• Member Since 11th Oct, 2016

Alto Legato

Don't look at my profile and I don't know what to say......... Do you want tea or coffee? Ok... More for me then (Drinking coffee aggressively).

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The delinquent Scootaloo has been sent to Ponyville High School Academy after getting expelled countless times from previous schools, and Ponyville HS is her last chance for education otherwise she'll spend the rest of her childhood in juvenile detention and considering Ponyville's reputation...she knows it's gonna be hell...


The fillies and colts in this story are teenagers (Some will be 14, some will be 15, and so on)

Scootaloo is 15

The Mane Six in this story are gonna attend this school as students, so they're gonna be the same age range as Scootaloo.

(May contain slight [not major] cussing)

Video Game Inspiration: Bully (PS2)

Cover Image by ToxicScootaloo

All moves that are explained to Scootaloo are taken from WIkihow

Chapters (44)

Now with an audio drama produced by truesailorcomet, as well as TVTropes page!

Princess Luna takes on a Night Apprentice, her counterpart to Princess Celestia's Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle. Nova Shine, a wandering unicorn from Canterlot, is given the position for the first time in a thousand years. What neither of them know is that there exists a long and secret history between the positions of the Faithful Student, the Night Apprentice, and a mysterious shadow that seems to keep popping up in Nova's and Twilight's dreams. This shadow, whatever it is, and the dreams it appears in do not bode well, but the Princesses remain tight-lipped about these nightmares.

Nova and Twilight agree to investigate the nightmares themselves, and this mission occupies them for some time. But as they continue their search, their relationship starts to develop into something more than just fellow students. As if to make matters any more chaotic, Trixie Lulamoon arrives on Twilight's doorstep announcing that she, too, has been dealing with nightmare problems.

Finally, there's also the shadow itself. An ancient and dangerous enemy, it has lain dormant for the last thousand or so years. Why it chooses to reveal itself now is anyone's best guess, but unless Twilight and Nova can stop it, there's no telling what will happen to Equestria...

First featured under the old system on 25 November 2013, with occasional reappearances in the new system.
Featured again on 19 November 2022, on its 10th anniversary, and again on 19 November 2023 when the final chapter of the rewrite was published. Many thanks, everyone.

Chapters (26)

Faced with redemption or prison, Tempest Shadow accepts Twilight’s hoof in friendship, though she fears how much trauma her new friend has endured on her behalf. With a hopeful heart, Tempest takes her place at Twilight’s side, but when she falls for the one who gave her a new meaning in life, things only get more complicated.

Editors: Ponysopher and Crowley
Prereader: Toothless

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (8)

For years, Twilight Sparkle has kept track of how little both Princess Celestia and Luna eat.

A small slice of cake here. A single cup of tea there. So what really keeps the Princesses going from day to day?

And is Twilight Sparkle truly prepared to unearth such facts?

Artwork by davidsfire.

Chapters (1)

There's a history here, one of your own making, that tells of the place once called home.

Search this forgotten castle and find it, Spike.

Chapters (1)

You can't go home again. That's what they say--and Sunset Shimmer happens to agree. You can't go home again. You really, really can't.

Coverart: bakki

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna, Sunset Shimmer, and the Great and Powerful Trixie meet in a bar every Friday for drinks and to chat.

This is what they chat about.

An episodic story updated whenever I think of anything new. Will probably never be marked "Complete".

Rated Teen and Sex for risque conversations. No actual sex. Has a little Sunlight shipping; as usual, I cannot help it.

Cover image compiled using the super-cute vectors created by arifproject and used with permission. Go take a look at all his adorable art!

Many thanks to FanOfMostEverything for being kind enough to preread the first three five all the chapters for me!

Chapters (9)

Currently being rewritten to fix all grammar issues and story inconsistency

I always thought life was a bit dreary and after losing everything I had nothing to live for. So after an unfortunate accident whilst drunk I find myself here in Equestria, I think is the name, with a butt load of talking cartoon like talking ponies. They have magic, which is nearly impossible for me to do, but still attainable, but that isn't the strangest part. I have conversed with a deity of light, one of dark, one of love and another of chaos, but that isn't the strangest part. I met the saviors of this place, The Elements of Harmony, six fun loving and caring mares. And the worst part is I think I fell for one of them.
My name is Evan Wright and I am now living in Equestria.

Edited by zubafa and as of 2/24/2013 MLP Lover
As of 2/1/13 Proof read by Nekosama321, Cold Spike, and The Grim Reaper

Chapters (7)

"Oh come on, Applejack! Just one trip around the clouds! One!"

It's an invitation that Applejack has heard countless times. However, no matter how often Rainbow Dash bugs her to experience an air ride, the farm filly flat out refuses.

Then one afternoon, on a day when Applejack is strangely quiet and distant, she suddenly agrees to Rainbow Dash's persistent request. The pegasus happily oblidges, not knowing what has truly motivated Applejack to give in, nor the fact that--more than anything--Applejack could really use a good friend right about now.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Domestic Equestria

Applejack doesn’t get the chance to speak that often, to say what she really wants. That’s okay. I’d like to have a conversation with her anyway.

Reading “My Domestic Equestria” first will help get into the mindset of this one, but it isn’t necessary to understand it.

Chapters (1)