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This story is a sequel to A day in the life of Chrysalis

Chrysalis is between a rock and a hard place, on one hoof she has Equestria that could keep her subjects alive and happy for years but cannot conquer it. On the other she has a race of changelings to feed so how do you feed your children? The Changeling queen is not above her subjects but will do anything for them...even give up her castle and everything to keep her subjects alive and how do you do that. Only Infultrate equestria so you can use what you know about love to make happy couples and further increase the output of love. Ya nothing can go wrong with this plan...especially if she chooses her main headquarters to be in ponyville.

Chapters (12)

Everything in Chloe's life was going seemingly perfect, she had wonderful friends, a loving family and she was just accepted into Roosevelt University in Chicago where she would continue with her lifelong dream of becoming the world's most renowned cellist.

But fate, sometimes, doesn't always deal you the hand you want...

Rated: Teen for Language, Alcohol, and other fun stuff!

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Capes and Crusaders

Cold Star is a Crusader: a Bat Pony sworn to defend the Sacred Night. Adopting a disguise to hide her forbidden ancestry, she came to Manehattan with a single purpose - to bring justice to those who would do evil under the cover of darkness. The last thing she expected to discover was a group of cape-wearing young ponies also claiming to be Crusaders...

Babs Seed, Misty Morning and Summer Squall are the Cutie Mark Crusaders Manehattan Branch, and they are working hard to discover their hidden talents and earn their Cutie Marks. But when they meet a mysterious Bat-Mare, she offers them a chance to learn what being a Crusader really means. Will this be their chance to earn Cutie Marks in crime-fighting?

The story that began in Capes and Crusaders continues!

{Artists! This story needs cover art! If you are inspired to create a piece of Cold Star / CMC-Manehattan art, please link it to me so I can fan-boy about it, and it might get featured as a cover art for this story! }

Chapters (14)

Cold Star is a Crusader: a Bat-Pony sworn to defend the Sacred Night. Adopting the guise of the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well to hide her forbidden ancestry, she came to Manehattan with a single purpose - to bring justice to those who would do evil under the cover of darkness. The last thing she expected to discover was a group of cape-wearing young ponies also claiming to be Crusaders.

{Originally written for EqD's October 2013 Bat-Pony Write-Off Event.}

Update: The Sequel to this story is now underway! If you liked this story, check it out here:
The Crusaders - A Shadow Over Manehattan

Chapters (1)

Vampires don't exist.
Or do they? I mean, what do the little ponies in Equestria know about this sort of thing? Well, not really that much, at least in terms of Vinyl Scratch's favorite hunting spot. They are so blissfully clueless that Vinyl can mingle among them while they remain completely unaware of the supernatural.
Love blossoms in many mysterious places, for mysterious reasons.
But vampires and ponies... that can't end well. It's like an eagle loving a fish, and not just for food. So what happens next? Who knows...

Rated Teen for: mild gore and perhaps a few hints towards adult themes. Also, a tad bit of language, but nothing serious.

Have fun!

The cover art is temporary, I'm working on a new one and it'll be out in maybe.. a few weeks, because I'm lazy.. >_<

Also: This is slightly based on a comic on YouTube known as 'Adapting to Night', by Scribbler Productions

Chapters (10)

After defeating the black legion in a skirmish, Captain Davian Thule and Captain Gabriel Angelos along with 2 companies of blood ravens are sucked into a warp storm and come out again in Equestria. There they are marooned and will have to settle there. Co-exist with the alien or destroy the harmless creatures? Aid them in their problems or remain hidden until rescue arrives? Maybe this is the Emperor's true test of a space marine.

First crack at writing 40k, I am just gonna say, I had a lot of fun writing this.

And of course having no life, I wrote more! Be sure to check them out!

Chapters (20)

So yeah, went to Comic-con with my girlfriend and cosplayed as a Tyranid Swarmlord. And I saw this creepy merchant selling some legit stuff. I bought a set of Bone Sabres to complete my costume but ended on some girly show land called Equestria filled with xenophobic ponies. So my plan? Run to some random ass town with a squad of Tyranids and open a diner!

Hey look a cupcake. *picks it up and eats it and spits it out* THIS *BLEEPING * CUPCAKE IS SO *BLEEPING* SWEET, IT GAVE KOBE DIABETES!!!

Chapters (1)

The Death Korps of Krieg, seeking atonement from their government's betrayal decades ago, they give their lives willingly in the everlasting fight against the enemies of the Imperium of Man. Averted by even their fellow Guard regiments, they show a high degree of fatalism and an unusual morbidity of habit. Yet they are highly disciplined, morally reliable and self-sufficient soldiers.

The 42nd Siege Regiment had been deployed on Kheltan III to reclaim a supply route that had been attacked by the Eldar. A simple enough task for the stoic men of Krieg. But an ion storm attack and an innocent experiment by an alicorn from another world can make even the easiest of tasks much more difficult.

A Warhammer 40K/MLP:FIM crossover

Chapters (7)

Warning: Silliness inbound.

By order of the high lords of Terra themselves, a lone soldier from the Death Korps of Krieg has been sent to the planet Epona to wipe out its Xeno population. Starting with Equestria, the Korpsman has sworn not to leave the planet until he falls or completes his mission.

However, no Korpsman should fight without setting up a proper trench first, and so the Korpsman must dig...and dig...and dig.

Destroying Equestria is going to take a while.

Chapters (1)

This is a tale of a drake wishing to become more.

Spike hands in his two weeks resignation to Twilight. Spends some time working for Fluttershy. Then the agency comes to request him often.

Chapters (99)