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Sure my life wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for me, so why the actual f*** am I in a body of a little girl running from sentient ponies?! But it isn't enough that I am on another planet and am a different gender altogether, no, now I have to deal with the misconception that I, like other humans, am just a mindless beast. But sure, Life, f*** me over in exchange for magic, I'm sure I'll forgive you one day.

This is my first and probably only story ever, even so constructive criticism would be appreciated.

Cover image was made by ImAbronyFagg.

Chapters (21)

Gadget is a human from earth that has been dumped into Equestria due to a cosmic entity. Now he has to live out the rest of his life in the body of a Changeling. With no knowledge of what he is or how to get home he will have to embark on a long and difficult journey to find his place in this strange new world.

Rated Teen For Gore, Violence, Some Strong Language and Slight Sexual References.

Chapters (30)

For the last 26 years, humanity has been fighting a losing battle with an alien collective known as the Covenant. Fleeing a battle, one UNSC ship stumbles upon the planet Equis and makes a discovery that may just change the outcome for the better. As the Covenant closes in on victory, humans and Equestrians must form a tentative alliance in order to survive the onslaught of aliens bent on their total destruction.

NOTE: Equestria is anthropomorphic in this story

Chapters (14)

Steve is the only Crafter left. A terrible war against Herobrine had taken everyone from him. He lives, but without purpose. His happy-go-lucky attitude hides decades of war and scars. He wishes for a second chance, a way to make it up to those he lost. Now, due to unknown powers, he arrives in Equestria. Can these peaceful ponies make a mark on a battle-scarred Crafter, or will the darkness inside consume him from the inside out.

Post Discontinued Edit: Wow, that Description is way off the mark. I can't believe I wrote this. Anyway, if anyone is reading this, then, well, yeah, the story is discontinued. Has been for a while.



Chapters (106)

Hi! My name is Joshua, or at least it was before The Merchant got his hands on me. Now I'm just another Displaced. and to top it off the first ever time I fell in love... she was taken from me by outside forces. Now exactly one thousand years later, I'm reunited with the one i love with all my black heart.

WOOO FEATURED 8-16-17 thank you guys so much for all the support!

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to My Little Universe: Season 8

The Elements of Harmony and the Crystal Gems had come a very long way. Earth: a colony planet for a renegade Diamond, now in watch and care by a 16 year old Human boy and his team of Polymorphic Sentient Rocks. And Equus: a planet right from a storybook in charge by the Princess of the Sun, now in watch by her most faithful student along with her closest friends of all three Races. A princess of Friendship, and a Prodigy of Care.

They've done so much to get to this point, and they're so close to being finished. Corruption still needs to be healed, old quarrels still need to be mended, and still looming is an army that is bent on ruining everything they've built up to this point. Can they make it to that Happily Ever After?

Chapters (27)

After a natural cataclysm destroyed their homeworld and the Equestrian nation scattered to the stars in the evacuation, the Main Six and their immediate family in Ponyville drifted among the stars in an escape pod for weeks before they were found and adopted into the crew of the Federation Starship Voyager.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Guess this is happening

Spinel was just getting used to living in Equestria, after a month in the world she'd gotten the hang of Apple bucking, gotten paid twice, and was really starting to make the Barn feel like home, then Discord comes in with something she wasn't ready for, three somethings to be precise. Now Spinel has to deal with three new Gems who are all crazy, yelling something about humans.

Featured: October 19th-21st 23rd, December 1st 2019, March 15th 2020, August 14th 2020, September 24th 2020, March 24th 2021, January 30th 2022, Jun 12th 2022,

Chapters (18)

Long ago, magical life fled to a domed continent on the ocean floor. Ponies are Shifters (can change between their Equine, Anthro, or Human form). With the arrival of Harry Potter in their land, they learn humans are evolving into magic.

I got the idea for Atlantis and the shifting abilities from "If Wishes Were Ponies", found here:


They mostly use Atlantis as a joke but that gave me an idea. Hope you like it.

Art was found on Deviant and done by AviraTheStrange, found here:


Chapters (10)

“I have faced many self proclaimed gods, but when they die you can not hear their howls above the wind. The god died the man lives.”-Pantheon the Unbroken spear

Many warriors face defeat and can not rise above their own failures. They fall and do not stand back up. Brothers and sisters fall by the way side, all you can do is shout there names to the heavens. A deep sorrow in your chest that hurts more than a sword.

Atreus knows all this too well, but he has never fallen and not overcome that defeat in the end. After climbing mount Targon and losing himself and his body to the stars. He only ever saw glimpses of what was happening.

Now after his most resent fall he is surprised by the change in scenery. The sands of Shurima and its deserts are gone, replaced by a beach next to the ocean. He glances up to the night sky and takes a breath.
These are not the stars who lied to him.

Just letting you know, though you may not understand. This story takes place after the battle between Pantheon and Xerath because this is AU for both LOL and MLP. That battle ends on a cliffhanger and is the perfect plot device to get Atreus to Equestria. Also its like the last lore story on Pantheon right now, so bite me, I want to be a bit lore friendly. BTW THIS LAST PART IS IMPORTANT, I WILL MAKE IT SO THAT EQUESTRIANS ARE HUMANS BUT THEY HAVE TAILS, AND THE FEATURES OF THEIR TRIBES. THEY WILL STILL BE CALLED PONIES AND USE CERTAIN WORDS STILL BUT YOU KNOW, NO HORSE FACES. APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE IF YOU CAME HERE FOR THAT

I don't own any of the characters by the way, just thought I'd make that clear. 😓

Chapters (28)