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It's that time of year again at Ponyville Elementary, with Family Appreciation Day. Little Apple Bloom is feeling left in the dust yet again, as all of her immediate family members are too busy to come in to speak. The little filly is left with only one other option:
Her "honorary" family member...
If only he had actually taken a bath for once...

Rated T for Trevor, so expect colorful language and some bloody good violence. Don't worry, no ponies were harmed in the making of this story.
However, many changlings were.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro.
Grand Theft Auto V belongs to Rockstar.

Edit at 12:05AM on 7/12/2014: Holy Featured Box!
Words cannot describe how much this means to me. Thank you all so much!

Edit at 12:40PM on 7/12/2014: Now with a Youtube reading by the amazing Soupr5! Check it out!

Chapters (1)

A 9 year old child named Austin, who has many secrets, ran from his home town because of an invasion. He has lost everything and everyone he loved. When the child has lost all hope, he was magically teleported to Equestria and is in the care of Princess Celestia. Will he find friendship in his new world or will he have to fight the darkness alone?

(This takes place when Twilight starts her friendship school)

Chapters (28)

Who would have thought a pony and a changeling could have children together. I certainly wouldn't have. This is Shining Armor, and I'm in a weird situation. Chrysalis has shown up to my home and dropped a kid off stating that it was our son.

What will Cadance think? How am I going to raise a changeling child? Why does Chrysalis keep coming into my life, and why am I finding it harder to keep her away? Hopefully answers can be found with as little problems as possible. Oh who the Tartarus am I kidding, my seed is a changeling! There's bound to be a problem along the way.

Story inspired by Bakki's excellent fanart.

Cover done by Droll3. Thanks Droll3, and go check his work out

Chapters (7)

Fluttershy has a secret. A secret that will lead the mane six on an epic quest to save Equestria. As her best friends try to cope with this discovery, they discover that each of them has a secret to share, and nopony wants to be the first to share theirs. Can the Elements remain in harmony long enough to save Equestria from a dastardly villain?

Warining: This could be considered a crackfic. Your mind will definitely be blown at least once.

Part One of the Family Secrets Saga.

Chapters (12)

One cold Hearth's Warming Eve, a pair of ponies find a human infant, crying, alone and cold. Not knowing where he came from or who he is, they decide to adopt him and raise him as their own.

Little Nicholas is crafty, if he was a pony he would surely become a carpenter like his adoptive father, but instead, he uses his skills to make toys and thank all the ponies of Ponyville each year with their very own toys.

This is the story about how the human Nicholas became a saint, and a legend all foals would one day come to know. Santa Claus.

Inspired by:
The life and adventures of Santa Claus.
Christmas Chronicles

Chapters (11)

Friar Jacques de Charrette was tired. The Templars, his first Order, were gone, massacred by a treacherous King. His old wars are over, as the Kingdoms of Europe tear each other apart for land and power. Now a Hospitaller priest, and an old man, Friar Jacques expects nothing more than to live out the rest of his days in peace. But Providence has other plans in store for Jacques, and when a distant land has need of his aid, the dutiful warrior priest will answer the call.

He just would have preferred that someone warn him about the magical talking ponies.

Perhaps an odd foray into Human in Equestria writing, but I enjoy being unconventional. We often see modern men flung into the medieval world. What about a medieval man being flung into modern Equestria? A 14th Century Supplement in Celestia's Court is a companion volume, with a list of character descriptions (first chapter), canonical vignettes, and non-canon comedy chapters which will be added as time goes on. It is not required reading, but you may find chapters useful for context or amusing for the lack of context.

General disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction. 'My Little Pony' is the property of Hasbro and its affiliates. References to historical figures are made, but these are subject to creative license, and resemblance between original characters and those of other works are coincidental. I will make an effort to note when a historical reference is made in case people want to check the source material (and to cite my own sources), but these will be relatively few in number.

My Little Pony and its contents are the property of Hasbro, Inc. and its affiliates. Please support the official release.

Cover art is Heor Corbray by Nordheimer - it is the property of Nordheimer and I own nothing of it; thanks to lordelliot for finding the original, since I couldn't remember where I found it.

Chapters (44)

Tempest and her guards was patrolling through the castle after hearing a couple of their men died from an unknown entity. Even with her expertise, does she have the chance against a Wolf?
Sekiro/Wolf is from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice made by From Software.

Chapters (1)

Paladin Commander John Maxon unexpectedly arrives in orbit above Equestria. Following a 90 year interstellar journey to Proxima Centauri in Cryostasis, John must learn to survive and inspire in a strange new world.

Chapters (31)

Chrysalis sent Twilight deep into the abandoned caves beneath Canterlot to stop her from interfering with her conquest of Equestria, but what if that was not the first time Twilight has been down there. And what if Celestia was not the first individual to take notice of Twilight's potential, nor the most powerful. What happens when the hunger for love clashes with the hunger for knowledge. And which will Twilight choose?

Cover by Santafer

My little pony is owned by Hasbro
Elder scrolls is owned by Bethesda Softworks

Chapters (34)

Cover art courtesy of Taggerung

And yes that's Geralt in Equestria Girl style for infinite justice

Note: Familiarity with The Witcher series is probably not necessary for enjoyment of this fic. There are a lot of references to events from the books (Especially Sword of Destiny), but the important ones are explained anyway.

Geralt of Rivia had a complicated life on The Continent. Navigating difficult political situations, getting shorted by his clients, slaying monsters, and living as an outcast had made things challenging for the witcher.

But now, Geralt has found himself in a foreign land, with foreign customs and behavior. Seeking to do what he has always done – find witcher's work slaying monsters – Geralt is about to discover just how simple things can become. And how challenging the simplest of things can really be.

Friendship. I'm talking about friendship. It's simple, but it's challenging, get it? Don't overthink this. The comedy and random tags exist for a reason. Also, sex tag is for references to sex, not because of actual sex. Get your heads out of the gutter.

Chapters (11)