• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013


I may not be a great writer,

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Octavia has sat next to Vinyl's hospital bedside for months but today is different. Today she chooses to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Fanfic Reading by TheLostNarrator

Editor: Fantasia Archsage

Chapters (2)

A lone scientist wanders through a barren wasteland, with no memory of what happened to his former home.

This story is based off of the song 'September' by The Living Tombstone (feat. MictheMicrophone).

I don't actually own that song, but I wrote a fanfic of it anyway.

Chapters (6)

Twilight attempts a spell to look into the stretching properties of balloons, but a freak accident leads to a surge-cast of an inflation spell on the whole town! Ponies find themselves growing larger and larger, and are those...seams? Her friends are turning into balloons of themselves and approaching the popping point! Can Twilight reverse the effects and save her fellow townsponies before it's too late?

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Twilight are good ponies. They've been dating for three months, and they both agree that some things are worth waiting for. But when Rainbow Dash brags about what she and Rarity did on their second date, it kicks off a day of questions for both couples. What do good ponies do when, and why?

Chapters (3)

The odds of ramming face-first into the same pony twice are high enough, but by the third time you start to question if the universe is doing this on purpose.
Twilight wrestles with how do deal with her rapidly developing crush while said crush helps her find her way around the palace of the Crystal Empire. Feelings are hard, especially when you have zero prior experience with this particular sort.

This is a Flashlight fic, but it was written less as a romance and more as a character study on how Twilight behaves when she's got a crush. Cover art is mine.

Chapters (1)

On a cold winter day, Rarity and Big Mac sit in front of a fire at Sweet Apple Acres, remembering the start of their relationship.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Old Friends

Her oldest friend tries to save her, but they both discover it's too late.

Cover art by DaisyAzuras

Chapters (1)

She noticed the pony for the first time when she was young, not long after she'd received her cutie mark. He became her oldest friend.

Note: comments contain spoilers; please don't read them first!

Cover art by DaisyAzurasFeatured in the Royal Canterlot Library

Reading by Neighrator PonySpanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (3)

They say everypony has a soul mate, one being they are destined to find and connect with. If that soul mate is lost it is up to the survivor of the pair to find ways to cope. Some never do.

[ 'True Love' tied for second place in Surry's Eggcellent Egghead Competition! Congratulations to the winner, The DJ Rainbow Dash. ~Adda ]

[ Preread by three of my favorite ponies ever - Wolfcape, Specimen021, and Razzle Dazzle. Thanks for putting up with me! :heart: Cover art by Antiander. ]

Chapters (1)

After an unsettling experience with Soarin, and hearing that her friends think she's gay, Rainbow Dash starts to question her sexuality.

When she finds out the truth, will it jeopardize her relationship with Soarin and perhaps her friends?

The "Sex" tag is for language. This is not a story about being gay or not gay, but on uncovering one's identity and coming out.

Chapters (4)