• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013


I may not be a great writer,

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Twilight has always loved mysteries. Researching them, dissecting them, and finally, solving them. Almost nothing could compare to the joy she feels when finding an answer to a question no pony knew.

But there are mysteries with answers better left unheard, truths that aren't meant to be known. Now Twilight has solved a mystery with an answer she doesn't want, an answer she can never forget.

Chapters (1)

What does it mean to be immortal? Celestia has lived for too long. Her memories are old. She has seen many ponies, and many places, and many times, and many stars, and many dreams. She wakes one night to find she does not know the ponies and the stars of today from the ponies and the stars of any other day she has lived. She no longer knows what was real and what was only dreamed.

She desperately searches for the one pony she knows could not have been a dream.

Chapters (1)

For years Trixie has been living with a secret that has drove her to challenge Twilight Sparkle for the title of Equestria's greatest magician. Till now, no pony knew what that drive was, and once it is learned, can things ever be the same for them again? Or will this revelation bring about a change? Whether if it is for better or worse is for fate to decide.

My second entry for the Everfree Northwest 2014 Writing Contest

Featured on 2/27/14

Chapters (1)

This is the first installment of my PTS (Ponify that song) series! If your curious as to what that is you can check my blog post here! This story is based off of 'Falling Away With You' by Muse. It was suggested by Irishtiger. If you would like to suggest a song than either do it here or in the comments. Enjoy!

Spitfire and Rainbow Dash have been dating for nearly a year. In that time Rainbow found her spot on the Wonderbolts and has been living a life of carefree luxury. Using the large income from their careers, Rainbow and Spitfire have traveled the world together. They have done nearly everything adventurous a thrill seeking couple can. When Spitfire and Rainbow decide to cut loose on the to one of their practices, a tragic accident leaves Spitfire in a hospital bed, confused and worried.

Thanks to the wonderful Tarascha for editing!

Chapters (1)

Discord received a strange letter from his dear friend Fluttershy to meet her at her cottage after dark. It said that she wanted to show him something. Curious, he ventured to her cottage. And what he found is something even he didn't see coming

Sex tag is used for suggestive themes but no actual sexual contact ensues.
teen tag just to be on the safe side.

Editor/proofreader-Crystal Wishes

Chapters (1)

It's a very special day...
Two of the luckiest mares in Ponyville are getting married.
Just who could I be talking about...

As if you don't know.

A big thank you to Tchernobog and Lycan_01 for being awesome editors, and Jackie for the awesome cover art

Chapters (1)

What would happen if Luna went to the Cookieverse? Find out!

Yes, all of you got trolled. So enjoy this story while you are all just dumbstruck by the fact that this story is about cookies. Good day!

Cookie Clicker copyright its owners
Cover Art copyright http://theponymuseum.deviantart.com

Chapters (1)

A stallion who tries to be the bad guy, spends all his time trying and failing to succeed. He tries to do bad deeds but when he does, it makes things better than before and it drives him crazy and mad! He goes as far as to kidnap Princess Celestia, but somehow he messes that up. See how this stallion struggles through his pitiful life.

A big thank you and shout out to the author who helped me and gave me the idea, Follow Focus.. Thank you Follow Focus!

Chapters (2)

Equestria's last night is nigh. Next evening it will be ash. Twilight slips off with but the past to bargain with. Can she buy a future?

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia employs her personal top scientists and engineers to create an apparatus that could teleport whatever she wanted, or whatever existed in the known universe, to her. What follows could be the best discovery in the history of Equestria, since sliced cheese.

Decided to step out of the norm and my comfort zone, and focus my mind on other things. This is my first shot at random comedy, so it might not be the best thing that you've ever seen. However, I do hope that you enjoy this delectable oneshot of mouth-watering proportions!

Celestia vector by red-pear

Chapters (1)