• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013


I may not be a great writer,

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Rainbow Dash has been dating Pinkie Pie for nearly a month and, in spite of Pinkie’s objections, is keeping the affair a secret from the rest of their friends. Deciding she's had enough, Pinkie Pie throws a party announcing their relationship.

Chapters (4)

A boy and girl recieves a mysterious message from an unknown sender as they were just enjoying life to the fullest, but as soon as they opened it, they both find themselves in a new reality that they thought was just a fantasy. What's happening to them? Is there a purpose for them being in this new world? Are there higher powers in motion here, playing with them behind the scenes?

Read to find out.

Also credit goes to GX98 for the awesome cover art.

Chapters (72)

Today Pinkie Pie has something planned for her friend Rainbow Dash, and it involves a batch of special cupcakes. Something happens and a lesson on friendship is learned.

((In celebration of getting my first feature. I wrote this s quickly as I could as a thank you gift to my followers))

Chapters (1)

An unusual storm falls upon Ponyville, leading to widespread destruction. Rainbow Dash is badly injured while fighting the storm and Twilight must take care of her until the storm ends. Twidash.

This is an entry for twilight-the-pony's "After The Storm" Twidash writing competition.

Chapters (1)

Dearest Shining Armor,

By the time you read this, I’ll be long gone.

Originally a one-shot written during a very trying time, but many people asked for a continuation. You can read the first chapter by itself if you wish, and that may even be advisable, but I still hope that you'll enjoy the rest.

Featured on the front page at release, for the full four days possible under the site's heat system!

Chapters (4)

Pinkie Pie has an existential crisis while painting her room. This self-parody is dedicated to Professor Piggy, who once told me that I could write a story about Pinkie watching paint dry and weave it into an incredible psychological journey. Let's see if he was right.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Dramatic reading by MicTheMicrophoneZero.

Cover art by chaosdrop.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been close friends for a long time and, for some reason Rainbow Dash has never been able to understand, it seems as if everyone she knows expects them to get together eventually. To Rainbow Dash's surprise, Applejack abruptly decides that their friends are right and asks her out on a date. To Applejack's surprise, Rainbow Dash immediately turns her down.

Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, Applejack is nothing if not stubborn, and she declares that she won't give up until Rainbow Dash has agreed to go on a date with her, no matter what it takes.

Winner of the second AppleDash group contest.

Chapters (4)

After miscasting a spell Twilight's friends begin to feel differently about her. When Luna and Trixie show up in town things really start to get crazy. It seems a new competition has begun on who can win the purple unicorn's heart. Meanwhile Twilight struggles to understand why everypony seems to be falling head over hooves for her. Well not literally everypony, but you know what I mean.

WARNING: This pretty much ignores Season 3 entirely. Well Trixie's part anyways.

Chapters (8)

Twilight decides that Rainbow Dash & Applejack are in love, and sets out to bring the happy couple together. The truth is, however, that a grudge match for Twilight's affections has begun between them, and as their actions drive their own friendship apart the cracks appear elsewhere. Who will come out the victor, who will be left in the dust, and why can't everypony get along?

Chapters (1)

Dash goes and visits Pinkie after a flight practice, but a terrible tragedy happened to Rainbow which prevents her from flying. Now she's moved in with Pinkie, but can she keep up with all the sweets Pinkie makes?

Chapters (13)