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Twilight had reached her peak, she was at the happiest point in her young life. The day of her coronation as Equestria's newest princess had finally arrived. Then the unthinkable happened, Sombra appears in the throne room alive and well demanding his chance to be reformed by pony society. The unthinkable happens again, when his wish is granted, spearheaded by none other than Princess Twilight herself. Will Sombra's nefarious plans bring her to ruin, or will she succeed against all odds? Only time can tell as it reminds them both that plans have a way of changing all on their own.

Chapters (16)

Midnight Storm has had a hard life. She's wandered from city to city for the past three years, and they've all eventually run her out after they've found out what she is. Against her better judgement, she's placed her last hopes on the small town of Ponyville.

The residents here are nice enough, but when they find out what she really is, will they accept her, or drive her out like all the others? And when Celestia finds out about her, what plans does the Princess of the Sun have in store for the mare?

Cover image by Valkyrie-girl

Story now included in The Goodfic Bin

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to From Dust

Twilight Sparkle is many things, but above all else, she is a friend. Her most recent acquaintance is, however, a most unusual sort.

Never before has Equestria played host to a traitor space marine of the Adeptus Astartes.

As an armor-bound soul with a body burned to naught but ash and dust, how will this former being of war fit into the love and harmony of the pony domains?

Surprisingly well, all things considered.

A Warhammer 40,000 crossover.

Chapters (20)

For Sweetie Belle and her friends, everything is looking great. They have the support of their loved ones concerning the clothes-free lifestyle they've recently adopted. The NLAC even managed to avoid its first big clash. However, Diamond Tiara isn't one to give up without a fight. Enter Scarlet Scribe. Young, idealistic, naïve, and the perfect pawn to help Diamond achieve her ultimate goal: Destroy the NLAC.

With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, and the promise of clothes-free summer fun on the horizon, can Scarlet Scribe really end it all before it even gets the opportunity to begin? And what do the Dazzlings have to do with all of this? Will Diamond Tiara succeed? Heads will Collide. Relationships will be forged. Secrets will be revealed when Scarlet Scribe attends his first ever naturist party at Canterlot High.

*This is a side story to Canterlot High Has A Club About What?!

Editor: DynaPony

Chapters (31)

Update: The story is edited into a proper read without many of the horrors I originally put into it. Enjoy the ride!

Deciding he could be given another chance, Luna and Celestia come to an agreement to release the Chaotic God from his rocky imprisonment, locking his powers with a powerful spell. Magicless and with a chance at redemption, Discord's ways seem less chaotic than ever.

He does cause a lot of chaos though, to the faithful student of Celestia, who had eagerly taken over the task of watching over and teaching Discord by giving him a home under her own roof, in the process hoping to learn more about his species, powers and motives but surprisingly learning much more about both himself and her head... Which puts her in pretty amusing situations most of the time.

An adventure of a silly one sided (???) love and a look into the heart of Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (27)

All things have a beginning.

Even for one such as Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings.

She lost her bid for Equestria. The changeling was found lying in a crater miles from where she had been flung. It was a miracle she had survived. Her army was shattered. So far as the Equestrians knew, Chrysalis was the only survivor.

But her hive survives and has gone to hiding as another queen seeks to find it.

If Equestria thought Chrysalis was a monster, wait until they meet Queen Taalia...

In the meantime, Atalanta has given Queen Chrysalis a renewed sense of purpose. Hatched in captivity, she is the whole world to her doting mother.

She writes the story of her life for her daughter, who could very well be the last of the changelings once Chrysalis is gone...and who this Queen Taalia is.

Cover Art by pinkanaon. Check out the art!

MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust.
MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapters (29)

When Twilight loses control of her magic, she finds herself in the realm of the the eternally damned, Tartarus. In order to survive she is forced to learn and change. However, when Twilight finally escaped from Tartarus, how will Equestria deal with a Twilight who has been forged in hellfire?

Author's Note: I want to point out that the Dark and Gore tags are not all consuming. They are there only by necessity. There are going to be some dark material in here, but nothing grim.

On the same note, Twilight is the only anthro in the story, and there is an in-story reason for it, so don't let that big nasty Anthro tag scare you.

One final thing. It has been some time since I've done any real work on this story. To make clear how long, this portion of the author note was added July 5th, 2019. This story is currently sitting in that little area between "Hiatus" and "Cancelled". Time will tell if I revitalize it.

The World of Tartarus Forged.

Chapters (24)

Scootaloo has a secret. One that she's been hiding her whole life, and after the royal wedding has no choice but to share.

Apple Bloom has a secret. One that she's been hiding for six months, and is still terrified of.

Sweetie Belle has a secret. One that she's been hiding for... well, she doesn't know how long, and is looking for answers to.

So what happens when three not-ponies find out their friends aren't ponies either?

Well, one thing's for certain: they're going to have to come up with a new name for their club. Hopefully one better than the title.

Cover by Crimsion Ink

First few chapters edited by metallusionsismagic, AppleTank, and the last few chapters edited by Crocoshark, Bahamuttone

Featured May 30, 2015!

Chapters (26)

Written by Nerf Stranger and myself. We work on all the chapters together as a team.

After his reformation, Discord had finally warmed up to the idea of having friends, but friendship without trust and mutual understanding means nothing. His latest attempt to gain Twilight’s ends in a magical catastrophe. Injured and left without his god-like powers, Discord has to work with the obstinate alicorn to find a solution.

It soon becomes apparent that a misguided spell isn’t the only wedge driving the pair apart. When those wedges are removed, it’s up to Discord and Twilight to repair the damage. They never imagined it would go further than that . . .

Dark tag for emotional dark scenes, not for grimdark.

This is a stand alone novel. It is NOT a sequel or branch story to my completed work, This Cruel and Random World.

Amazing cover art a gift from Nerf's friend, Madelee. Thanks so much! It's amazing! :pinkiehappy:

Editing for the first chapter courtesy of my buddy Nomad_Sigma.

Chapters (8)

Dear princess Celestia

Ever Since Flurry Hearts 5th birthday we noticed that she's been playing with her new imaginary friend . "Mr. Shade" Alot, she describes him as a " Magical Smoke pony with pretty green eyes". She says that he tells her many secrets and that if she told us then he would have to go away. We are worried and we would like some advice on the matter. Sincerely Princess Cadence

Celestia read the letter once again. Tears filling her eyes. For that was sent so long ago... "I wish i could have seen the signs sooner...then maybe... she whispered quietly to herself, she broke out into a sob once again wishing she could have done something to change fate for the sake of her dearest niece as well as her daughter...

Hello this is my second story that I have been working on it was inspired by Flurry Heart Wants a Pony By TheDriderPony who let me use this idea! And A Thanks to my editor, The Great n’ Powerful Spellcheck DragonHistorian

Check them out!
I hope you enjoy
(Coverart by me!)

Chapters (4)