• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013


I may not be a great writer,

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Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Covers

Twilight is going to have another slumber party and each of the Mane 6 is invited. Rainbow Dash however, can't stand the usual events expected at such a party, so she invites Spike to help even things out. Will they both survive the night?
Cover pic, without title.

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have made plans to spend the day together. Nothing abnormal for two friends. But Fluttershy sees things a bit differently. To her, she finally has an opportunity to open up to her long time crush, Rainbow Dash. Will she be able to work the courage to admit herself to Equestria's most fearless pegasus? Or will her timidness and quite manner leave her true feelings forever her secret? Only time will tell...

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash cares about her image. A lot.
So what happens when she has to return a book of a certain genre to the library and runs into Spike, whom she's just started to hang out with?

Created mainly for the SpikeDash competition started by Vexy.
Constructive criticism is welcome. If you're here to flame, please take the next door to the right.

Chapters (1)

When Spike challenges Rainbow Dash to a race, the winner of which must do something for the loser, she gleefully accepts. To her dismay she loses — but rather than make her do something embarrassing like she was expecting him to, all Spike wants is for Dash to treat him to dinner.

As the night wears on, Spike drops a few hints about his true feelings — which Dash fails to pick up on. Can she realise the truth, or is it too late?


Winner of this contest held by the SpikeDash group. Thanks, Vexy!

Chapters (1)

A one-shot dedicated to the latest episode and one of my favorite authors. This is a AppleSpike oneshot.

"The apple of my eye- Something, but usually someone, that one cherishes above all others"

Spike realizes who the apple of his eye is.

Chapters (1)

While researching a new spell, a miscalculation leads to Twilight and Pinkie Pie switching bodies. They decide to hide the accident and live as one another - for Science! What could possibly go wrong?
(With apology to the scientific method)
Cover art by Conicer!

Chapters (6)

Derpy has spent the last few weeks holed up in the library's basement with permission from Twilight. The only problem is, Twilight wants to know what Derpy is doing and she isn't telling. So, the only logical course of action is for Twilight to find out on her own.

Chapters (1)

After saving Rarity's life from a runaway apple cart, Applejack is moderately injured. Grateful for the act of heroism, Rarity insists on AJ staying with her until she's well. They become closer than ever.

This is my first story, so please be brutally honest. I think its average, but what do I know? Your opinion is what matters.

Chapters (4)

Dinky enjoys staying with Sparkler, but is still anxious to go back home to her mom. The bright young filly and the young-at-heart mare use their time together to teach each other about growing up and what it means to be family.
A sequel to Ditzy Doo's Dismally Derpy Day.

Chapters (1)