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The legendary silent assassin known as Agent 47 came back home after he brought some stuff from the market, however before he could rest a surprise appears on his door.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Arkham

Anarchy takes Gotham City when the supposedly dead Scarecrow returns with a new concoction of fear. Abandoned by the general populace, the metropolis now rests in the hands of the criminals, who now run rampant after nine months of dormancy.

Three years have past in peaceful Equestria, and all seems well. When news of this terrible occurrence reaches Twilight Sparkle and her friends, they hold true to an old friend.

Will Scarecrow’s oppression prevail over Gotham’s otherworldly allies?

Cover Art is by me.

Author's Note (IMPORTANT): This will be a sequel to ADHD365's My Little Arkham and it will be a crossover of both Batman and My Little Pony: FIM, it will take place during the events of Batman: Arkham Knight. The timeline will be set between MLP seasons 6 and 7, meaning that every episode in season 7 has not happened yet at this point. It will be set a month after the events of "To Where and Back again" the season 6 finale of MLP. Just like the prequel; this story will focus more with the ponies' POV rather than Batman's. The reason I'm writing a sequel to someone else's story is because I liked that story very much; but I was a little disappointed when I learned that the Author (ADHD365) of My Little Arkham recently announced that he will not be doing any sequels or side stories of this great crossover. I loved this story to the point that I was motivated enough to do it myself. You can review, fav this you if are enjoying this story, you are also free to criticize this story if you'd like for any flaws I have made with story. Enjoy and have a nice day, ladies and gentlemen.

Chapters (6)

One thousand years ago, during Celestia's war with Nightmare Moon, her greatest general Atticus scipio equestria's first human was turned to stone in the last battle. His battles and feats became stuff of legends. How he changed the equestrian army. How he led his outnumbered legion to victory. To the griffons he is the God of war. Now he is back. How will he adapt to this more peaceful Equestria and will his skills ever be needed again.

Chapters (9)

The citizens of Equestria are no strangers to the strange and unusual, especially when it comes to the Everfree Forest. So when the most dangerous creatures start mysteriously dying no one thinks it's unusual. In fact some believe there's someone or something protecting them. The ones who do call it 'the guardian' and speculate as to what it is. But all it is, is just a human who watches over Ponyville's inhabitants who wander in to the forest, and keeps hidden to protect himself. However everything changes when he meets an injured little filly named Applebloom.

Proofread by Regreme

Note: This is NOT a Sniper Elite crossover.

An Anthro HiE story, remember it's your choice to read this. Don't like it? It's your fault. But constructive criticism is welcome.

Chapters (5)

Sheogorath. The Prince of Madness. A man who has grown bored with his own world. When he brings his insanity to a land of peace, the Royal Sisters find themselves thrust into his world. A land of perpetual war and chaos. Survival is the least of their problems. If they are to find each other and return home, they must call upon the aid of a hero of prophecy. A hero that is said to rival the power of the sun itself. They must find him and prevent the destruction of two dimensions in the process. Little do they know how mentally unequipped this hero will be for both of them...

(The Dragonborn in this is going to be based on the default Nord look to make the story flow a little better.)

(And just as any author on this site will tell you, be gentle with me, this is my first fic, so there's no guarantee that it will exactly be perfect.)

Chapters (24)

Welcome to a piece of existence in which a valiant knight rises from his imprisonment against the powers that be in order to bring about true freedom to a land of talking, singing, and dancing ponies!

Now with more Whedon in every bite.

My second attempt at a fic and something I actually intend to write. A Displaced story line with elements from Artix Entertainment, Joss Whedon's Angel, and Most importantly...MLP!! I own none of the aforementioned works of fiction. Please don't sue!!

Chapters (60)

This story is a sequel to Vader's New Empire

Darth Vader and Tempest Shadow hunt for the Princess Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Main Six in Klugetown. And it is up to Twilight to prevent herself and her friends from getting captured.

A very special thanks to EJLightning007arts for making the first story art image, and to Jehovaservant for proofreading and editing this story.

Note: This story series follows the story line of the movie, for the most part.

This Star Wars/MLP crossover is set during the MLP movie, as a "What If Darth Vader was in My Little Pony: The Movie". After success of "I Will Not Fail", people requested sequels, so I plan to make 5 sequels. This is the 2nd of the 5.

(My entry into Scribblefest 2018)

Chapters (1)

Tempest Shadow gets a visit from none other that the dark lord himself, Darth Vader.

This is another Star Wars/MLP crossover short-fic in celebration of the MLP movie soon to be released in theaters this October (or November in Australia).

Cover image made and used with permission by EJLightning007arts.

Chapters (1)

Based on "My Overbearing Aunt" by Sketchy Unicorn; Not all transfers between Equestria and Earth were good ones, but one of the 'upper crusts' makes one certain 'bad transfer', into a new beginning.

Follow the story of James, as he is brought up within Canterlot by one of the upper-crusts of society. Once abandoned as a infant on one of the shuttles to Equestria from the Human world, being found by a strange stallion then brought to a family willing to take him and raise as their own.

Chapters (2)

Fenriss, queen of the Diamond Dogs, has longed for a pup of her own but due to her royal duites she has never gotten around to having one. However one day she finds a small baby human, which she names Kiba, and is given the chance to finally have a pup of her own. Now follow as Kiba finds his place in the world.

cover art was graciously done by Alejin, and I can never thank him enough for it.
Edited by the amazing Helping Hoof.

Chapters (11)