• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013


I may not be a great writer,

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Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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Derpy has had a not-so-secret crush on Ponyville's premiere cellist player for a while now, but sadly the only pony who hasn't figured that out yet is Octavia herself. Too shy to admit her true feelings, Derpy instead gets Octavia alone for a private cello lesson, in hopes that a little bit of flirting will nudge things in the right direction.

Unfortunately Octavia is as blind as a bat when it comes to romance.

My entry into The OctaDerp Fan Club's first ever contest. [Winning Entry, huzzah!]

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash finds herself hospitalized with injuries after a crash. While there, she finds herself rooming with Ivy Cluster, a young colt suffering from leukemia. Rainbow forms a bond with the colt over Daring Do, cake and the Wonderbolts, but she needs to be strong for her frightened and depressed friend. When Ivy fails to recover, Rainbow must confront the loss and the fundamental fact that life is not fair.

Chapters (1)

After a party, Rainbow hints to Pinkie that she likes her. Unfortunately, Pinkie starts avoiding her and begins hanging out with Fluttershy instead, even going as far as to give the shy pony a nickname. Rainbow sees the writing on the wall and decides she'll put her own feelings to the side and get Fluttershy to admit she likes Pinkie.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Pinkie try to come up with a way to get Rainbow to admit that she likes Pinkie.

What could go wrong?

As usual, edited and pre-read by Key Tapper and CookieMonstar
There will be two chapters to this story.

Chapters (2)

When Rarity and Rainbow Dash discover that they disagree on a point close to their hearts, they decide to settle their differences the only way two mature mares can: by forcing each other to embarrass themselves.

With thanks to GlueFactory, WhatTheMoo and Icarus_Gizmo for editing, and Equestria Daily for featuring me! Cover art by OsakaOji.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and student of Princess Celestia, has braved many dangers and defeated powerful foes. But on a peaceful afternoon, she will face her greatest challenge: eating some lunch.

With thanks to GlueFactory for helping me edit, and Equestria Daily for featuring me!

Chapters (1)

Alone. That's a scary word. Luckily, it's not something Rainbow Dash has to be afraid of. Element of Harmony, Wonderbolt to be, idol to colts and fillies, and all around radical. No, Dash isn't alone. She's completely awesome. There really isn't anything she can't do. Which is why this whole mess is just so dumb. Twilight doesn't know what she's talking about. Dash is perfectly fine, better than fine when you think about it. She really just can't be something as... as uncool as an asexual.

... Can she?

(Rated Teen for somewhat frank discussions of sexuality)
(Pre-Read and Edited by the dream team of SoloBrony, Pwnego, Ghost of Heraclitus, and the Wizard of Words. Thanks guys.)

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash has never really given much thought to the other creatures that share her sky, but all of that changes when she finds a bird caught out in her storm. As Fluttershy tends to its injury, Rainbow befriends the bird and soon learns a lesson that will likely change her life.

This story was featured on EQD on 11/21/14!

Chapters (1)

In a small hiccup of insensitivity, Rarity finds out a secret Rainbow Dash hid from everypony she knew, and does so in a way she regrets.

To fix her mistake involves a trade, a fear for a fear.

Rainbow Dash decides to tackle one of these by taking her to a place where few ponies ever go.

To get to that place, they're going to go up.

Prereading and Editing done by HoofBitingActionOverload and Outcast9851
Cover art can be found here

Chapters (2)

Rarity and Rainbow Dash are a bit of a bombastic couple, and it hasn't escaped Fluttershy's notice. Concerned for her two friends, Fluttershy finds a question about their relationship on the tip of her tongue.

Chapters (1)