. Many have fallen and crumbled under his power, but now that its most important tool is back it becomes more active again. Equestria will be consumed by a war that started long ago in another universe. Will they fall or will they rise? Many factions exist in in Equestria, what will they do.

Tags, rating and Charactertags can change over the time.

First, English is not my native language. So my grammar and spelling will be bad, at least I think so. I hope you will enjoy this story even with all the errors. Let me know what you think about it and leave a review, critique is always welcome.
Second, yes it is a Displaced story.

Oh and I own nothing beside the idea.
My Little Pony is property of Hasbro.
StarCrarft 2 is property of Blizzard.

Chapters (7)