• Member Since 11th Oct, 2016

Alto Legato

Don't look at my profile and I don't know what to say......... Do you want tea or coffee? Ok... More for me then (Drinking coffee aggressively).

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Starlight Glimmer awaits her punishment at the hooves of Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia always had a surprisingly playful character. Of late, though, her pranks have crossed the line. She's now actually enjoying spreading chaos amongst her subjects. Is she becoming evil? Luna must uncover the truth and try to stop her somehow before it's too late.

My first fanfic. Yay!

Chapters (1)

( This story was written for the concept album by Vylet and Sylver. Check that out here: Mystic Acoustics )

Post civil-war, Equestrian scientists and engineers across the world exhibit incredible technological advancements, such as the ability for earth ponies and pegasi to use magic. However, Equestria's unsustainability and overpopulation crisis further threatens the prosperity of the civilization. To search for a solution to the world's dilemma, Celestia and Twilight devise a secretive exploration project known as "Starship Ponyville 327000". Its goal: to launch hundreds of soldiers and scientists into the farthest reaches of space to discover other habitable worlds. Amidst these things, a brave new hero is born, bringing an even more serious threat with her.

Story written by Vylet and Sylver
Proofread by HomieRicky, Lavender, Cadie, and Peacetaker
Artwork by Alumx

Chapters (14)

Work work work. That's all Sunset cares about. She never complains, but what truly lies inside the young woman's heart? Will a close friend be able to break the walls built around her? Or will she never know what Sunset really feels?

My entry to:Sunset Shipping Contest 'Changing Seasons'
Couldn't have down it without; Shrink Laureate

Appearance on EQD Sep 25

Chapters (1)

The holidays are fast approaching for the city of Canterlot. Snow is on the ground, carols fill the air, and the students of Canterlot High await release for winter vacation. However, its never peaceful in Canterlot for long. Right when things are looking calm, secrets start spilling around the school. With more being revealed each day, all eyes turn to Sunset Shimmer, the former bully of CHS. With the school turning against her and no clues to follow, can she possibly figure out the culprit and clear her name?

Of course she can. You know this story. At least, I assume you do. You're probably here because you want to see an alternate take on the event after all. A timeline can be altered drastically with nothing more than a single decision, just one choice, at the right place and time. So the proper question is: Can Sunset make it to her happy ending...and will the choice even be hers to start with?

TvTropes Page: Here

Co-writer: SunnyDays

So I'd like to give two quick shout-outs.
First one goes to Dainn for his wonderful tale, 'Anon-a-Miss'. It was the base inspiration for this little drabble of mine.
Second one to cerealkiller78 for her branching story, 'Silent Night', for more or less creating a sub-genre of a sub-genre and for the Dark tag on this story.

Featured: 3/21/17, 3/26/17, 4/23/17, 5/13/17, 6/2/17, 7/11/17, 8/6/17, 9/16/17, 12/2/17, 12/20/17, 2/25/18, 6/3/18

Chapters (21)

Starlight Glimmer is about to embark on a few little friendship lessons. Five to be exact. However she’s still a little murky on how to get all her friends to cooperate so things go as quickly and efficiently as possible. Luckily A surprise visit from another friend might solve Starlight’s problem.

An alternative take on Every Little Thing She Does and inspired by a conversation with Tired Old Man.

Chapters (1)

What would you do if a pony moved into the apartment upstairs? Would you make an effort to meet her? What would you talk about? And what kind of pony leaves Equestria for Earth in the first place?

This is a series of slice-of-life episodes about a young man who meets a pony in New Jersey. Equestria has made contact with Earth; creations and creators have been sorting things out for a couple of years, and a smattering of ponies are gradually starting to move to Earth. Told though human eyes, here's the story of one of them.

Chapters (25)

Heiress Lucy Burdock knows life has a way of surprising you.

For example, she wasn't expecting a little pink pony for her birthday. She certainly didn't expect it to start talking, either. It was cute at first, but it kinda feels more like taking care of a little kid than a pony. Lucy's never really been great with kids... but she can make it work!

Can't she?

2nd Place in EQD's More Most Dangerous Game contest

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Bad Habit

The age of technology has hit Equestria. Ponies everywhere are connecting in ways they never felt imaginable. In this world of constant digital connection, Apple Bloom is learning that things change as you get older. A new Equestria is being made, and that means a new Ponyville is coming with it, but young Apple Bloom isn't certain if she's ready to let go of the old Ponyville first.

A story about growing up and coming of age. The third installment in the Cutie Mark Crusader's saga, and almost a year in the making, "Advance" is the sequel to "Bad Habit" and "Like Me".

Special thanks to The LunarQueen for the cover photo (DA in image source)

Chapters (3)

Fluttershy, a timid mare. rainbow dash, a brash mare with little patience.

for months now they have been an item, but in truth- not much has progressed thanks to the timid mares hesitations. this is a short tale of their progress in their relationship.

cover image taken from here

Chapters (6)