• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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For obvious reasons, Hearts and Hooves Day has always been Cadance's favorite holiday. She and Shining Armor like to spend the holiday in Ponyville, but while Shining is busy making preparations for the evening, Cadance was hoping to meet up with Twilight to tease Anon for being single. Again. To their surprise, he has gone missing. Now, the hunt is on for Ponyville's resident human. Did he really get a special somepony, or is he just trying to avoid the princess of love again?

Meanwhile, Anon isn't aware that his whereabouts are a secret.

Chapters (2)

You and Umbra have been going steady for the better part of a year now. With a stable job and some nice friends to boot, you both have finally made the decision to move in together. Although, there's that lingering question in your mind of how a displaced human like you can get along with a queen like her.

One picture can answer that for you.

Contains: M/F, Human x Anthro Pony, Unguligrade Anthro, Rule 63 Sombra, Mentions and Implications of Sex (I put the tag just in case)

Cover art is NOT made by me. It's made by the lovely Evehly. (Derpibooru 2966607 - Pic is semi-nsfw)

Featured on 8/21/2023 (Thank you all!)

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Played for a Foal

Knowledge of the previous story is not required.

The tale of how Anon, a human completely unrelated to the Crystal Empire's royal family, came to be known as Flurry Heart's uncle is a long one. The important part is that Flurry, now sixteen years old, sees him as a role model. She admires his sense of freedom and his carefree outlook on life. That's what she wants for herself, too. Unfortunately, her parents seem dead set on forcing her to be a picture perfect princess.

Ugh, growing up sucks.

Chapters (1)

After a long journey into the South Luna Ocean to study foreign aquatic creatures, Fluttershy encounters a massive lizard capable of causing untold amounts of death and destruction. He isn't afraid to do so, either, so long as it would protect the planet from those that would wish harm upon it. Luckily, thanks to the efforts of many hardworking creatures, there are no such threats. This has left him... kinda bored.

Imagine her friends' shock when they discover Fluttershy's kinship with this creature.

Requested by THE_LONE_WRITER.

Chapters (1)

Having taken a short midsummer vacation with Celestia, you've gotten quite comfortable in the little mountain cabin. Tonight, it's just the two of you, with the sound of the raindrops above you making your worries feel miles away.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle took the Equestrian throne several years ago. Anon, her human friend, works at the castle as an advisor for her. However, lately he has been disappearing right after work, and Twilight is curious as to why. On top of that, he isn't the only one acting strangely, as her mom has been acting very dodgy around her too. Twilight has some suspicions as to why this is.

Chapters (1)

By sheer dumb luck, you learned about an upcoming invasion of Ponyville planned by Queen Chrysalis and her army of changelings. Unfortunately, there are two major problems. First, Twilight and her friends are currently on vacation, meaning that the only thing standing between the changelings and Ponyville is little old you. Second, the invasion is supposed to occur at sunrise, which is about an hour away.

Oh dear.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to In Plain Sight

Princess Twilight Sparkle has become the new ruler of Equestria. Just as you're getting ready to finally settle down with Celestia, she disappears. You made a vow to protect her, but what will you do when, faced with the kidnapper, the world looks the other way? Does Celestia even want to be saved?

The climax of the Royal-Tea series.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Loaded Question

Part of the "Royal-Tea" series. In just a few short weeks, Twilight will become the ruler of Equestria, and not long after that, you will be wed to Celestia. You seem to have your ducks in a row in preparation for the life you've always wanted, but your plans come to a screeching halt when you wake up to a world where you're invisible, inaudible, and incorporeal. Not only that, but any sign that you ever existed in the first place has disappeared. What's going on?

Chapters (5)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has been the ruler of Equestria for many years. She is really growing into her role well (both mentally and physically), and thanks to the support of those around her, she's doing a pretty good job to boot. As her husband, you have the monumental task of being there for her when the stresses of princesshood start to get to her.

Today, she is tired.

Chapters (1)