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For over hundreds of years, mankind's life in Equestria were nothing more, but tormented slaves and servants. Although some other species of resistance think this just isn't right and wanted the humans to have their freedom, but sadly it's been proven too difficult from every socity that's preventing them of doing it. Several weeks later after Princess Twilight Sparkle's ascend into being an Alicorn to join her fellow princesses, a human teen from his own world of dominant humans wakes up in a prison cell with some damaged burn body marks and realizing that he's in another world full of Anthro species. This is a tale of Ben Renwick, the last Shinobi warrior and the hope for humanity's freedom.

Chapters (2)

Guardian. Warlock. Sunsinger. What happens when Guardian Sunset Shimmer returns home with a fellow Sunsinger by her side? Two Warlocks of Light in a world of Magic, with none of the problems that plagued the Earth, but rather its own.

Chapters (3)

cover art from here

My day started out great. my work week just finished and I chose to use my first day off to finally go watch the MLP movie in the cinema and the movie was a great experience.


But my day went from great to WTF when I was passing a sushi resturant on the way out of the cinema and suddenly I'm Haku from Spirited Away and I'm in season 2 Equestria... but things are not all as they seem and now I've gotta figure out how to get home... if that's even possible.

Please not that, despite the romance tag, Haku will not have romantic relations with anyone living in Ponyville.

Holy hayburger! Featured 29/2/2020?

Thanks, guys. The date makes this pretty dang cool

Chapters (3)

Sometimes time travel is possible. Sometimes it goes wrong. Sometimes a futuristic soldier goes on a killing spree to reach the time machine to get back home. It happens. What doesn't happen is time travel, into another fucking dimension, with a futuristic soldier, with a couple of enemies-- oh what am I kidding he's being followed by an army of *Spartan-like Civil Security hell-bent on his destruction, heavily armored and geared bird-like Falkok, and HUNDREDS OF ALIENS WITH GREEN LASER ROCKETS AND BIGASS RAIL GUNS.

That doesn't pair well with friendship. Or Non-Violence. Or anything to do with harmony. Maybe a certain filly can change his mind? Maybe convince him to try a different, nicer way? I dunno, read to find out!

Originally based on Plasma Burst 2 by Eric Gurt.
*Halo Spartans

Chapters (24)

An American soldier, dedicated to his country, who has seen and fought in many wars, seeks out a way to escape his war ridden world and finds a new one. A planet free of death and wars. Where friendship, harmony and peace were plentiful. Or so he had first thought.
He came to the magical world of Equss to escape war, but now finds himself needed for it once again.
But this world was different. This time he could do something to truly stop evil. But that requires power. Power he will claim. Even if he has to shake the very foundations of Equestria to get it.

(Takes place before Luna/Nightmare Moon's return.)

[embed] https://youtu.be/qWgRZrqjGSc [/embed]

Chapters (20)

A dark and stormy blizzard over the everfree, a hellish snow storm in a distant city. Crashes of light raining out in both places, and the strange disappearance of one group of people, while another sudden appearance of another group in a distant land. Such a strange thing has happened over the ages of both places, but no one knows why. Well this group is about to find out that stranger things can happen, and not just to them, follow the journey of these stranded souls as they seek to understand the new land they are in, while learning many things, good and bad alike...

Chapters (12)

Elias Bright is a survivor. He has survived the end of the world. He has survived the deaths of his family. He has survived the death of all that he has built. On the run from a past that haunts him to his core, he finds himself in Equestria, a land of tranquility and peace. Elias now has a choice. Does he give up the only life he has known, that of a survivor, and settle with the ponies of Equestria, or will his past deeds come to drag him back into the dark past he has tried to bury?

Chapters (76)

Goku is considered the greatest martial artist in history and legend. Apple Bloom has a special talent in martial arts as well, but not being the best bugs her. So what better way to become the best, by learning from the best? It will not be an easy road for the young filly.

Chapters (80)

This is a story of the Elements of Harmony, both the ones in Equestria and the ones of Earth. In this story, the Elements are both broken and mended, in many different ways. Love is a force that transcends all they say, and it may well do that here as well. Read on for a tale of love, loss, war, peace, and ponies.

Chapters (21)

"Hi its me, Ness. i am the slayer of Giygas and a hero in my universe. but after three months since my adventure, was teleported to Equestria... i miss my mom..."

So if you already guessed it, yeah, im making a Earthbound crossover... kinda fitting considering i am a huge earthbound fan. but yeah enjoy this story.

There's also some comedy don't worry. also ness is thirteen when he started his adventure. but for the heck of it, imma make him fourteen.

So there's also gonna be a lot of Fifteen year old Cadence X Ness in this story. if you aren't prepared, then don't read please.

Chapters (3)