• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013


I may not be a great writer,

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After one of Pinkie Pie's parties, Twilight decides to help her friend clean up. They end up spending a lot more time together, and nothing will ever be the same between them.

Cover by qaxis

Chapters (1)

When the Mane 6 first found out they were being secretly recorded by invisible cameras, they were a little freaked out. After some time, they got used to it. Now, Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie watch the show regularly. But when Pinkie Pie shows them fimfiction.net, they are greeted by a mysterious message on Pinkie's fimfiction profile. Events are thrown into motion that cause the ponies to explore the darker side of fanfiction, while reading their way through some of the fandom's most infamous grimdark tales. Sort of MST-Style, but in the view of the ponies themselves, rather than the writer of the fic.

Chapters (1)

It had all happened so quickly, she'd never been able to stand back and contemplate her options, but Rainbow Dash knew she hadn't gone wrong at any point along the entire way.

Some d'aww TwiDash. If you're allergic to sweet, this is NOT the place for you.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle returns to Canterlot to celebrate the Grand Jubilee with Princess Celestia, she again meets the prank-loving Princess of the Moon - but what does the mischievous Luna want with her? And what do socks have to do with it all?

Special thanks to Canterlot-expert TwilightFlopple for not only inspiring me with her sexy pic of Luna in socks http://twilightflopple.deviantart.com/art/Luna-s-Socks-227462669 but also for helping me come up with a DJ-PWN3 song, a room opulent enough for Equestria's capital and a Griffon King with a suitably epic name. Thanks!

Chapters (2)

Between Hallucinations and dreams, Spike's carnivorous dragon instincts start to arise and he tries to hide it from his friends. He is unsuccessful, as his will begins to falter.

Gore is for the first chapter but I doubt there will be any more.

Chapters (4)

Did you ever wonder why Rainbow Dash had a rainbow mane and nobody else did?
Maybe it never crossed your mind that a rainbow is more than a superficial trait.
A little while after Rainbow fails her Wonderbolt audition, her friends begin to notice that her iconic rainbow mane and cyan coat are literally leaking color, leaving behind a shallow, lifeless shell of what Rainbow Dash used to be.
Without the old Rainbow Dash, everything seems to be thrown out of balance in Equestria, and the elements of harmony can't function. Together, they attempt to bring back color to the one they care for he most.
Through medical study and the magic of friendship, Equestria will finally understand Rainbow Pegasus ponies, and the existence of rainbows entirely.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash just may be Sugarcube Corner's best customer, even though she can't stand sweets. Pinkie Pie is none the wiser.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle is fed up of her unrequited love for Rainbow Dash. She has decided that the time has come to reveal the passion she has kept hidden for so long - but how? There is only one sane, logical way to do this.

She must become a cloud.

Nothing can go wrong.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie knows something about her world that nopony else understands. She is always on display, and Pinkie has made the best of it. It seems that nopony understands why Pinkie behaves the way she does, is it fear? Is it insanity? Or is it that the fate of all equestria is in her hooves?

Chapters (1)